Blood Lust

The Change

When Margret awoke, she was in her bed.
She tried so hard to remember after they jumped but she couldn't, it was all a blur to her.
The sunlight was shining and made her eyes burn.
She got up and covered her face and pulled the blinds down.
She heard someone pounding on her door.
She squinted her eyes as she opened the door, It was Edgar.
"Whats the matter with you?"
"I'm just hungover"
She said as she sat on the couch.
Edgar kept looking at her.
He walked over to the window, pulling the blinds up,
Margret bared her fangs and launched towards him, pulling the blinds back down.
She shouted
Edgar Grabbed a cross and jumped back
"You didn't listen to me, you went to see Sam last night didn't you"
"Eddie, chill, yes I did I'm sorry, put the cross down"
"They got you, God damn it"
"What are you talking about, Eddie?"
"You really don't know?"
"No I don't and will you put that fucking cross down"
Edgar put the cross down.
"That wasn't wine you drank, it was blood, Sam's blood, he tricked you into thinking its wine, Hes a Vampire, and by you drinking the blood, its made you a vampire also"
"Yeah alright Eddie"
Edgar grabbed the mirror and put it in front of her.
"Whats missing?"
Margret looked at the mirror
"You're missing, you have no reflection, you're a suck monkey
Margret said as she sat down.
"So I'm a vampire?"
"Half, but I can save you"
"I have to kill Sam before you feed"
Margret just looked at him.