How Long Are You Gonna Keep Me Waiting?

Awkward...Very, VERY Awkward

*In Pete's Point Of View*
We all sat their at the dining table in complete silence. You could cut the tension with a knife. I'm pretty sure I know what everyone except Patrick is thinking. Their thinking that Patrick is gonna kick my ass. That if Patrick finds out he'll probably kick me out of Fall Out Boy. That more than likey if he finds out he'll keep me away from Phoebe forever. This isn't anything I havent already thought about maybe a million times. Patrick is normally a patient and nice person. But when it comes to Phoebe he's ill tempered and overly protective. Even back when Phoebe was in highschool. No one was ever good enough. And from what I hered, some guy cheated on Phoebe when she was a junior and Patrick actually went to the kids house and beat the living shit out of him. I shuddered at the thought. "Pete, eat your soup." Jessica said breaking me free or my thoughts. I nodded really not knowing what else to do. "Pete, you seemed...troubled. Whats on your mind, Wentz?" Patrick asked. "Uh...I...It's nothing. I'm fine." I said.
"Aw. Do you miss her?" He asked
"I didn't do shit! I was fucking drunk. She didn't even kiss back." I said quickly
"Dude. I'm talking about Allison..." He said slowly
" was I..."
Everyones attention was turned to the bathroom.
It was Phoebe throwing up.
"Ugh this shit fucking blows."
Jessica laughed.
Joe shook his head smiling.
Phoebe came into sight looking horrible
“Did you brush your teeth?” Patrick asked.
“Yes I did MOM.” She said.
“I’m just checking. I made soup.” He said pointing to the stove.
“Okay. Good, i’m hungry.” She said getting a bowl.
She filled it with soup and grabbed the avalable chair next to me. Shit. She ate her soup without ever looking up. Everyone was dead silent. She finally looked up with confusion.
“What the fuck is everyone staring at?” She asked
“Phoebe! Stop with the damn cussing.” Patrick said.
“Look Pat, my stomach feels like a midget has been dancing in it, and I have a hangover that wants to kill me. I’m gonna cuss.” She said. Patrick sighed.
“You know, you’re the ONLY one who can get away with calling me ‘pat’”
She smiled. “Hey, where’s Allison?” She asked
I looked down.
“Phoebe...Pete and Allison broke up earlier this morning...” Joe said.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry Pete.” She said touching my hand. Patrick raised his eyebrow at the sight.
“’s fine Pheebs...we..we just wern’t working out anymore...” I said pulling my hand back slowly.
“Aw Petey. If you ever need anything, just ask, precious.” She said getting up to hug me.
I hugged her back hoping Patrick would cool down. Today is gonna suck.

*In Joe’s Point Of View*
Oh god, it’s a train wreck. Patrick suspects something, I just know it. Pete is as good as dead. And I'm supposing that everyone wants to keep Phoebe clueless. This really sucks.

*A few hours later*
Everyone is lounding around. My hangover is very light now and I havent threw up in a couple of hours. Jessica is sitting in Patrick's lap, me and Andy are on the couch and Pete is with Phoebe on the short couch. Her head is in his lap and he's stroking her hair. Patrick is just glaring at them. It's a good thing they don't notice. I poke Andy and motio over to Pete and Phoebe. He widenens his eyes. "Uh...i'm...i'm bored...anyone have any ideas?" He asked to attempt and break the tension. "How about we rent a movie?" Jessica asked. "Movie sounds great." I said. "How about someone go out and get one?" Andy asked. "OoOh! We can order Pizza!" I added. "Sounds great. Who is gonna go out and get the movie?" Patrick asked. "I'll go." Phoebe said sitting up straight. "Sounds fun. I'll go with." Pete said. "No...I'll go with her." Patrick said. Everyone looked at Patrick. "Sure trick. Go right ahead." Pete said feeling the awkwardness again. "Well be back in about a half an hour." Patrick said moving Phoebe slihgtly with his hand. And in a few seconds they were out the door.

And the gloves came off...

*In Jessica's Point Of View*
"What the hell Pete?!" I asked. Pete grabbed his hair and let out a soft scream. "Oh god, Oh god, OH GOD! Patrick is gonna kill me!" He said. "Well duh! I could have told you that when you fell asleep on her." Andy Said. "I don't see the big deal, you just fell asleep on her. It's not like you kissed her or anything." I said. "Oh man. Do you think Patrick would get mad if I did?" He asked. "Get mad? He'd kick your ass!" I said. "Oh shit i'm in trouble!" He said walking out to the balcony. We all followed him. " didn't did you?" Joe asked. He shot us a worried stare. "Shit Pete!" Andy said. "I...I was drunk. How was I supposed to know?" He asked. " have to learn how to control your liquor..." I said.
"Oh! This from the woman who passed out?" He asked.
"At least I didn't cheat on Patrick." I said
"Hey, cool it you two." Joe said with a calm tone.
"You're right...Sorry Pete..." I sid turning away
We all walked back into the living room and waited for Patrick and Phoebe to get back.
I wonder how the car ride is going...