Letters From The Outskirts Of Normality

Letter #1

Sep. 10th 2008
Dear Friend,

I heard from a friend of a friend that you were the go to guy for these sorts of things. And when I say these sorts of things I basically mean someone to talk to and will keep their yap shut. You see my life has been a bit complicated lately and I really need someone to just let it all out to and know that they'll understand, which is where you come in. Or at least i think you do. For all I know you could just be throwing these letters away without a second glance. I really hope you don't though.

So I figured just to make sure I keep who I am, under wraps, I'm going to use only first names. All my characters have fairly common names so that should help. And unless you purposely try to figure out who this is I don't think you'll know. Oh and you might also notice I didn't leave a return address for such given reasons. So I guess I should start now. My name is Brendon and I'm a senior in high school. I live a fairly normal life I guess. I'm the youngest of 5 kids. Only my older sister Jasey lives with us though. The other 3 are off doing their own thing in the world. We never really talked when they lived here so it's not like I miss them much. Jasey attends the local college, shes a sophomore, which is why she still lives at home. She and I get along really well. For the moment she's my makeshift best friend. You see, my real best friend, Jon moved to Chicago in August for college. I really miss him and wish we could've been in the same grade because I mean come on, senior year alone? It sucks. My dad's a doctor and my moms a house wife. When I said a fairly normal life, I really meant extremely boring and NORMAL life. With that brief summary, don't you agree? Of course you do, anyone would agree.

But this is where my life gets to be more unique and complex. It all started when I saw him last week. It was the first day of school and I was at my locker shoving books in when he approached me asking where room 604 was. I didn't even look at him at first but then when I did I saw his perfect brown eyes with specks of green within them. I swear to god I felt like they could tell me the secrets of the universe if I just stood and peered into them long enough. But like the awkward teenager I am, I started stuttering all over the place and finally I managed to tell him I would show him since I was heading there anyways. As we walked through the halls I couldn't help but notice his tight clothes that hugged his slim body perfectly. And before I go any farther let me just say it, I am a closet gay(yet another reason for me to stay in the DL with my identity) so don't get all confused and second guess if you had really read Brendon and not Brenda or something. I am a male but anyways, on with the story. So we were walking and we got to the class all to soon for my liking and I head for the back corner of the class and expect Ryan to follow, oh yeah we introduced ourselves on the walk over, but he doesn't. He goes to the teachers desk. My eyes widen and he smiles, pulling out a lesson plan and attendance roster from his shoulder bag. HA! Told you my life got more complex when I first saw him. Cha-Ching, hello controversy.

So that was one week ago exactly today and as expected nothing has happened between us besides the sly smiles we share or the after/before class discussion about assignments which seem to always form into discussions about music or movies. I'm really trying not the think about or flirt with him but my god is it hard when hes just there flirting right back. This is so wrong but it feels so right. Wow, that sounded way cliche.
I guess thats about it for now. I'm sure there will be more soon. I'm just getting started with all this.
Talk to you soon =]

Your friend, Brendon
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So heres my new story. I really hope you all like it, I spent the drive to and from las Vegas writing for it so I've got quite a bit written. If you think I should continue posting, just give a shout out. And I know its the beginning of the story and it should be friggen awesome because its supposed to draw people in but remember, this is Brendon's first letter and hes still a bit awkward about it so the next letters all become longer and more informing. So yeah this is been an overly long authors note.
Hope you like it!