How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Fall Out Dorks

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
Pete is driving. I've already called Patrick and said that Pete is getting a ride with me, so things don't seem suspicious. The entire ride, i've been gripping Pete's hand. I'm sure he's lost all feeling in it, but yet he continues to hold it. Never did I think I'd ever actually be with Pete. I pictured him getting married spontaniously to a superfan and then break up within the first year. I laughed. Nah, really...I imagined Pete getting married to some average girl. Them dissapearing into some remote little town, and just growing old together. Pete has said that's he wants when Fall Out Boy's time is over. He freaks me out when he talks like that. So many things he's involved in. Fall Out Boy, Clandestine Industries, Some occasional acting and modeling jobs. I don't ever think that he'll completly shy away from the public eye.
"Whatcha thinking about, precious?" He asked while he kissed my hand. I smiled.
Pete grinned at this and lifted his eyebrow.
"Just what about me, babe? Was it my massive biceps, how sexy I look when I play my bass, how my body feels above yours? What was it?" He asked.
I laughed and squeezed his hand.
"I think it was your extreme modesty."
He smiled and kept driving.
Finally after what felt like forever, we were in the parking lot of Patrick and Jessica's apartment complex. Pete sighed and turned off the car. He parked kind of distant from Patrick's building.
"Well, we're here." I said
"Yup..." He said looking down at his shoes.
"Pete, shouldn't we start walking over to Pa-"
"Ugh I can't fucking take it." He said interrupting me and quickly bolting to my side of the car to attack my mouth.
"Pwete...Pweter..." I said against his lips.
"Shh." He said pressing his lips into mine. I started to unbuckle my seatbelt, but he grabbed the hand that was trying.
"Nu uh. It's kind of sexy that you're tied down..." He said licking my cheek.
"Ugh Pete...c'mon...stop..." I said as he bit down on my neck.
He started to grind his hips into mine.
I started to laugh at his attempts at unbuckling my belt.
"Petey..." I said.
He started to groan in frustration.
"Just a minute. Your belt is stuck!" He said fumbling with it
I started to laugh and I put my hands on his.
"Pete..." I said trying to hold back laughter.
"No Pheebs. C'mon! I've almost got it."
I started to laugh more.
"Pete, you're too adorable. Come, come. Everyone is waiting."
He sighed. "I'm sorry...I promise. I'll be good." He said opening his door and getting out of the car. He came over to my door and opened it.
I looked up at him and smiled.
"You have a little something on your lip..."
"I do?" He started to touch his lip with his fingers.
"You uh...hold on. Let me get it." I said pulling him in to kiss him.
He smiled and kissed me back.
I pulled away and put my finger to his lips.
"Just don't be too good Petey Boy."
He took my hand in his and we started to make out way towards Patrick's apartment. Finally getting towards the stairs, I let go of Pete's hand.
He looked to me in confusion. "Pete, we can't let Pete see us...y'know...holding hands."
"Yeah...I guess you're right."
"I am right Pete...we'll just keep it a secret a little while longer." I said quickly kissing his cheek.
"Psh, not like I wanted to hold your hand anyway." He said crossing his arms. I laughed and made my way up the stairs.
He started to groan.
"Can I help you?" I asked looking back quickly.
"You take forever goig up the stairs. So does your brother."
"Psh. It's not MY fault you're impatient."
"Well, it's your fault you and Patrick have short legs."
"Woah, leave my short legs alone. They never did anything to you."
"Yeah, I know. I happen to like your short legs. They're hot." He said reaching for my right leg.
"Oookay Pete. Just a few more hours to control yourself." I said with a smile.
"Hmm, okay. But you ARE walking too slow."
"What...Pete what are you gonna do?"
Before I could object, he lifted me up bridal style and ran up the stairs.
"Ahhh! Shit PETE!"
"Hold on and stop squirming, you'll fall off that way."
"Fuck! Pete! Ahh shit! Pete!"
"Stop squirming babe." He said kissing my head. I decided to hold on tightly to his small frame as he started to run faster. Patrick's neighbors started to come out of their apartments. I waved to the ones I knew.
Finally he stopped right in front of Patrick's door.
"You uh...gonna let me down soon?" I asked.
"I think that-"
"PETE! PHOEBE! You made it...uh...why are you carrying Phoebe?" Patrick asked opening the door and giginv Pete an angry look.
"Patrick! Lovely to see you too sexy man candy!" Pete said putting me down and kissing Patrick firmly on his right cheek.
I started to laugh. "Aw fuck, do I really have to spend all night watching what you two do on tour?"
Patrick's eyes widened and he stared at me.
"Phoebe Adrienne Stump, do you really think we do this on tour?" He asked.
I started to laugh. "Well, we all know Pete can't keep it in his pants, and hell, with no one to watch you two, who the hell knows what you two do?" I asked lifting my eyebrow.
"Well, wee one, let me tell you the secrets of Fall Out Boy on tour. We actually start with some booze, then we-"
"Damn it Pete! This is my sister!" He said putting his hands over my ears.
I started to laugh.
"Patrick, i'm 22...not like i'm a child." I said wiggling out from under his grip and walking into his apartment.
"Well, c'mon Stumpy." Pete said wrapping his arm around Patrick. Patrick groaned at the touch. Patrick never was one for Pete's weird activities.
I laughed. "Pete, don't rape my brother too much will ya?" I asked Pete.
"I can't make any promises Pheebs. Your brother is sex on legs." He said kissing Patrick's cheek.
"Ugh fuck. It's gonna be a long ass night." Patrick said trying to get loose of Petey Boy's grip.
I made my way to Jessica and Patrick's room walking past Andy and Joe who were mindlessly watching tv.
"Oh Jesssiccaaaaa." I sang peeking my head into the room.
