How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

The Lie Grows

*In Pete's Point Of View*

Phoebe went to take a shower. I told her that Patrick's idea of her getting some fresh air wasn't a bad idea. But of corse, being Phoebe Stump, she had to be clean and flawless. I don't see how she can look, smell or be any more close to perfect than she is already. I decided to watch some TV. Halloween was on. One of the best old school horror movies ever. It's amazing how calm these chicks are the first few times they see Michael Myers. I'd probably piss my pants if I saw him. I laughed at the thought. I wonder what Phoebe would do. Ha ha probably make me go try and shoo him off. It's strange, I'd LOVE to be her protector. Maybe i'm just thinking early 16th century customs. The truth is, Phoebe is a pretty tough chick. I still can't believe she slapped me earlier today...and bit me...and pushed me against a wall. I'm still trying to figure out where all that came from.
I's not like she's completly innocent, yeah she has her pervert moments...but she's also not...dirty? Ugh I can't explain it. I hered the water stop and the bathroom door open.
"You decent?" I asked.
"Yup." She replied.
I turned off the tv and went to her bedroom. Sure...she was decent...bearly. She was wearing a black robe over her dark red boyshort and tanktop underware set.
"Whats up Petey boy?" She asked towel drying her hair.
I sighed and layed down on her bed. "Nothing...everythings fine."
She walked over to her dresser and picked out a pair of dark jeans and a My Chemcial Romance band T."
She slipped both over her tank top and boyshorts and turned to me. "Ready for that walk, babe?" She asked.
I smiled and went to her for a hug.
She giggled sweetly. Oh that giggle of hers. She smelled so damn good. "Whats your perfume, babe?" I asked digging my nose in her soft wet hair.
"Hmm. I don't know. It's old though. Why?"
"You smell fantastic." I said rubbing her back. She laughed.
"You do. Like a slice of heaven i'm fortunate enough to have."
She pulled away from our hug and grinned.
"You're too much to handle in one sitting, Pete Wentz." I love the way she says my name. Pete. Pete. She accents the T in Pete. The way her eyes light up when she says it.
"Well, come on. We've got to take that wak before it gets late." I said kissing my little angel's forehead. She's so adorable. So petite. Shorter than Patrick.
She grabbed her "The Black Parade" visor and put it on her head winking at me. I laughed at the sight. Her and Patrick are so much more alike than either of them likes to believe.
"A Hat?" I asked.
"Yeah...why not? Hats are awesome." She said.
"It's just..."
"What? Oh come on Pete. Growing up with Patrick and his hat obsession. I may even have more than he does."
"Thats...impossible." I mumbled.
"Ha ha. He stole about half of my hats."
"Well, that explains that hat I found on his tour bus bed..."
"Oh?" She asked.
"I Love Rocker Boys..."
She bursted out laughing. He and I switch hats every tour...kind of like a tradition. He gives me one of his favorites, and I give him one of my favorites...that way, no matter how far he is from me, i'll always have him close by...I know, it's stupid."
"No. Thats sweet!" I said touching her cheek.
She half smiled.
"Come on, Wentz. Lets go before Patrick calls us to his apartment."
I smiled and followed her out.
She's just too adorable for words.

*In Jessica's Point Of View*
I Love Patrick to death. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do for that man, but sometimes I swear, he's so fucking oblivoius to everything that is going on. Phoebe's been acting so strangely, so has Pete. When Patrick and Phoebe went mini golfing I called up Andy And Joe for lunch. We all agreed that something HAS to be going on with Pete and Phoebe. I've yet to ask either if thats true but Phoebe can't hide anything if her life depended on it. Especially when it regards Pete. Even before she and I became friends...just by the way she says Pete's name, the way she looks at him, the way she hugs him. If Patrick would look a little more carefully I'm sure he would haev figured it out by now. Tonight we're all getting together and something isn't quite settling with me. The fact that Patrick is WAY too protective over her and that Phoebe doesn't hide a thing from Patrick just means something very very bad is about to happen. Before I jump to any conclusions, I need to figure out if the boys and my theory is anywhere near correct. Patrick is taking a shower so calling Phoebe is possible. I ran and fetched the house phone and dialed in Phoebe's Number.
Phoebe: Hello?
Jessica: Hey Pheebs. What are you doing?
Phoebe: came over earlier and said it would be a good idea before we all go out tonight...that I get some fresh air...air...
Jessica: Oh my gosh Phoebe. You're so luck i'm not're so luck Patrick is oblivious...
Phoebe: What do you mean?
I sighed. This girl is gonna play dumb now.
Jessica: Whats going on? Spill! I already know everything.
She gasped.
Phoebe: Wait...know everything about...shit...about what?
Jessica: About you and Pete, dumbass!
I looked aound the room and listened for the sound of the falling water and random singing from Patrick's shower...
Both stopped.
Phoebe: What? Where's Patrick?!
Jessica: He...he was in the shower...but..
Phoebe: Can you hear him singing?

