How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?


*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
I giggled against Pete's lips. They're really really soft for a guy's lips. I love his arms. They're not really scrawny... but they're not buff. Then his tattoos. I groaned.
Oh his tattoos are fucking awesome. I just want to lick them. Alright... enough of that. Ugh I don't know why I get like this when I see his tattoos. I've had it for a while. Like when I was maybe 18, Pete was 24, and Patrick was 19. Pete's tattoo collection was getting bigger and I loved it more with every tattoo. I would just stare at them for as long as I could. They're hot! I mean... damn! I don't see how he can be this hot... and have something that adds to his hotness. Then of course the eyeliner helps. Ahh! That eyeliner. He just looks so damn good all the time, I wonder why he's with me.

Besides him being super hot and talented, he's a real sweetheart. I'm sure his guy friends don't think he's gentle, but he is. When he kisses me, he waits for my signal to go further. He never goes farther than I want, but when I do signal for him to go further, he's a fucking animal.

Pete stopped kissing me to lay on his back.

"You're not a bad kisser, Stump." He said staring up at the ceiling.

"Me, or my brother?" I asked adding a laugh towards the end.

"You've actually got Patrick beat, but that may just be true cause the only time he actually kissed back was at that one St. Patrick's Day Party."
I laughed.

"SO! Not everyone wants you babe, now do they?" I asked.

"Pfft. Your brother is just weird."

"He's in Love is what he is."

"Yeah. Him and Jess are amazing together."

"I know. I'm so happy for them. She's the only girl I've ever approved of Trick dating."

He gasped overdramatically.

"What about ME?!"

I laughed and pushed him.

"Does Patrick know about this?"
I asked lifting my eyebrow.

"Well... he will eventually." He sighed and batted his eyebrows. "I plan to marry that boy."

We both broke out into laughter. He's such a weirdo.

"Well, what is it about my brother that attracts you the most, oh beautiful Peter?"

"Well, those beautiful eyes, that smile, how tiny he is... He's FUN sized!"

My eyes widened.

"Ewww! Shut up Pete! You're so discusting. I'm starting to wonder why I've liked you for so long."

He grinned.

"Cause I'm one sexy motherfucker."
He then did that GRR face every fan seems to love.

I smiled.

"Petey... we should get some rest. I want my boy fully charged tomorrow."
I said pulling the blankets to my side...
Did I mention I'm a bit of a blanket hog?

"Ohhh! What are we doing that requires me fully charged?" He asked turning over and taking nibbles at my neck.

"We're gonna stay home, be hermits and makeout on the couch all day."

"Do I get a few frisks?"

"If you're a good little boy."

He grinned and shut off the lamp.

"Night Panda Bear."

"Night Peagusus."

I laughed to myself.
Arn't peagusus flying horses? Whatever.
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I'm not feeling well. Not much of an ending statement... night. :(