"Oh you slut! Get your ass in here!" She said in a hushed tone.
"What be crackin homefly?" I asked making gangster hand gestures.
"Shit shit shit! The door! Close the fucking door!" She said pushing me to the door.
"Psh. PMSing much?" I mumbled as I closed the door.
"Shut up! Just shut up Phoebe...and anyways, those are your brother's initials."
"Ha ha. Very funny. So, whats up with calling me a slut?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. She shot me a glare like I did something wrong.
"You left us waiting about an hour! I know you and Pete did something! Drinking coffee doesn't take but ten minutes, now spill Stump!"
I started to laugh.
"Is THAT what you think was going on?"
"Well, me, Andy, and Joe. Poor Patrick is still clueless, but until how much longer? He's cluless for now, but Patrick isn't stupid. It's only a matter of time before he finds out and kicks you and Pete's ass."
"Okay, One, Patrick wouldn't kick my ass. The last time he even hurt me physically was when he was like 17. I was 16, and I broke something of his. He pinned me down and hurt my arm. It didn't break or anything, he just bruised it like hell. So yeah, and Two, Patrick...well...he would kick Pete's ass...but...I wouldn't let it happen."
"How much can you do to stop him? It's not like when you two were kids. You just can't call mama stump to stop him."
"Psh. Mom can still stop Patrick." I said folding my arms. Little does she know, Patrick and I stll fight at Thanksgiving while my other brother, Kevin watches from the other room. Mom somehow stops us with the smell of her fantastic pumpkin squares.
"Yeah, Kevin isn't always gonna be there to hold him back and mama stump ain't always gonna be there to make her pumpkin squares."
"Psh. For your information, Kevin never holds Patrick back...he just watches from the other room..."
"Whatever, same difference. You're missing my point."
"AHH! I'm hungry." I said walking away. It wasn't entirely a lie, I am a little hungry, but I really don't want to hear Jessica bitch at me anymore. I know this is dangerous.'s nothing I can't handle.
I got to the living room and saw Andy and Joe still mindlessly watching tv. The only difference now is that now they had food.
Andy was happily munching on a celery stick while Joe was eating a chocolate bar.
"Chocolate and Celery eh? How about some pork instead?!" I joked.
"NO!" They both said in unison. I love bringing up the issue of pork. Joe being jewish and not eating pork, and Andy being a Vegan, not eating any animals or by products of animals.
"Scoot over, Andy." I said. He scooted over and I planted myself inbetween the two.
"Whatcha watching?" I asked anyone.
"Cops! It's awesome!" Joe said taking another bite of his chocolate bar.
"Thats the cop then?" I joked.
Andy looked over to me and scrunched his eyebrow.
"Petey boy isn't keeping you very interested then?" He asked.
"Woah dude! Whats that supposed to mean?"
"Duh. We all know you and him are screwing." Joe said bluntly
"Ugh! We're not screwing. We're dating. And will you keep it down you dumbass! I don't want Patrick to hear!" I said putting my hands over the boy's mouths.
"Don't want me to hear what?" Patrick asked as he came in with Pete on his back. I guess Pete got bored and asked for a piggy back ride.
"Ha ha! Petey boy! Ride that stump!" Joe said jumping off the couch. I groaned and layed down putting my head in Andy's lap. He smiled and started to stroke my hair.
"Just let him be an idiot, Pheebs. This is just too fun to pass up." He said kissing my hand.
"Ahhh! Couch flirting!" Joe said quickly sitting on my stomach.
I groaned as he knocked the wind out of me.
"DOG PILE!" Pete yelled.
"Shit! No!!" Before I could help myself, Andy had knocked me on the floor as the four strange band boys had created a dogpile, with me being the base of it.
"Ugh! How come no one ever calls me when we decide to dog pile someone?" I could hear Jessica say. I wish I could see her. All I could see was Pete's Clandestine tattoo and a very small part of Patrick's hat along with some peices of Andy's hair.
"And why doesn't anyone ever excude me from these things?" I asked
"Aw, it's cause we love you Pheebs." Pete explained.
I smiled.
"OW! Shit Patrick! What was that for?" Pete asked. I guess Patrick hit him?
"...foot slipped. My bad Pete, sometimes it just happens."
I rolled my eyes and my suspicious older brother.
"C'mon boys...and Phoebe. We've got reservations and i'll be damned if we miss them." Jessica said jingling her keys.
"Who's going in what car?" Andy asked.
"Cane we like...figure this out when I don't have like 300 pounds of band boy on top of me?"
"Psh. Not like Pete weighs anything." Joe said.
"Oh you'd be surprized" I mumbled under my breath.
"Whats that Pheebs?" Patrick asked in an interested tone.
"Uh...come on babe! We can take your civic. Um...we can take Andy and Joe...and um...Pete can go with Phoebe in her mustang...cause you know...that backseat can't hold too many people."
"Hmm, we can take Pete, and she can take Andy or Joe..." Patrick said.
"I'll take andy, i'll take Pete, i'll take Joe. FUCK! It doesn't matter, can you PLEASE get off?" I complained.
Patrick laughed as he got off, Joe followed, then Andy, then Pete.
"Kay! So, who am I riding with?" Pete asked wrapping my arm around me.
Patrick glared.
"Hey sweetie, he rides with us, he hits on you." Jessica said to Patrick. He cringed.
"Ugh. Pheebs, you can have him. I'll take Joe."
"Anyone want a drummer?" Andy asked. I smiled. "I'll take the pretty drummer!"
"Good. Pheebs, just follow us to the restuarant. I'll see you guys there."
"Sounds like a plan trick."
With that, I went off to my car along with Andy and Pete, as Patrick went to his car with Jessica and Joe. Tonight is gonna be a hell of a night, I predict.
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