How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Bye, Bye, Bye

Authour's Note: Hey guys. Sorry about the delay. I hope this chapter makes up for it. Enjoy!

*In Phoebe's Point Of View*
On Gosh. I'm so tired. It's 8:15 right now. I'm expecting the guests pretty soon. Which means Pete is gonna have to come out and play host. Pete. I havent seen him in a while. I took off my apron and went to my bedroom. The door was open slightly. I pushed it slighlty to reveal Pete laying down on my bed. "Pete?" I asked softly. He didn't respond. I walked closer to the bed. "Peter?" I asked sitting down next to him. He was asleep. Oh god, he was so beautiful when he slept. Seeing his chest rise and fall as he breathed brought a smile to my face. It took every ounce of control in me to stop myself from kissing his gorgeous lips. I ran my fingers through his hair and I saw a smile dance across his face. "Pete." I said again. He exhaled and opened his eyes slowly. "Oh, hey Pheebs." he said yawning. "Sleep well?" He chuckled. "yes, you have a very comfortable bed." He said sitting up. "Okay, well i'm glad you slept so well, because you have to get up and play host my dear Peter." He whined. "Nooooo Phooooeeebbbeeee. Why??" "I've done my part, the cooking. That wasent easy either. Now you have to do you part and play the host." "Awww. Are you gonna honestly make me get up and entertain?" He asked. "Of course." I said with a smile. "So, are you gonna stay out their?" He asked. "Eh...maybe just for a minute...why?" "Cuz I don't wanna host by myself. Please Phoebe????" He asked. "Well...I uh..." the door bell rang interupting us. "Pwease Phoebe?? I'll love you forever!!!" He said. How on earth could I resist that? "Fine. I'll stay out their." I said. "Yesss!!" He siad jumping up. I laughed. "I better get the door. Thats probably Patrick." "Oh right Patrick Stump that dude that plays guitar." He joked. I rolled my eyes and went to open the door. Turns out it was Partick with Jessica and the guys. "Hey Guys!" I said hugging my brother. "Aw damn, are we the first ones here?" Joe asked. "Nah, Pete's here." I said letting go of Pat. "Ah Peter Wentz. That guy that plays bass." He joked. Woah, that was freaky. They both said the same thing. "Petey boy." Jessica said smirking at me. Joe glared at me. "Yes, Pete. He went grocery shopping with me." I said. "Those damn grocerys." Andy said. I smiled and led them to the living room. Pete walked out of the hallway and joined us in the living room yawning. "Were you sleeping Pete?" Patrick asked. "Yeah, Phoebe's bed is like crazy comfortable." He said yawning again. Jessica's and Joe's eyes widened. "Yeah, he slept while I cooked." I said mostly to reassure them. They bost relaxed. Poor Andy and Patrick were lost. Not to mention Pete. The door bell rang and Pete answered it. Before I knew it my tiny apartment was filled with people. I didn't know the majority of them. I doubt anyone did. But then again, Pete is a bit of a social butterfly. Especially with the ladies. Pete, where is Pete? I got on my tip toes in an attemtp to see across the swarm of people in my house. Nothing. I decided to look for him. I pushed my way through the mass in hopes of finding a famailiar face. Finally I saw Pete...with I rolled my eyes and backed away bumping into someone. I turned around to see it was Joe. "Hey Phoebe!" he said opening his arms for a hug. I embraced him and giggled. "Only a few hours into the party and you're already a little tipsy eh?" I asked. He laughed, " No...i'm not tipsy...not even close!" He said. I rolled my eyes and noticed a girl staring at him. "Hey Joe, instead of trying to convince me that you're not drunk, how about you go talk to that girl? Don't tell her you're in a band." I said laughing. "Which one?" He asked. I motioned towards the slender blonde. "Mmm...She's pretty Pheebs." he said grinning. I nodded. "Go Get her tiger." I said winking He laughed and made his way to her. I smiled and turned to see my brother dancing with Jessica. I laughed. I wonder if he's a little drunk too. Pete seemed a little drunk. Was I the only one who hasent touched the liquor yet? The alcohol might brighten up this party. I walked towards the kitchen and found Andy making drinks and flirting with a brunette. He smiled at my arrival. "Aye! Lady Stump. Come hither lassie." He said motining for me to go over. I laughed. Andy's certainly had a drink or two. "State your pleaure mi lady." He said shaking a bottle of vodka. I sighed and looked down. "Besides Sir Wentz." He said touching my chin. I looked up in shock. He knew? "Oh Don't act so surprized. Its so obvious you have a thing for Petey Boy." He said pouring the vodka in a shot glass. "Does Patri-" "Your brother is as clueless as a virgin on prom night." he said handing me the glass. "Lovely metaphore Andy. What about Pete?" I asked taking the shot. "Pete's an idiot Pheebs." He said warmly. I smiled and motioned for another shot. "Now you're getting into the spirit of things lass." He said pouring the liquor into the glass. Hey, it's a party right? Two hours and about 25 shots later, I had forgotten all of my Pete problems and was more focused on not falling over. Then, a familiar tune came on. Hey, Hey. Bye, Bye, Bye (Bye, Bye) Either i've had too much to drink, or thats Nsync. "Hey! Phoebe knows all the steps to this song!" I hered someone yell. It sounded like Patrick. "Patrick? Heeeyyyy!! Patrick!!! What are you doing here?" I giggled. "Hey Pheebs. C'Mon. Show em' how it's done!" Jessica said nearly falling over. I laughed and began to dance. Don't wanna be a fool for you or just another player in your game for two. Cuz you may hate me but it ain't no lie, Baby Bye, Bye, Bye (Bye Bye) Don't really wanna make it tough, I just wanna tell you that i've had enough. It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie. Baby, Bye, Bye, Bye. I danced to the upbeat sound of Nsync and laughed as a group fromed behind me and copyed my steps. I started to sing the words I knew by heart. "It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie. Bye Bye Bye." I sang ending the song with a final dance step. Everyone clapped. I took a bow and nearly fell over. Pete and Partick hurried to my side and sat me on the couch. "Okay sis. I think you've had enough to drink for tonight." I hered Patrick say. I giggled. "Yeah Pheebs. You drunk it pretty scary." Pete added. "Who? Me? Drunk?!" I bursted out into a fit of uncontrolable laughter. "Damn Andy. How much did she have?" Patrick asked. "Uh...I lost count at about 15 shots of Vodka." He said. I giggled again. "Pete, you're pretty." I said. "Hey, whats going on here? Pheebs drunk?" Joe asked. "JOSEPH!" I said getting up to hug him. Instead I became friends with the floor. "Wow. This carpet is so soft! Who picked it out?" I asked. Pete picked me up off the floor. "You did Pheebs. This is your house remember?" He asked. "Oh wow! This is my house thing? I should pay the morgatge then." "Oh God. Can someone get her some water?" Pete asked. My brother got my water. "Wow. You have a lot of tattoos Pete." I said poking his arm. Patrick returned with a glass of water. "Here Pheebs. Drink the water. It'll make you feel better." He said handing me the glass, which was spinning. "Hey Pat. If you want me to have the water then why are you moving it around?" "Um...Phoebe..." "And quit shaking me Pete!" I yelled. "Phoebe...I'm not moving...I think you're about to-" I giggled again. I have no idea why that was funny. "Aw Pete. Pretty, pretty Peter. I never told you this. But I Lo-" And with that unfinished thought the room went black.

