How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Drunken Jealousy

*In Pete's Point Of View*
Haaa. Phoebe is pretty. I never realized how pretty she is. If she wasn't moving around, she'd be a lot prettier. She leaned forward and told the taxi driver something. It sounded like a blur, so I'm not really sure. They both looked back at me, the driver shook his head and Phoebe just smiled.
"Woahhh. Whats going on?" I asked as the taxi suddenly stopped moving. Phoebe looked over to me like I was crazy.
"Um...c'mon Panda Bear, we've got to get you inside."
I grinned.
"Can I feel you up on the way over?"
She chuckled. "I'd rather you didn't." She took out a 50 and gave it to the taxi driver.
"Heyyyyy! What are you doing???" I asked.
They both looked over to me strangly.
"I'm paying him, Pete." Phoebe explained slowly.
"B-But whyyy??? You don't have to waste your money sexy. I'm freeeeeee." I said kind of loosing my balance.
"Oh my gosh! Pete!" Phoebe quickly said putting her arms around me. I grinned.
"Haaaaaa. Yesss! Victory is minneeeee. Phoebe Stump is touching meee!" I said in joy. She scoffed.
"Is he gonna be alright? He seems a little out of it." The taxi driver asked.
I grunted as Pete slipped down out of my hands.
"Ugh. He'll be fine. He's just a little...drunk." I said trying to pick him back up. As small as he is, he's extremly heavy.
"I see. Well, have a good night." He said.
"Chea! A Kickass night! Eh babe?" Pete asked. I shook my head.
After tugging and pulling, I finally got Pete all the way up to my apartment.
"Okay Petey Boy. Here's the apartment." I said. Pete was on my back. It took forever for me to convince him to let me carry him. The sad part, is I only weigh about 10 pounds lighter than him when he's off tour. When he's on tour, I'm pretty sure he and I weigh the same. All that sweating on stage, and him playing that bass of his...wearing mostly black, his hair getting in his face...him screaming to compliment Patrick's singing...jumping around stage, his hoodie occasionally lifting up to expose his stomach...with his Clandestine tattoo...FUCK!
I looked down to Pete who was laying at my feet.
"C'mon babe. Lets get inside." I said pulling my tiny boyfriend.
I got him inside, and I dragged him over to the couch.
"Lay down sweetie. Let me get you some water." I said turning around to the kitchen and getting him a glass of water in hopes of sobering him up. Whyyy did he have to drink so much?
I got his water and walked back over to the living room. He was jumping on the couch and singing A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me.
"I don't blame you, for being you, but you can't blame me, for hating itttttt." I smiled and leaned against the door. He's so adorable. Even if he is drunk.
"C'mon Phoebe! Jump with meee!" He wined.
"Isn't jumping on a full stomach bad?"
"Hmmmm...You've got a point. But hey, we're only young once right? Might as well fuck it up."
I laughed and nodded my head.
"You're so right." I said running towards Pete and jumping on the couch.
"Ah! Now thats my girl." He said putting his hands on my shoulders to keep me from falling off.
We jumped for a while, by the looks of it, he's a happy drunk. He's been just bouncing off the walls. I wonder if it's wrong that I think it's cute.
"AHHH!" He screamed as he stopped jumping to run over to the recliner. I looked at him. He began to rock back and forth in it. Ugh I swear he's so cute. I stopped jumping and sat on the couch I was at.
"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.
"MOVIE!" He said jumping up and down.
"Um...okay. Which one?" I asked.
"A scary one! That way, I'll have an excuse to cuddle with you." He said sounding like a little kid.
I smiled.
"You know, you don't need an excuse to cuddle with me, Petey."
"Oh my gosh! Like...seriously? I can cuddle with you...whenever I want?" He asked.
I laughed. "Of course. I don't think a boyfriend needs an excuse to cuddle with his girlfriend."
"Holy shit! You're my girlfriend?!" He asked in shock. I looked to him in confusion.
"Um...yeah...for a while now."
"Ahh! In THAT case..." Before I could think about anything, he was charging towards me and lifting me up.
He put me on my bed to run over to the DVD stand.
"What movie are you getting, Panda Bear?" I asked.
He grinned. "House Of Wax!"
I smiled at him being so damn adorable.
"Pop it in, sweetie." He looked over to me.
" do mean the dvd, right?"
"Of course...what else would I OH MY GOSH!" I said gasping at what he was trying to say.
He grinned again. "Well, I could do either, which would you prefer?"
I covered my eyes with my hands.
"Movie! Movieee!"
"Aw, but the other option is more fun!"
"Dammmnnn it Pete. Movieee."
"Suit yourself, doll."

*In Pete's Point Of View*
The movie was kind of boring after the thousandth time watching it. Phoebe loves it though. I told Phoebe I needed to go to the bathroom, but I went to get wine from her wine cabinet. With all the fancy-smanzy wines she has in there, you would think she was an alcoholic. In all reality, she hardly ever drinks. I took a gulp of some imported wine, and made my way back to Phoebe's room. It's maybe around like...3 AM...But, I don't trust myself right now..
The hallway started to move around, and I slipped trying to catch the door. Haaa! Silly me! I began to giggle. This is fucking funny! I'm a grown man...and I just fell in my girlfriend's apartment. He he! Girlfriend. Phoebe is my girlfffffrieenndddd..
The big door at the end of the hallway thing opened. And haa! Phoebe came out!
"Yayyyyy! You came to visit meee!" I said happily. She started to laugh. I'm not sure why...hell...maybe she's not even laughing. I looked on the walls, and there is this picture of a flower...maybe that flower is laughing.
"Shut the fuck up...fwower..." I slurred. Dammmnnn. Why can't I talk?
"Hmm. How about we get you off of the floor, Pete. Sound good?" She asked. Is she talking to me, or the flower?
"Woahhh! You named the flower, Pete?" I asked.
She scrunched her eyebrows. She looks confuzzled...HA! thats a new word!
"Pete...thats your name...and what flower are you talking about?" She asked.
"Duddddeee! That flower...on the wall called it Pete! Thats like...MY name! OH! And my dad's's his name too! Oh! Grandad has that name too! Weird huh?"
She sighed.
"Petey...did you drink more?"
I started to giggle. It's like...she has ESP or something...that's what it's called, right? ESP?
"Phoooeeebbeeee! Dude! It's called ESP, right?"
She crouched down next to me and put her arms around my waist.
"Oh my gossshhh! You're totally touching me! You want me!!" I cheered.
The next thing I knew, she was pulling me upward.
"Help me out here, Petey. You're not as light as you look." Ugh. She really likes that freaking flower.
"Phoebe...why do you like that flower more than you like me?" I asked.
" me here. Pick youself up, babe."
I did as she asked. Maybe if I listen to her, she'll like me more than the flower.
I got up, and wrapped my arm around her. "I like you! You're pretty." I said kissing her cheek.
She smiled.
"Thank you Petey. You're pretty too."
"HA! Take THAT! Ya mother fucking flower!" I said sticking my tounge out at the picture of a flower. She just laughed.
"I think we need to get you to sleep. I don't want you to hurt my picture, Pete. Okay?" She asked. I pouted.
" like me better than the flower?"
She laughed.
"You're so cute."
Girls are confusing...
She never answered my question.
Does she like me, or the flower better?