How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

I Want A Silver One, Bass Queen

Authors Note: Hello my lovelys. Sorry about the delay this chapter has had coming out. If you read my other story (What Makes You Love Me This Way) Then you know that school has been a monster. But no worries, school got out the 25th so i'm free to work on my story. Now the only thing stopping me is Band Camp, Drum Major camp and Writers Block eh? Enjoy, I hope it's not too much crap.

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
I sat at my desk hating myself. I just made a grown man moan in pain...and the worst part of it is, He payed me to do it. I became a dentist to help people, not to give them excrutiating pain. My door opened slowly. Marylin came in. "You okay Mrs. Wentz?" She asked. I flipped her off. "Hey, i'm just alerting you of what lies ahead. Face it chick, you're gonna be Pete Wentz's wife. You're destened to be the Queen of Emo Pheebs." She said. I rolled my eyes. As much as I want that to be sounds so fake. "I doubt that Marylin." I said laying my head on my desk hoping she would take the hint and leave. "I'm sure Pete likes you. No wait. I KNOW he likes you. Why wouldent he Pheebs? It makes perfect sence." She said. As much as I love Marylin, she can't take a hint to save her life. "No such thing as perfect my dear." I mumbled. "Well, this is perfect. When will you realize this and stop doubting me?" "Pfft. The day Pete Wentz wants to be my boyfriend is the day I buy you a car." "I want a Mercedes." She said blowing on her nails. "In your dreams, thats never gonna happen." I said getting up. "I want a silver one Bass Queen." I laughed. Pete is the one who taught me how to play bass guitar. Sure, Patrick taught me electric but Pete showed me the mysteries of the mighty bass. "I'll see you later Mar." I said leaving. I checked out and headed to my car way out in the parking lot. My life is so mundane. Go to work, think about Pete, drive home, think about Pete. I sighed. I guess it's time to go home and, yes. Think about Pete. Just as I was putting the key in the keyhole someone grabbed my from behind and covered my eyes. "DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE AND YOU GET TO KEEP THE USE OF YOUR LEGS PRINCESS" I gasped. "Oh shit." I said dropping my keys. He pushed me aganst my car and put some of his weight on me. He had a small frame. Although, him pushing down on me restrained my breathing. He licked my cheek. I could feel my heart rate speeding up as terror filled the inner corners of my soul. "I'll let you go if you can answer one simple question. Aggree?!" He hissed. I nodded quickly. He gripped me tighter. Just then, I saw one of my Co-Workers pass by. I hoped to god he would look this way. Why the hell didnt he look?? Can he not see i'm being attacked?! "Okay princess. Name the logo that the amazing Pete Wentz has tattooed on his very manly stomach." My eyes widened in anger. "PETE!" I said trying to wiggle free of his grip. He laughed and let me loose. I turned around swiftly to see Pete sporting a HUGE grin. "Hey Pheebs." He said opening his arms for a hug. "Oh! You Bastard!" I said punching his stomach. THATS why no one helped me. They all know Pete. He laughed. "You're way to easy to mug." He said bending over to get my keys. I jumped on him. "Pheebs, you weigh less than my bass." e said standing up straight, me still on his back. "I DO NOT!" I said throwing multiple punches to his back. "You're tiny too!" I said hopping off and lifting up his shirt to expose his bearly existant stomach. He gasped and backed away. Damn, I forgot how much I loved seeing his stomach. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked. "I want to shop with you for the break of tour party." "Oh God, you were serious about that." I said putting my palm to my face. "Of course, now get in, i'm driving." He said getting into the drivers seat. "You're gonna drive ME mustang?" I asked lifting my eyebrow. He laughed. "Damn straight I am. Now, get in pheebs." I sighed and got in the passengers seat. The first store he picked was a grocery store. "Mmmkay. We're that one chick thing." Pete started. "Um...what one chick thing?" I asked mocking him. "You know...the one chick thing. Where you get everything we need in a few minutes." He said with a smile. I laughed. "Well, it all depends on what we're eating, and how many people are coming, and what kind of music you're plannind on playing, and-" He cut me off by putting his finger to my lips. "A lot of people are coming, and i'm not sure what we're eating." He said almost in a whisper. "Hmm. Lets see...a lot of people. Party's a couple of hours actually...Queche!" I said clapping my hands together. "Queche? Uh Pheebs...something that doesent require a French accent." He said raising his eyebrow. "! I've got it! Lasagna!" I said smiling. "I...uh...Pheebs. I don't thin-" I cut him off by mocking him and putting MY finger to HIS lips. "Don't be so hard to block it out. Picture it. Lasagna, salad, i'll make garlic" I said. He smiled. I knew adding the wine thing would make him say yes. "It sounds fantastic Pheebs, but very complex. Are you sure you can do all that in just a few hours?" He asked. It was 4:00 now. "Start the party at mmm....say 8:30. I'll be ready by then Pete." I said. "You sure?" He asked. "That'll just mean that you're cooking nonstop from now till then." He said sounding so comcerned. "I'm sure. I'll be fine. Cash?" I asked looking in my purse. "Got it." He said handing me his credit card. I smiled. "Okay. Are you gonna do that one chink thing now?" He asked. "Bingo." I said winking. "Great, i'll get a cart." He said walking away. I thought of what I needed. Butter, yeast, pasta, tomatoes, garlic, cottage cheese, ground beef...I felt arms around my waist. I gasped as I was lifted into a shopping cart. I turned around to see Pete pushing the cart with a grin across his face. I rolled my eyes. "Someone's been hitting the caffene a little hard. Come on Pete. Stop the car, i'm getting out." He sighed and obeyed my wishes. "Why you gotta kill my fun?" He asked helping me out of the cart. "Why does your fun always include me?" I asked. "Cause you're the best damn thing that's happened to me." He said. "Oh heaven..." I said widening my eyes. He chuckled. "Don't act so surprized. If it wasent for you i'd still be thinking about suicide. Pheebs, you're the only one who stayed in that hospital room even when I was sleeping and wouldent be up for hours." He said. "How did you..." I started. "The nurses told me sherlock." He said laughing. To tell the truth, I was a little embarrased. I mean, all this time I thought he didn't know. I felt a little pathetic sleeping their overnight. Even when I knew that Pete wouldent be up for hours. "Aw. Don't be embarrased Pheebs. That was one of the few things that kept me from breaking into the medicene closet and overdosing all over again. Just knowing that someone cared...I thought it was sweet." He said. "Thanks Pete...I always thought that-" I was cut off by his phone ringing. I lowered my head. He sighed and reached for his phone. "It'" He said. "You should answer it then Pete." I said taking the shopping cart and leaving him to talk to his girlfriend. Oh Joy.