*In Patrick's Point Of View*
"Aw Pete. Pretty, pretty Peter. I never told you this. But I lo-" She attempted to say, but instead her body went limp. "Passed out eh?" Joe Asked. "Yeah, Phoebe never was one to handle hard liquor. If 4 shots can get her tipsy, adn you said she's had at least 15 this sort of thing happens. Thats why she hardly ever drinks." I said. "Should we lie her down?" Andy askded. "Yeah, come on. We'll take her to her room." I said leading the guys to her bedroom. Pete layed her down on the bed. "Make sure none of her limbs are bent so the alcohol can flow freely through her system." Joe said. Pete obeyed and streached out her limbs. Andy laughed. "She's gonna have a hell of a hangover tomorrow." He said. "Oh Yeah. Huge." I said looking at my drunk baby sister. I sighed. "I guess all we can do now is let her sleep it off." I said turning to leave her room. The guys followed me out and Pete shut the door. I stopped drinking for the rest of the night. Someone's gonna have to take care of Phoebe tomorrow. I hadent had a lot to drink anyways. Not enough to get a hangover at least. Pete certainly didn't stop drinking. Shot after shot, after Martini, after Margarita, after rum, after vodka. That boy's a machine. I'm surprized he's still standing. But then...he's not standing. He's sandwiched in between those two girls. I sighed. This is gonna be a hell of a night.