Status: completed

Move to first class

That was cute

I’ve seen the Taste of Chaos show three times, and now I was going to see them in England. So I was sitting waiting for my plane to board writing an update for another one of my Johnny Christ stories. The show wasn’t for about a week but I was gonna stay with my friend Rhian and she was going with me. Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for My Valentine are two of my favorite bands. Atreyu was with them but I really wasn’t that interested.

I heard that my plane was boarding so I put my laptop back in my A7X case and grabbed my bag to get on the plane. I went to find my seat, in coach. Since I was seeing all these concerts it’s the only thing I could afford. When I got there I seen I was sitting between to of the biggest, ugliest rednecks I’d ever seen. Only god knows why they were leaving to come to England. Not to be rude, but it’s true. I was wearing a pair of black chucks, kind of tight black pants, a zip up hoodie, wearing my glasses and I had shoulder length black hair.

I watched in disgust as the two men looked me up and down and they both stared at my boobs with grins on there faces. I crossed my arms and glared at them and put my bag above and went to sit down and the one mans hand touched my ass.

“Excuse me! But I don’t believe that belongs to you.” I spat at the man and he just laughed and gave the other man a high five. I sat there grumbling to myself when I looked up and seen a short guy with black hair from the back go up to first class. ‘Lucky bastard’ I thought to myself. The captain came over the speaker telling us it’d be about an hour till we got to take off since they were experiencing some ‘technical difficulties’ which made me grumble to myself even more.

I wanted to get out my laptop but I didn’t dare because of the two guys who were currently talking about butchering a cow. I watched as the stewardess walked up.

“Excuse me miss?” she said smiling and I looked at her. She better tell me I got moved to first class I thought hopefully to myself.

“Umm yea?” I said.

“Someone has just moved you up to first class if you would like to go up there.” she said still smiling. My jaw dropped and I almost shit a brick.

“Are you serious?” I said and she just nodded

“Hell fucking yea I want to go up!” I practically screamed, she seemed a bit offended by my comment but I didn’t give a shit. She grabbed my bag and I went up to first class. I awed at the place. It was a fucking mazing.

“Here’s your seat. We still have about forty minutes till take off. You can use your laptop if you want.” she said

“Oh thanks, yea I will.” I said and she walked away. I pulled out my lime green laptop that had a A7X sticker and BFMV sticker on it and opened it up and started it. I pulled my hood up on my hoodie and concentrated on what I was doing. I thought randomly to myself who might of moved me up here. But right now I didn’t care. When I heard someone sit down next to me I put my story down real quick.

“Cool picture. Is that a band or something?” a guy asked me. I didn’t look at him and just responded

“Umm yea. It’s Avenged Sevenfold. The best band ever.” I laughed

“Oh, is there something special about the guy in the front? How come he is the only one in color?” he asked again I just grinned it was weird to talk about this with a guy but oh well.

“Well that’s Johnny Christ. He is my favorite guy in the band. Most girls like all the other guys, but I like him. Which makes him all the more awesome to me. It seems silly I guess to like someone that you could possible never meet. I mean I’m not like one of those crazy stalker girls…but yea.” I just said blushing when he laughed. I still hadn’t looked at him.

“Well you never know. By the way I’m Johnny.” he said and my heart just about stopped. I looked over to see gorgeous Johnny Christ staring right back at me.

“Oh. My. God.” I said pausing in between in word he just laughed

“Ugh what’s your name?”

“Lynnz, and I really swear I’m not some crazy girl,” I said not believing what was happening.

“Are you the one that moved me up here?” I asked and he nodded.

“Yup. I seen you with those guys. I figured why should those two guys have the prettiest girl on the plane sitting with them.” he said grinning making me blush.

“Thanks.” I quietly said.

“Well, it’s true. Let’s see it’s probably obvious to you why I’m going to England, but why are you?” he asked.

“I’m coming to see one of your shows with my friend Rhian.” I said laughing

“Oh really is this the first show you’ve seen on this tour?” he asked and I shook my head

“Nope. The fourth.” I said and he just said wow. We talked for a while then I fell asleep. When I woke up I couldn’t believe I fell asleep when I’m sitting next to Johnny Christ. When he seen I was awake he looked at me.

“Hey I know your friend is coming to pick you up. But how would you both like to go into the limo to meet the guys?” he asked

“Oh my god! No way! Fucking hell yes!” I screamed and everyone just looked at me and Johnny started laughing.

When we got off the plane and Rhian was waiting for my her jaw dropped when she seen who I was with. I ran ahead of Johnny and up to her.

“Ugh do you know who you were walking with?!” she said

“I know! He moved me up to first class and oh my god he is amazing!” I gushed. They said hi to each other and we went to meet the guys.

“Hey.” I meekly said and they all laughed told me not to be afraid of them.

“Yea you gotta be loud and obnoxious like them.” Taylor Zacky’s girlfriend said laughing, Niki, Brian’s girlfriend agreed.

Johnny asked me in front of the guys what I was working on when he walked up to me and my cheeks just turned bright red.

“Umm I write stories, fan fics, about you guys.” I quietly said and Brian just groaned.

“Your not one of them crazy girls that make me and Zacky have sex in their stories are you?” he asked and my eyes went wide and I spit out my drink and started laughing.

“Hell no. I usually write stories about only Johnny. I would never make you guys do that in one.” I said laughing.

I talked with all of them for a while and they were all awesome and Rhian and Jimmy couldn’t stay away from each other. Johnny took me off to the side.

“So are you glad you got moved to first class?” he smiled asking.

“Very.” I said blushing because he was getting so close and he leaned into kiss me. I let the whole feeling of the kiss take me over.

“Wow.” slipped out as we separated and I felt my cheeks go red.

“That was cute.” he said smiling

“I know. That’s how I roll.” I said and he just rolled his eyes.

We all spent everyday together till the show and then me and Rhian joined them on the rest of the tour. I got to meet Bullet for My Valentine, who are amazing by the way. Johnny asked me to be his girlfriend a couple days after we met and I happily accepted.
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hope everyone likes =]