He'll Walk the Floor

He'll Walk The Floor

Tonight was every girl's wet dream, the reason they make it though high school. The prom. The night they all get to look like princesses and act like royalty.

I walked into the gym where the lights were played down low, and music pumped from the speakers. My eyes swept the floor while I fixed my sleeves.

Thats when I saw her.

My girl.

She was beautiful.

Her hair was curled, and she wore a dark blue dress that showed off her slim figure, and flowed over her curves. It was a change from her black shirts and ripped jeans, and she looked amazing. But I would've thought she looked that way no matter what she wore.

She looked over at me, and smiled that brilliant smile of hers. I couldn't help but smile back as I walked toward her.

"Hey Robert," she teased, knowing how much I hated my full name.

"Hey Elizabeth," I retorted. "someone got dressed up tonight, I hope it wasn't all on my account,"

She grinned, "No, it wasn't. Sorry to disappoint you. But I know I don't need to impress you, you're my best friend."

I smiled, trying not to show her how much her words hurt me, how much I wanted to be more.

"Who are you trying to impress then?" I asked quietly

"No one," She said quickly, and she looked down.

I felt my heart crumbling, there was someone. And no matter how much I wanted it to be me, I knew it wasn't.

We talked for a while, as friends do. About how neither of us really wanted to be here, but were some how drawn to this place. But as all good things do, our conversation ended. He friend came and pulled her by the hand, begging her to come. She agreed to leave and left me with an "I'm sorry." I knew she didn't mean it, but it wasn't a big deal. I'd drug away from her other friends before.

As she walked away, a soft, slow song began to play, and a wanting unlike any other swept through me. I wanted to have her in my arms, to sway to the music, and whisper in her ear while my grip would grow tighter. To look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she was.

I shook the thought from my head, and walked the gym floor, with nothing else to do. I talked with a few friends, and mulled around a bit. There wasn't much to do without a date.

I gently made my way through the crowd of people, wandering aimlessly. I was pushed and shoved a few times, but it was fine. I didn't care much.

I walked to the edge of the gym, sitting on a plastic foldable chair. I smiled to myself as I saw her. She was standing by the wall, softly biting her lip and looking across the room. I started to walk a bit closer to her, but I saw what she was looking at.

And he was looking at her too.

I watched as they looked at each other. And as he smiled and she blushed. I felt my heart slowly begin to tear apart, as he smirked at his friends and walked toward her. And as he got the nerve to walk to the floor to my girl.

He walked up to her and they started talking. She started smiling her gorgeous smile, and he grinned in return. I didn't like the way he grinned at her, and the way he eyed her up and down. But I couldn't stop it. What would I do? She'd hate me if I went over there, and it wasn't as if I was her boyfriend.

Then, he got the nerve to extend his hand and ask my girl to dance.

My heart broke and shattered. I turned around and walked out of the gym. Tears threating to fall, because I didn't have to second guess, my girl would say yes.