How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Clean Thoughts Peter, Clean Thoughts

*In Pete's Point Of View*
Kinda creepy, myself I mean. I'm not really sure why I was so insistant on taking off Phoebe's bra. Just...I don't know. I'm gonna have to try harder to respect her. Girlfriend or not, thats still Patrick's little sister. In no way do I want to make Patrick angry with me. So i've found an easy way to keep all of us happy. I'll just treat Pheebs like the princess that she is. I have a horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach. I keep having these flashbacks on things Patrick has told me and the rest of the band. Things that make me feel so bad. So guilty...

I know you woudent EVER think about getting together with my baby sister. Because if you do. Bad things will happen to you. She's off limits! That goes for ALL of you.

Stuff like that. Saying how Phoebe is off limits. I remember once on tour we were all joking that one day I would end up with Phoebe. Patrick joked for a while until I said. "It's not a horrible thing. She is insanly pretty." Everyone stopped laughing and Patrick shot me the worst look he's ever gave anyone. I remember so clearly what he said.
"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz The Third...if you ever, and I mean EVER even THINK about getting together with MY baby sister. I swear Pete. I'll make you fucking regret it."
I shivered. Yeah, hot water is pouring down on me and still Patrick's cold words can send shivers down my spine. I started to lather my hair so I can finish with this shower. I've been in here a little longer than normal and I don't want Pheebs to think i'm doing something...ahem. Explicit? It's not like i'm a sex addict or something. It's just...sometimes I can't control myself. It gets crazy and I end up hurting people I care about. No one i've ever been with means half as much to me as Phoebe does. It's fucking insane. No way i'm screwing this up. I hered music from Phoebe's room. She's done with her shower obviously. I rinsed my hair out and shut off the water. I wonder how things over at Trick's house are going. Based only on how fast Phoebe wants to get out of here, i'm guessing things arn't too promising. I don't want to upset Patrick, seeing as how once he finds out about me and Phoebe, I probably won't be his favorite person in the world. I finally finished drying myself off, I found my boxers and pants and pulled them over my lower region. Did I get a shirt? Fuck! I opened the door to see Phoebe on the phone. She was in underware and a robe. Her chest was still a little wet from her shower and she was towel drying her strawberry blonde hair with her free hand. Her legs had beads of water on them and her toes were slightly curled. Okay Pete. Just keep your eyes on her face and everything will be fine...just eyes on hers...above chin. CLEAN THOUGHTS DAMN IT. "Pete? You okay?" She asked putting her hand to the phone receiver.
"Uh...yeah? I'm...yeah...everything is uh...fine?" I answered.
"Pete your uh...sweating." Phoebe said looking at me very strangly.
"No..." My voice kind of cracked. I felt like I was in middle school with my voice cracking and me breaking out in a cold sweat. As long as I keep my eyes on her and not her chest, legs, hair, stomach, and not to stare too deep in her eyes, I should be fine.
"But Pete you're uh...hey give me a second Jessica. Pete is being...just give me a second." She said putting the phone on her bed.
I started to look around the room nervously. Please...just keep eyes on her...eyebrows! Yes, no danger of looking too deep into her eyes then.
"Panda Bear, you okay?" She asked putting her soft, lucious hands on my face.
"Oh sweet lord." I exhaled.
"Hmm?" She questioned.
"I uh...nothing."
"You feel warm Pete." She said putting her cheek to mine to compare temperatures.
I prayed that my skin tight jeans would keep my little... problem under wraps. Clean thoughts Peter. Clean thoughts.
"Hmm." She said feeling my stomach.
"Is that um...really neccesary?" I asked.
"Yes Pete. I just want to make sure that you're not getting a fever. Are you feeling okay?" She asked.
"I um...yeah it's just...I uh..." I looked down to my feet.
"Aw come on Pete. You can tell me anything." She said picking up my chin with her hands. Damn you soft hands.
"Okay Phoebe...i'm trying really really REALLY hard to control myself and be a gentleman. But theirs only so much I can do when your hands are all soft and your eyes are all deep and your hair is all soft and wet then your legs have beads of water running off of them, making the carpet wet, Then you're like...dabbing your chest dry and it's really really fucking sexy and I really really can't be held responsible for my actions if you don't dry yourself off and like...put on a big huge sweater."
Her angelic face hinted a smile.
She leaned in to hug me. I hugged her back hoping to I wouldn't get too...happy.
"Peter Wentz. I love you so much." She whispered. Her warm breath was flowing onto my neck.
"Ahhh damn." I mumbled.
"Uh...nothing. I love you too Phoebe."
She chuckled and kissed my neck in the very same spot her breath had been hitting it.
"Ahhh." I kind of sighed leaning on her a little.
If their was ever a horrible moment where my body could betray me, of course this is the time it would do it. I felt a horrible pain which was brought more into focus with Phoebe's voice.
"Ow. Pete something is...oh..." She said looking down to see what was stabbing her thigh. I could feel my face turn a deep shade of red.
She half smiled and kissed me softly.
"Pete. I'm going to get dressed. Then we're going to go to Patrick's house. You...take care of that." She said breifly looking down to my shame. She hugged me again. "Please hurry Pete...that looks...painful." She said looking at my problem again.
I nervously chuckled and went back into the bathroom. What a great day this has been eh?
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