I Promise

I thought I lost you

We were sitting at a table at the bar, Johnny, Lynnz, Jimmy and I. The four of us were drinking having a good time.

“Where did you say the rest of the guys were?” I asked looking into my gorgeous husband’s bright blue eyes.

“They’re chilling at Matt’s. All their girlfriends are who knows where, I don’t really care.” he said making me laugh. Their girlfriends were blonde bitches and we hate them.

“Dude we should move over to that booth in the corner!” my best friend Lynnz shouted and Johnny just looked at her. You think by now they would get her and my inside jokes, but obviously not.

“Why do you want to move into the corner?” Johnny asked looking at her and I looked over to see Jimmy just as puzzled.

“Corner buddies for life!” I yelled lifting my beer in the air.

“Hell yea! Corner buddies for life!” Lynnz yelled to lifting her drink up in the air also Jimmy and Johnny lifted their drinks up in the air rolling their eyes. So we all grabbed our drinks and moved into the corner. After a while I looked to the opposite side of the table and Lynnz had her head on Johnny’s shoulder whispering something in his ear making him laugh. I felt something poke my side and I turned my head to see Jimmy smiling at me and he kissed my forehead.

“Let’s go out for a smoke everyone!” he yelled and we all agreed Lynnz didn’t smoke but she always came out anyway. We all got up but then I had to run to the bathroom. They were walking out the door when Jimmy turned back around to look at me

“Jade, baby you coming?” he asked and I just nodded.

“Yup just a quick trip to the bathroom. I’ll be right out.” I smiled at him and he kept going.

As I walked out of the bathroom a scene that only happens in action movies was playing out before my eyes. A pissed of looking man was standing in the middle of the room yelling with explosives strapped to his chest. My heart jumped into my throat and I muttered ‘Jimmy’ as I saw the guys thumb press down on the button. Within seconds I felt a gush of warm air then it felt as if someone reached through my back and grabbed onto my navel and ripped me back at sixty miles and hour. Then everything went black.

I was walking along the beach barefoot just watching the waves crash against the sand. I had just left Lynnz and Johnny’s because I was pissed at Jimmy for a reason I don’t even remember now.

I could heard the sand being squished behind me as someone was coming up on me and I tried to walk faster. Not because I was scared but because I didn’t want to look at the person who I knew it was.

“Jesus Jade come on! Just fucking stop and turn around. You know I’m sorry. I love you!” he yelled and I got a grin on my face, if only his friends could see him like this.

“Baby come on. Please?” he said and I just turned around trying not to laugh at his sad attempt at a puppy dog face, but it wasn’t that face that drew me in. It was those bright blue eyes shining in the moonlight.

“What? What do you want James?” I asked him and he cringed, he hated being called that. Then he got an evil grin on his face and tackled me to the ground.

“Jimmy!” I screamed and he just put his hand on my lips.

“Don’t talk. Listen. I love you more than life itself. I would do absolutely anything and everything for you. No matter what I will always be there. If anything ever happened to you I would die. No joke. You’re the other half of me. You’re my soul. So now forever and always Jade I have to keep you safe. So will you do be the honor of being my wife?” he said and asked more seriously than I have ever heard him before. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. That he could say something so sweet astonished me. At that moment I knew I was always meant to be with him.

If felt as if my eyes were hoses and someone turned them on the tears of joy just came and wouldn’t stop.

“Yes! Jimmy yes!” I screamed and his lips crashed down on mine with the most amazing kiss I’d ever had.

My head felt like someone was stabbing fifty knives in it all at once, but I felt extremely happy. My eyelids felt very heavy. Am I alive? Then I heard voice.

“Is she crying and smiling? What the fuck is that all about?” I heard Johnny ask. Johnny! Oh thank god I am alive!

“Johnny, Jesus, shut the fuck up!” I heard Lynnz say than a slap noise as Johnny said ‘ow’. It made me laugh on the inside.

“Look she smiled again!” Lynnz said her voice happy. Finely I got my eyelids to listen to my brain and they opened. No one noticed yet and I looked up to see my husband, eyes puffy and blood shot. He probably looked a mess to anyone else but to me he looked amazing. Just to be able to see his face again was enough. Right then he looked down at me and his eyes went wide.

“Oh my god! Jade! Your awake!” he yelled making Johnny jump. He put his arms around me and started crying.

“I thought I lost you. I was so scared. We all were.” he said backing up and Lynnz hugged the life out of me almost.

“Don’t scare me like that EVER again. I need my corner buddy for life, what the hell would I do without you?” she asked me making me laugh slightly

“What happened?” I barely choked out.

“Some guy was pissed his wife was in the bar cheating on him. Right as we went outside he went in. Lynnz said he looked suspicious and by the time we decided to go back in and get you he fucking blew the place up.” Jimmy said and I remembered seeing that man and his thumb press on the button.

“Luckily you were sent straight back into a stall it protected you. You’ve been out for three days. I’m so glad you pulled through. Like I said once before I would die without you.” he said smiling and pressing his lips to mine.

“I know. That is the memory that pulled me through. That night on the beach. That’s the only dream I had this whole time I guess.” I said.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again.” he said looking into my eyes.

“I promise.” I said looking straight back.
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