*In Pete's Point Of View*
Allison: Hey Baby, what cha doin'?
Pete: Shopping
Allison: Oh Silly Petey. You don't shop.
Pete: I do since this morning
Allison: Where are you shopping?
Pete: Grocery store. Phoebe needs ingredients for the break of tour party we're having tonight.
Allision: Oh...her...
Pete: Huh?
Allison: Nothing...just...
Pete: Just what?
Allison: I get the feeling she likes you...
I paused.
Allison: PETER!
Pete: Uh...yeah...quit being...weird Ali.
Allision: Why did you say that Pete?! Do You like that pathetic little peice of work? Oh this is hillarious Peter.
Pete: What did you call her?!?! How dare you?!
Allision: You know what? I don't need your fucking attitude right now Peter.
Pete: And I don't need you putting down Phoebe.
I hung up on her. Who does she think she is? Putting down my best friend like that. I'm gonna be honest with myself. Every girlfriend i've ever had, i've put Phoebe before them. Phoebe has and will always be number one in my life. Honestly, I may care for her than- y thoughts were interupted by a grocery cart hitting my ass. "Come on Pete. I'm done shopping and you need to pay." Phoebe said playfully. "Oh...Pheebs..." Her face turned from playful to puzzled. "You okay Pete? You look so shocked." She said looking more concerned. "Hmm. I have something at home that'll take care of that before it gets too serious Pete. How about we pay for this, I get you home, and then I can start on the food?" She asked touching my forehead. "Um...yeah, That sounds perfect." I said awkwardly. "Okay, Great Pete." I pushed the cart into a check out lane and payed for the groceries. Before we got back to Phoebe's apartment, I reminded her that we needed wine. She graciously payed for half of it. She drove home thiking I was too sick to drive. "Oh Phoebe. I'm fine, you don't have to worry." I said as she drove. She laughed. "I've always worried about you Pete." I unbuckled my seatbelt and crawled into the backseat. She sighed. "Pete what are you doing?" "Looking Looking for food." I said. "Everything I bought requires cooking sugar." "Oh, don't you lie to me. You're horrible at doing that to me. I know you have chips in here." I said ruffling through the bags. "Well, you don't know me as well as you think Wentz." she said reaching under her seat revealing a tube of pringles. I scoffed and went back into the passenger seat. "Hand em' over stump." I said holding out my hand. She pouted and handed me the tube.

*Time Lapse*
We got back to Pheobe's apartment. Phoebe got all the ingredients and put them in the kicthed. She ran into the bathroom and came back with a cup of medicece. "Okay Petey. Open up." She said putting her hand under my chin. I opened my mouth and she poured the medicene into my mouth. I made a face, it tasted discusting. "Ugh. That tasted nasty." I said. She smiled and revealed a bottled water she was hiding behind her back. I took it gratefully. "Okay Pete. I'm gonna et to making the food. You go and invite your guests and try to get some rest." She said. I smiled and headed off to her room. "You're so good to me Pheebs." I said with a smile. "Like no else can." Her gorgeous hazel eyes hinting a sparkle. Snap out of it Pete. What the hell is wrong with you? Thats Phoebe. Patrick's little sister. I sighed and went off to her room before I drool all over myself.