Blood Lust

The Arrival

"So this is Luna Bay"
Margret said as she looked out the window of her 1965 red Mustang.
She looked down at her piece of paper before pulling into the driveway.
She grabbed her bags and unlocked the door, walking inside.
"And this is my home"
She said as she set the bags on the floor and walked through the apartment, inspecting her surroundings.
After a quick shower, she headed out to see the city.
Her long blond hair flowing in the wind and her dark, big sunglasses over her eyes.
She sat on the wall behind her apartment, over looking the ocean, watching the sun set.
She heard whispering, but just figured her mind was playing tricks on her from being so tired.
She looked to the side of her and jumped a little bit as she saw someone sitting next to her.
"Sorry did I scare you?"
The man spoke.
"No, No, I, I just didn't hear you walk up"
He shot a smile her way and looked back to the water.
"I'm Margret, Margret Frog"
She said as she extended her hand in his direction.
"Sam Emerson"
He said as he shook her hand.
"Any relation to Edgar Frog?"
Sam asked.
"Yeah, Hes my cousin"
She replied.
"Ahh, well listen, a bunch of us are gonna get together and just hang out tonight, if you're interested, heres the address"
He said as he handed her a piece of paper.
She looked down at it,
"Okay I will..."
She looked up and he was gone.
She looked around and didn't see him anywhere.
She said to herself as she shook her head and headed back inside.