How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?


*In Patrick's Point Of View*
" conclusion...I really do believe that we are not alone in this universe." Andy said looking so serious it was freaky.
I cleared my throat. "Andy?" I asked.
"Yeah Trick." He said looking hopeful.
"Well I uh..."
He grinned trying to look innocent.
"Ugh, that was bull shit I swear Andy."
"Well, it's an issue that needs more attention...I feel that you have been neglecting the american search"
I took off my hat and ruffled my hair. What the fuck is going on lately?
"Look Andy, i'm in a good mood today so i'll save you some time and I won't kick your ass for that pathetic waste of about ten minutes of my life. However, I can't speak for my sister. I'll just let her kick your ass." I said putting my hat back on.
"Pfft. Pheebs? She's way too hot to kick ass." He said laughing.
I glared into his eyes.
"What the fuck is everyone's deal today?" I asked getting a little frustrated.
"What are you talking about, Trick?" He asked.
"Ugh. Jessica asked me a hypothetical question asking me how would I feel if Pete was screwing Phoebe."
He cleared his throat.
"Screwing...Phoebe?" He asked.
"Fine. 'Making Love', Fucking pansy." I said waving my hands in the air and rolling my eyes.
"No...that just...doesn't seem like what Jess would say...Were those her exact words?" He asked.
"Not exactly. She just wanted to know what my thoughts would be if Pete and Phoebe were a couple."
"Well, what would you feel?" He asked.
"Hell Fucking No. That shit isn't gonna work. No way, no how."
"Shit." He mumbled under his breath. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"You seem dissapointed about that." I said.
"'s not that. It's just..." He sighed. "Why would you have a problem with it? Pete is a nice guy."
"Look, it's a fucking hypothetical question. It's not like Pete and Phoebe are ACTUALLY a couple." I said.
He laughed. It sounded forced.
"What the hell was that?" I asked.
"But I uh...nevermind. Everyone seems to be a little weird today...I'm just gonna let it go. Did you call my sister?" I asked.
He looked like a dear caught in the headlights."Uh well...Joe was...then I was...then I wa-"
"Did you guys call Phoebe yet? What about Pete?" I asked interupting him.
"Well, see...we were"
"Shit. Forget it. I'll call her." I said taking my cell phone out of my pocket. Andy started to fidget with his hands.
"Please Enjoy The Music While Your Party Is Reached.
I Can't get no, satisfaction. I Can't Get No, satisfaction. And I try, and I try, and I try.
"Hello?" A guys voice answered, it kind of sounded like Pete. I could hear female giggling in the backround.
Patrick: "Pete?"
"Pete, PETE stop screwing around and give me my phone back." The female voice said.
Patrick: "Pete? Is that Phoebe?"
Pete: "Oh...Hi Trick. Whats up?"
"Give me my damn phone Pete!"
I started to get mad.
Patrick: "Pete, give Phoebe back her phone."
Pete: "Ugh Trick. Killing my fun when you're not even here"
Patrick: "Give her back the fucking phone."
He groaned.
Pete: "Fine."
Phoebe: "Hey Patty Pat. Whats up?"
Patrick: "Where are you?"
Phoebe: "My apartment..."
She's lying...I can hear it in her voice.
Patrick: "Quit lying Phoebe."
Phoebe: "I'm...not lying Patrick."
I started to lose my patience.
Patrick: "Fine Phoebe Adrienne. You don't have to tell me where you are...just...just come on. We're all waiting at my apartment."
Phoebe: "Fine. I'll see you in a bit."
Patrick: "K Pheebs. I love you."
Phoebe: "I love you too trick. See you in a bit."

We hung up and everyone in the room seemed to be looking at me.
"What the fuck? Finish getting dressed Jess." I said sitting on the recliner. She scoffed and went to our bedroom. Stupid people. They act like they've got something to hide.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thats it for now. Next chapter will hopefully be better.