How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Questions Without Answers

*In Jessica's Point Of View*

This is taking too long. I swear, Patrick drives like a little old lady. I'm pretty sure Phoebe, Pete, and Andy have already made it to the restuarant, even with Pete's sucky sence of direction. But then, maybe they made Andy drive so they can make out in the back seat like little whores. Andy can always tune them out with thoughts of random hot dogs. Some shit like that. He's really weird once you get to know him.
"Patrick, do you mind actually driving speed limit?" I asked looking over to him.
Patrick scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
"I am driving speed limit..." He replied awkardly.
" twenty people have passed us, and a few of them looked to be near death..."
"But...I just want you and Joe to be safe."
"Aww! Look at Trick being a pimp." Joe blurted out.
I rolled my eyes and began to read random anime that Patrick bought for me. Recently I've been reading this new series called DeathNot. Patrick never understood it, but ah well, his loss. Silly little man.
"I'm hungry." Joe said suddenly.
Patrick groaned.
"Thanks for calling attention to my hunger, Joe." He said pulling down his hat.
I laughed.
"You're so adorable when you eat." I mumbled hoping no one would hear.
"Aw, you too Jess. Maybe you can forget about the stump, and we can run away together." Joe said gripping his chest.
Patrick lifted an eyebrow at Joe's strange offer.
"Joe, you really should get out more." He said.
"I agree completly, Trick. What do ya say, Jess? Feel like dating a guitarist?"
I laughed.
"I AM dating a guitarist." I said pointing over to Patrick.
"Psh. Whatever." Joe said taking out his phone.
I laughed, but Patrick seemed to be a little uneasy. I smiled warmly and looked over to Patrick. I put my hand on his strong shoulder as he kept his beautiful green eyes focused on the road. I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned in to whisper into Patrick's ear.
"You know, that adorable eating comment was ment for you..." I said poking his stomach. He smirked and looked over to me.
"You enjoy doing that, don't you?"
I grinned. "How can you tell?" I said leaning back into my own seat.
"Cause I love you." He said tinting a slight shade of pink. I smiled. Patrick, Patrick, Patrick. He always finds new ways to surprize me.
"I love you too, Trick."
Patrick pulled over and in an instant, his seatbelt was unbuckled and he was on my side of the car. He cupped my face in his hands and began to kiss me softly.
"EW! Sick! If I really wanted to see you two sexing each other, i'd put a camera above your bed!" Joe said nudging Patrick's side. We both tuned him out though. And...we're not "sexing" each other. He's just kissing me. And really, we keep it pretty PG-13.
He pulled away and kissed my cheek. I giggled. Everytime he kisses my cheek, his sideburn rubs against it. It's an interesting thing. At first it freaked me out, but now, I expect and look forward to it.
He started to drive as Joe thanked us for not going any further. Stupid. Like i'd do that. Even though sometimes Patrick looks so damn sexy I just want to rip off all his clothes, I restrain myself. He's shy about that stuff, and I'm no slut, so it really doesn't happen. Unlike Pete and Phoebe, who LOVE attention...I wonder what they're up to.

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
"Well, we're here." Andy said parking my car.
"Finally!" Pete exclaimed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car. He made Andy drive even though I didn't mind driving myself.
"Ugh! Damn it Pete!" I said trying to get my arm back from his. He smirked and lifted me into the air. I yelped in pain as he dug his nails into my back to keep me from slipping.
"Ugh dumbass. If you drop her, I swear, you'll be in more pain than she will be." Andy said glaring at Pete.
"Yeah, Yeah. I know how to take care of my girl." Pete said kissing my cheek.
"Shit Pete! About that, when do you two plan on telling Patrick?" Andy asked in a serious tone.
"Soon Andy, Soon...just...not tonight. I don't want Patrick freaking out." I said in a calm tone.
"Psh. Patrick is gonna freak out PERIOD! Pete is his best friend, and you're his little sister. How the fuck can't he freak out?" Andy exclaimed.
"Pete...let me down, please." I whispered into Pete's ear. He quickly obeyed and I looked over to Andy.
"Andy...I've loved Pete forever, you know that, Jessica knows that, and Joe knows that. I'm not giving up Pete, just because Patrick may or may not dissaprove. Peter and I, we'll tell Patrick when the time is right."
Andy raised his eyebrow at this.
"Psh. And when will that be, Miss Stump?"
I smiled and pinched his cheek.
"When Pete and I go into hiding, you'll know the time has come."
" comes big brother Tricky Trick." Pete said coming behind me and lifting me up again.
"Fuck! Pete. When Patrick comes around, that means tone it DOWN!" Andy said in shock.
Pete grinned and lifted me up even further so I was on his shoulder.
Patrick's car speeded into the parking space next to us and quickly opened his door.
"What the fuck is going on?" Patrick asked scrunching his eyebrows.
"Patrick!" Pete yelled putting me down quickly and running over to my brother.
"I was just waiting for you, sexy friend!"
Patrick rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. C'mon guys. We have reservations." Patrick said. Jessica put her arm around me. It was kind of funny, she has maybe an inch on me. Yes...I'm not very tall.
"Whats up with the touching, Jess?" I asked looking over to her.
"Eh, your guy took mine, I mid as well take your boy's girl...which is you." She said flicking my nose. I looked down.
"Dude...that hurt." I said touching my nose.
"AH! Victory is mine!" I rolled my eyes.
Why can't today pass by faster. All I want is some time with Pete...
Just some time...
♠ ♠ ♠
Bahh. I'm sorry if this chapter was shitty. It's mostly a filler, hopefully If I can get off my ass and actually type something, updates will be quicker and better. XD. Anyway, this chapt goes out to Jessica who won't shut up about me posting. LoL dumbass fuck, I love you.
ps. Commeennttt. Please? :)