Blood Lust

The Reunion

Edgar handed Margret and Sam some stakes, and went over the plan with them.
They headed inside.
Margret went over and tried to create a diversion for Edgar to get in.
She stood next to Kenney.
Edgar shouted so Kenney would look over to him.
Kenney did just that and as his face was turned, Margret stabbed the stake deep into his heart.
He started to twitch uncontrollably and fell to the ground, turning to a pile of ash.
"Never a pretty sight"
Edgar said as he watched.
This caused Brett and Chris to come fourth.
Brett going straight to Margret and Chris going to Edgar.
Brett threw Margret across the room.
When Margret got up off the floor, she revealed her Vampire face, she lunged towards Brett Growling, throwing a few punches. She got him cornered and Stabbed the stake into him,
"I never could stand you"
She said as she bared her fangs and quickly pulled the stake out of his chest.
He just looked at her.
She said as she kicked him over onto the ground.
He crawled trying to get to her but his head started to twitch and exploded.
Chris and Edgar had a round about.
Chris launched towards Edgar and Edgar shot off his Holy Water Baloon, Hitting Chris in the chest and going out his back, taking his heart with it.
Chris's corpse feel to the ground, twitching.
Edgar shouted to Sam, who was carrying the knife.
Sam ran over to Chris and pressed the knife to his neck and cut off his head.
He looked at the head for a few seconds and threw it at the wall.
Mikey came up to Margret from behind, he pushed her into the wall and she placed a hard, forceful punch on his face, He pinned her hands to the wall and went to bite her when Margret saw a stake go through him. She moved out of the way and saw that Sam was the one that staked him.
Blood started pouring out of Mikey's mouth and he turned to stone, shattering soon after.
"You Okay?"
Sam asked as he ran to Margret
"Yeah I'm good"
She said as she let out a sigh.
"Stay here"
Sam said as he saw Alan floating down.
Margret ran to Edgar who was in the other room.
Sam and Alan stood face to face.
"You know, Sammy boy, I didn't expect this of you"
"Yeah, well its always the one you least expect"
Sam said as he launched at Alan.
Alan moved his hand and sort of swatted Sam across the room.
Sam landed in a book shelf and fell to the ground.
Alan came up to Sam, and Sam grabbed the stake off the floor, but Alan took the stake from Sam
"I'm not that easy to get rid of , Sam"
Alan brought his hand back with the stake and pushed it forward, just as the stake pressed to Sam's chest, someone staked Alan from behind.
Alan stood up and looked behind him.
"Hey, Bro"
Edgar said with a grin on his face.
Alan said as he looked at him.
Edgar said as Alan burst into flames.
Edgar stood back and looked at him burning on the ground, a few tears escaping from his eyes.
Margret walked up, placing a hand on Edgar's back.
Edgar didn't take his sight off of Alan burning on the ground.
Sam came up, putting his arm around Edgar and they walked out of the hotel, The sun was already up.
Edgar didn't say a word the whole way back to Margret's place.