How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Hard Liquor, Loud Music, and Lust

*In Patrick's Point Of View*

Pete certainly invited some...interesting people. I only know about half of them. Most of them are friends we;ve met through promoting Infinity On High. The other half are women that Pete had met along the way. Such a flirt that boy Wentz. I sighed and sat on the couch. Mr. Brightside came on. I hered someone squeal. I looked up to see Jessica running towards me. "PATRICK!" She said pushing me down so I was laying on the couch. She hopped on top of me. "Jessica! What the He-" She cut me off by kissing me hard on my lips. My eyes widened in confusion as her tounge violently entered my mouth and she grinded her hips into mine. "You're so sexy Patrick." She hissed into my ear as her tounge licked my earlobe. I laughed. "And you're so drunk Jessica." I said. "Mmmm... Patrick." She said aganst my neck. I sighed. "Been hitting the martini's a little hard eh Princess?" I asked. She giggled. "Nu Uh Patty." She said returning her lips to mine. She tasted like hard liquor. Her hands found their way under my shirt and her mouth to my neck. With the combonation of her hands rubbing my chest and her mouth taking little nibbles at my skin, she managed to get a tiny moan out of me. She developed a devious look in her eyes and she continued to bite at my skin. "Sh-Shit Jess. I stuggled to get out." I said in protest. She giggled and didn't teke me seriously. "Aw Damn. Jess, ya gotta stop." I said wiggling out from under her. "Awww! Why? Is my sexy Patrick too tired to play?" She asked touching my sideburn. "Nooo. It's just know i'm not into PDA. I've just never been into that babe." I said touching her hand. She smiled gently and revealed her timeless beauty. Even if she was drunk as hell. "Wanna dance beauty queen?" I asked. She got up and smiled. "With you? Hell Yes!" She said pulling me to the dancing section. She moved her hips gracefully to I Write Sins Not Tragities. I smiled and tried to dance as well as she was. The Song finished and she went to the kitchen to get another drink. I should stop her, but it's a little late to save her from a hangover. I leaned aganst the wall and ate some french bread that Phoebe had made. Hopefully it'll absorb what little alcohol I had.

"Hey! Patrick!" Andy and Joe said bumping into me. I coughed and swallowed the piece of bread I had bitten. "I know something you don't know." Joe sang. "Care to share?" I asked. "Only if you care to share." Andy said looking at the bread in my hand. I sighed and handed it to him. "Okay, so what's going on?" I asked. "Oh Come on. I can't believe you havent seen it yet." Andy said with his mouth full. "Are you two going to spill or not?" I asked getting a little annoyed. Joe grinned. "Follow me." He said leading me into the hallway. "What is it?" I asked. "Shh! Look out their!" Andy said pointing to Phoebe's balcony. I squinted to see two rigures kissing. "Okay wow. Two people kissing. Big Deal." I said turning away. "Noo! Look closer!" Joe said pointing out. I squited. I can't tell, it's too dark." I said. "Go take a closer look." Andy said. I crept closer to the balcony to see Pete with his tounge down some girls throat. My Eyes widened. "Oh My Go-" "Shh!" Andy said putting his hand over my mouth and pulling me away. Joe was laughing hard at the sight. "Shut Up Moron!" Andy said hitting Joe over his head. I wiggled out of his grip. "How long has that been going on?" I asked "I don't know. But Petey Boy has had a lot of drinks tonight. He's probably not even fully aware of what he's doing." Andy said. "Hell, that's gonna be quite a show ehen Allison finds out." Joe said. "DAMN! Allison! Oh my god! She's gonna flip!" I said. "Yeah, that's gonna be interesting." Andy said. "Interesting? Quite a show? We...we have to stop her from finsing out!" I said. "Patrick, it's none of our business. We shouldent have even saw that out their." Andy replied. "But...Pete's our friend. Shouldent we at least try to protect him?" I asked. "Protect him? From What? It's not like we're gonna tell Allison. He's sure as hell not gonna tell her, and what's the chances of her finding out?" Joe asked pointing to Allison passed out on the floor. I laughed. "Whats up with these women not being able to handle liquor? I asked. Joe smirked. "Why don't you ask Jessica?" He asked pointing to a recliner. She had passed out too. I gasped. "Oh my gosh! I've got to get her home!" I said running to her. I lifted her over my shoulder. "Hey, hold up Patrick. You've drank tonight." Andy said getting in my way. "What? Oh that. Come on. It was two shots of vodka. I'm fine." I said. "You sure?" Joe asked. "Two shots is child's play. And besides, i've been eating bread like crazy." I said re-assuring them. Andy still looked worried. "Look, Phoebe has two guest rooms. Put Jess in their." He said. "But...i'm tired." I said. "Well, you two stay in their." Joe said. I sighed. After a few minutes of "What If's" they got me to stay in one of Phoebe's guest rooms. I picked the one next to her master bedroom and shut the door behind me hoping that would drown out some of the loud music. I layed her across the bed and covered her with a quilt. Their was a couch in the room. I layed on that, not wanting to get in Jessica's way in the morning when she runs to the bathroom to puke. I laughed at the thought. Phoebe only has two bathrooms, the larger one being in her room. I'm gonna be the only one tomorrow not throwing out the contents of my stomach. Lets see, there's Phoebe, Jessica, Joe, Andy and of course Pete. Wait...Allison. I wonder how's that gonna work out. Whatever, that's not my concern. My main concern is the guys, Jessica and my sister. I hope Pete breaks it to her gently. She seemed like a nice girl. I sighed and closed my eyes hoping to find some sleep.

Author's Note: Hey guys. It's been a week and a day since I last updated. See? I'm getting better with that. :D. Okay, well I post this story along with my Gerard Way on on quizilla. My username their is Breese. Well, anyways. Someone made this Banner for me and I thought you guys might like to see it. Image Credit goes to Inkheart34. :D. See you guy's next Chapter!