How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Something Just Didn't Feel Right

*In Joe's Point Of View*
It's 3:30 AM. I'm tired as hell, but as hosts...sort of. It's our duty to call cabs for all the people who drank. Of course that was everyone. Patrick drank the least. But then even he was a little off. it was actually quite entertaining to watch the party guests stumble into the cabs. I'm surprized Andy is dialing the right nimber. He had a lot to drink too. I guess he's sobering up. "Joe!" Andy said laughing manicly. "Yeah?" I asked. "Have you ever noticed how funny Patrick's name is?" He asked grinning. "Patrick...sounds pretty normal to me. I said. "No, no, no. Listen to it. Pppaaaaaaattttrrriiiicccccckkkkkkkkk...Ppppaaattttrrrriiiiccccckkkkkkkk." he said slowly. I stared at him in confusion. "Stump. Stttuuummmppppp." He said holding back more laughter. I guess I spoke too soon. So much for sobering up. "Hey! Your name sounds funny too! Joe. Joooeeee!" He said laughing. "Just shut up and dial." I said. "Theirs only one guest left." "Who?" I asked. "That's me." A girl said. I turned to see who it was. Sandy, Allison's best friend. "Ah, Sandy. Saaaannnddddyyyyyy." Andy Said dialing. She rolled her eyes. "I don't think i'm drunk enough to need a cab." She said. "Still, ya had a drink. We don't want anyone to die cause they got drunk at our party." I said. She sighed and threw her head back so her hair was covering one part of her face. I always thought she was so pretty. "I still can't believe that Allison passed out." She said looking at her friend spread out on the couch. "Yeah. I don't remember her drinking that much." Andy said. "Well, can't do anything about it now." I said. "I suppose not. Hey Joe, where's Pete?" She asked looking at me. "Um...Pete?" I asked. She giggled. "Yes, Pete. Allison's Boyfriend. I should really say goodbye to him before I leave." She said. "pete is...uh...Pete's...he's....he's..." I stammered. "Sandy! Your cab's here!" Andy said quicky. She smiled a kind of...vicious smile... "I suppose I should go then..." She said turning away. "Give Pete and Allison my love." She said blowing Andy and I a kiss. I jumped a little when she shut the door. Andy laughed. "Well, that was a trip." He said taking off his shoes. "Andy...something wasent right." I started. He looked at me strangly. "A bout that smile she gave me..." "What?" "I don't know...something about it wasent right..." I said. "Please, you're parynoid and drunk." he said. "No! I'm serious! Something just didn't feel right." I said. Andy laughed. "That's the biggest load of bull i've hered all day." He said leaving to go to the vacent guest room. Something didn't feel right. I went to the balcony to see the cab still out front. I called Sandy's cell phone to figure out the problem. "Hello?" She said from the other line. "Sandy?" I asked.
Sandy: Joe? Yes?
Joe: their a problem?
Sandy: Problem? No, why?
Joe: Well, the cab's still out front.
Sandy: Cab? Wait, where are you?
Joe: Phoebe's balcony.
I waved to the cab.
Sandy: Oh...I thought you were going to sleep.
The back door to the cab opened and she waved back
Joe: What's going on?
Sandy: Nothing! Why would you think something was going on?
She kinda of snapped at me.
Joe: Oh sorry. Look, you're just acting a little strange.
Sandy: I am NOT! Goodnight Joe.
She said getting back into the cab and leaving out of sight.
Joe: Okay...goodnight Sandy.
I said closing my phone
I hered Andy gasp
"Joe! Get your jewish ass over here!" He yelled. I folowed his voice into Phoebe's room. "What the hell is...going...on...?" I asked but slowed down when I saw why he was yelling. I saw Pete laying stomach down on Phoebe's bed with his head on her stomach. Andy was laughing. "Oh Petrick is gonna FREAK!" he said. "ha ha Patrick, what about Allison?" I asked. His eyes widened. "I TOLD you it was gonna be quite a show!" He said. "Andy, we have to move him." I said. "Yeah, you're right." He said moving to one side of Pete. We eventually moved him to the couch in Phoebe's room. "Okay, i'm going to sleep." Andy said "Yeah, me too." I said following him to the last guestroom. The one with two mattresses. As interesting as tonight was, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day.