Letters From The Outskirts Of Normality

Letter #14

Nov. 12th 2008
Hey you.

I know I haven’t written in a long time. I’m sorry for that. I should keep you more informed because we both know that my letters are the highlight of your day. Don’t deny it.
Nothing has really been happening. I know, shocked. Or maybe its just because so much happened so fast that even when things are happening, it doesn’t feel like a big deal. I should start off by Jon and Will going home. Jon didn’t call the next day to hang out. Whatever, I get that he’s got his whole college thing going on know. I’ll catch up and we’ll get our friendship back, I know we will. (Okay maybe I don’t KNOW I just really, really, really hope we do.)

School has been killing me, as usual. My classes are getting really intense and my counselor has been busting my ass about finishing up my college applications since I’m already late on sending those in. She says late at least, I just say the normal time to send in applications, none of the early shit. I don’t even know if I want to go to college. I want to try to make it in music. I know it’s a long shot but that’s the only thing I can really see myself doing in the future. I’ve got talent, I can play about 6 instruments right now and I’m a fast learner when it comes to that stuff. I can sing too. I just want to spread my gift. Oh god that sounds so conceited. I’m sorry.

Jasey has been doing well. Spencer and I took her to her third Dr’s appointment the other day (the other two Jasey had insisted on going by herself even before we found out about her being pregnant). Ryan would have come too but he had a teacher meeting and Jasey said two boys was already too much let alone adding a third one. The doctor says everything is fine and she is about 4 months pregnant at this point. Everything is fine with the baby (thank god! I would go ballistic if she lost or something happened to this kid. He’s a part of our world already.) and Jasey is starting to show. She looks funny being this stick skinny girl with this baby bump. She’s still beautiful though. Oh, the baby’s due date is estimated to be April 20th.

This past month, yikes has it really been a whole month since I wrote you last? I’m really sorry. As I said, I was really caught up on everything. But anyways, these past few months Jase has been staying at Ry and Spence’s house. I’ve been spending a large chunk of my time there as well. Actually I probably spend more time there than I do my own house. I really enjoy their company and of course I’m constantly worrying about my sister. She and Spencer have seemed be really getting close. I often wonder about who the baby’s dad is but Jasey refuses to tell me. She says he isn’t important. He was never important. It makes me sad to know that this little person isn’t going to know their real father but I know she’s doing the right thing by keeping him out of the loop if he’s that bad. But yeah, I need to stay off this baby subject (I’m just really excited!!) and keep on track for other events.

School with Ryan hasn’t been weird believe it or not. It almost feels like we have two different lives. We’re separate people when he’s assigning homework and I’m falling asleep in the back of class. Then we’re completely different when we get to his apartment and watch movies and curl up next to each other on the couch. It’s weird, sure, but it feels to good to put too much thought into it. I’m just content with this. And if you were wondering, Ryan and I haven’t decided anything really after the kiss at the park that long time ago. Sure there are quick kisses here and there when the time is right and the feelings are very much there but we’re nothing official. I think we’re waiting until the end of school to really move forward. It’s times like these that I really wish I was older. I know it’s to soon to love him, but I really really like him. I feel like I’m walking on clouds when wraps his arms around me and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. I just feel so light and amazing. I don’t know if you have ever felt like this with someone, but I hope you do. It makes the whole journey of like feel worth it.

So I guess that’s it for now. I promise to keep more in touch.
Your friend,
♠ ♠ ♠
I am soooo sorry!! I know I told you I would update but my school snuck a summer assignment on me that they neglected to tell me about until 3 days before school. Then of course, school started and with two honors classes I've been pretty swamped. But I don't want to just make excuses =/
Really, I am sorry. I'm going to try to update ass soon as possible but I don't know when that will be. I'll try really hard though.

Thanks so much for reading this after I neglected it for like almost 2 weeks. *hides head in shame*

Comments would still really be appreciated though. Even if you just want to chew my head off for not updating.