She's the Wind

Tour is Here.....and so are you?

The tour is here. God, I guess I'm glad I was slowly being killed by memories of her. We're in Denver right now. And I can tell the guys are worried about me. Last night I got an email from Reba.........

Dear Peter,

I know you must likely don't want to hear from me right now. But we both left in a bad way when we last saw each other. I know you'll be in Denver for a show. I hope you don't mind me dropping in? I need to see you. I hope you get this email.

Love Reba

I admit I was shocked by it she hadn't wrote or called since last year. So before I wrote her back I asked the guys what I should say...or write.

"I don't think its a good idea" said Patrick

"Its up to you man." Said Andy

"Ignore it." Joe said.

Maybe I should have followed thier advice? But I wrote her back at apparently a new email addy ( And told her that I'd be waiting backstage for her. Because I definately wasn't expecting what I saw.


(dramatic effect cause i want to make you Madd)

An Hour Later

"Peter" I heard someone call my name. I looked up from tuning my bass. There she was. But different. Short black hair had medium bluish. Same Blue eyes to match. Skinny but not a stick. Tattoos, but not a too many. God, She look great. Plus she's the one one that calls me Peter and gets away with is other then my family. "Reba, that you?" I asked taking the bass off and walking towards her. She nodded and walked over. "You look great" We said as the same time. The laughed. God, I missed this.

We talked and talked till the guys came and got me and told me it was time for us to play. "You'll stay, right?" I asked smiling. God I love this Girl so much. "I'll try." She said, smiling too. And I could tell she wasn't lying this time around. So to make sure right before I went on I kissed her.

I watched her the whole show to make she was still there and she was. She said she really stayed. Then when the showed was finally over. I raced to her (after giving all my love to my fans first!) and kissed her again. It felt so good and so right. This time. This time I won't let her get away.

Next Morning....

She's gone....and I slept with her. Why does she have to be What's the word........good? Yeah, why does she have to be so good to me? I slept the whole night.
And she left. God.....