I hesataited...
Jessica: I don't...I don't hear the water OR him singing...
Phoebe: Shit...did he hear you with your big fucking mouth?!
Jessica: I...I hope not...WAIT! Thats a confession!
The line was quiet.
Jessica: Well?
Phoebe: Don't tell Patrick. We're telling him tonight.
Jessica: WHY TONIGHT?! WHy not when it started?
Phoebe: I didn't feel it was the right time...
Jessica: Shit, I don't know how he's gonna handle that...tonight? Why can't you do it some other night?
Phoebe: What do you mean "handle" it?
Jessica: Come on, you're his sister, he's his best friend...
"What about Pete and Phoebe?" Patrick asked towel drying his hair.
My eyes widened.
"P-patrick...I was just...uh..." I tried to say. He looked to me in confusion.
"Is that Phoebe on the phone? Lemme talk to her." Patrick said walking closer to me.
"NO!" I blurted out.
He stepped back quickly.
"Baby...are you okay?" He asked touching my hair.
Phoebe: What the hell is going on? Don't tell him!
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I said hanging up the phone and running out the door.
"Jessica! Jess!" Patrick yelled running to catch up with me.
He runs a lot faster than I remember.
He grabbed on to my waist and spun me around to look at him.
"Jess...what was that all about?" He asked looking into my eyes.
Fuck, I can't lie to him when he's looking into my eyes.
"I was had...she..."
"WOAH! Rape!" Andy yelled breaking the moment. Patrick glared at him and Joe coming closer to us. Thank God.
"But's only rape if it's not wanted." Joe added wriggling his eyebrows. Patrick sighed and gave me a look meaning 'this isn't overwith.'
Joy, not only do I have to keep this newfound secret from the love of my life, but it's probably gonna be on his mind. The last thing I need is for Patrick to start thinking it's his fault.

*In Joe's Point Of View*
I'm guessing andy and my arrival was a little too early? Patrick had Jessica pinned to a wall and was looking deep in her eyes. Either the stump wanted sex, or something just happened. I gave Jessica a confused look careful to avoid direct contact with Patrick's eyes.
She sighed and looked down mouthing the name 'Phoebe'
"What about Pheebs?" Andy blurted out.
Patrick looked over to the three of us and I swear our hearts skipped a beat.
"Oh Patrick. You look so damn hot when you think something's going on." Jessica said wrapping her arms around Patrick. He blushed and pulled down his hat. They both walked in front of us and Jessica quickly mouthed 'call Phoebe.'
Shit this night is gonna be interesting.
Andy pulled out his cell phone and dialed Phoebe's number still not quite sure of why he was doing it.
I could hear Jessica giggling and whispering something to Patrick.
"Mmkay. I'll be back in a minute." He said rushing off to his bedroom.
Andy and I looked at Jessica in question.
"What?" She looked to make sure Patrick was out of earshot.
"Okay, heres the thing. Pete and Phoebe are together...she's planning on telling everyone, mostly Patrick tonight."
We were speachless.
"Well, don't just stand their! I can only stall Patrick for so long. Call her!"
"'s Patrick gonna take this?" Andy asked.
"You should ask know...hypothetically."
"Thats a great idea. You guys call Pheebs, i'll stall baby."
"Done" We all said in unison.

I hope nothing too overdramatic happens tonight.