Letters From The Outskirts Of Normality

Letter #15

Nov. 15th 2008
Dear friend,
So thinking back to my last letter, I discovered that I forgot to tell you all about Halloween which just so happens to be my favorite holiday. You can just take that little fact and put it into your book of ‘Brendon’s randomness’ =]

So this year the lovely night was on Friday as you know which was just totally awesome. Ryan and Spencer had already planned taking a road trip out to California for the weekend. Naturally they invited Jasey because they’ve pretty much adopted her into their family. (Dude! She was baking with Spencer’s mom last week. She totally just skipped from family to family! Although I can’t really blame her.) Anyways, so since Jasey was going with them they figured they would have to invite me along as well just for Jasey’s sake. No I’m kidding, It was pretty much assumed I would be going as well. As I recall the conversation went something like this,

“Hey Bren, you packed for tomorrow?” Spencer asked as we sat on the couches watching some good ol’ Grey’s anatomy.
“Packed? Spencer I know I stock up on candy like no ones business but I don’t pack to go trick-or-treating.” I laughed grabbing the chip gab from him.
“ Well unless you plan on wearing a costume for the weekend I suggest you pack something.” He told me.
“Wait, you still trick-or-treat?!” Ryan shouted from the kitchen where he was making dinner.
“Shut up!” I called my cheeks reddening before turning back to Spencer, “I feel like I’m missing something. All we’re doing is going around the neighborhood. Why do I need a weekend’s worth of clothes?”
“Because we’re going to Cali for the weekend. God Brendon get with the picture.” Jasey snapped turning up the volume.
“Oh. Thank’s for telling me everyone. It’s not like I would have plans with anyone to do anything. My schedule is just completely free and open to whatever you feel you should plan for me.”

So let me just sum up the six hour drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Redbull, Fairy crowns, 50’s dinners, a hot dog suite, a hitch hiker, a shit load of candy and a old style turquoise Volkswagen bus. God I don’t think I will ever forget that ride. I’m pretty sure you can paint a decent picture with those blurbs. And no you are not exaggerating in fact you're probably downplaying the picture in your head. Yeah.

Here we are in California, this is my 3rd time in the state and the first time crossing state lines without my parents. Yeah I don’t get out much. Leave me alone. We pull up to this house in the west end of Hollywood. The street is packed with cars and it seems like each house is packed with partiers. Spencer pulls the bus up to the curb and as he shuts It off, the car gives out a cliche’ ‘oh wow that did not sound good’ sound. You know the one? We all hop out already in costume, Spencer is dressed as a bubbles the blue power-puff girl, Ryan is clad in solid tie dye and denim 60’s hippie outfit, Jasey is a pink fairy princess while I myself was dressed in a circus ringmaster costume I found at a thrift store. We were a sight let me tell you.
“So who's house is this again?” Jasey asks as we walk up the pathway to a house lit completely in candles and draped with spider webs and filled to the brim with people in abstract costumes.
Before anyone could answer, a short brunette man dressed as a vampire tackled Ryan down, “Ryan!”
“Pete!” Ryan chuckled pulling himself and this ‘Pete’ person off the ground. “Pete, this is Brendon and Jasey. And of course you already know Spencer.” Ryan introduced us.
“Sup,” Pete hugged each of us, placing a kiss on each of our cheeks which I found to be a little strange.
“So this is the kid you were-“
“PETE!” Ryan shouted, socking the guy in the shoulder.
“Jesus Ryan and I was just asking.” Pete whimpered, massaging his shoulder.
“But for your information, yes it is.” Ryan mumbled and looked at the ground. Of course I was completely lost and it didn’t help my confusion when Pete busted out laughing.
“What?” Ryan asked and it took Pete a second to regain his breathe before he could answer.
“It’s just I was picturing this little geeky kid. When you said glasses and super skinny I was thinking major dork. I didn’t expect this fine piece of ass.”
My cheeks burned red and I was thankful for the dim lighting. I was pretty sure Ryan was blushing as well but Pete just gave a cocky grin.
“Okay well I’m going to go say hi to.. people.” Ryan mumbled walking into the sea of people. I turned around to talk to Spencer and Jasey but discovered they were gone as well which left me with Pete.
“Uh, hi.” I awkwardly waved.
“He’s crazy about you, you know. The first day of school he calls me up and won’t shut up about how much he hates that hes a teacher when he has this extremely attractive boy named Brendon in his class. Oh and I though that was bad, the night you two kissed? Jesus I spent half of my month’s minutes on that conversation. Of course the other half of that month’s minutes went to trying to convince him to just make a fucking move on you already. Seriously I don’t even know you and I feel like we could be best friends I know so much about you.” Pete grinned cheekily at me and I shifted around somewhat uncomfortably. This was kind of a shock to know that Ryan cared this much about me. “And don’t even get me started on the conversation after you two first went out to that coffee place. Holy shit my ear is still sore.” I gave a nervous laugh.
“I uh, should get going to find me… sister. It was nice meeting you!” I spoke as Pete pulled me into another hug and kiss combo.

I walked through the crowd in search of any three people I might know, but instead got a rather… unexpected surprise. I was walking into what I thought, hoped, was the kitchen when I ran into a stick skinny guy wearing a skeleton (oh how fitting it was on this guy) costume.
“Sorry,” I mumbled and tried to get past when he pulled off the mask and grabbed my arm.
“Holy shit! What the hell are you doing here?!” I gasped looking up at the face of William, Jon’s room mate.
“This is my buddy Pete’s party. What are you doing here?”
“Uh a friend of mine knows Pete.”
“Brendon! Ah hey there you are. Sorry I thought you were right behind me when we walked away from –Bill?”
“Ryan!” Will, or Bill?, grinned and envelopedmy boyfriend Ryan into a hug.
“Dude it’s been to long. I meant to call you up when I was in Vegas last month but I was pretty busy with stuff. How’ve you been man?”
“God Will you were in Vegas and didn’t call me? I feel so unloved! But you know, teaching. What about you?”
“Oh you know I love you RyRo. And I’m back in school out in Chicago. Just took a vacation down here with Jon, I told you about him?, for the week. “
“Wait, Jon’s here?” I interjected to the conversation.
“You know Bill and Jon?” Ryan asked me slinging an arm around my shoulder.
“Yeah Jon is my Jon, I told you about him. My old best friend? But you know Will?”
“Yeah him Pete, Spence and I used to hang out a lot when we all went to school out here. But Jon is your Jon? My god what a small world.” Ryan laughed and I groaned.
“Well I’m going to go find our johnny boy. I’ll see you two later.” William smiled and pulled his mask back on.
“God this is a small world. Kind of an awkward one too. Had a nice little chat with Pete.” I laughed which caused Ryan’s cheeks to turn pink.
“Don’t worry Ry. I think it’s cute that you were so worried about our relationship.” Right there, Ryan gripped my shirt and pulled me towards him to crash our lips together. We both grinned into the kiss.

The rest of the night was pretty much the same. Ryan and I stuck with each other the whole time and I got to meet a lot of people from Ryan’s somewhat past. They all seemed like really cool people and they sure as hell could throw a good party. I was surprised to see that there actually wasn’t that much alcohol or drugs going around but with this crowd it was obvious that there were enough hyper attendees to keep the party going without the need of drugs. My sister seemed to have a good time as well interacting with people other than Spencer, Ryan or I. It seems like ever since she moved in with the guys she hasn’t had much of a social life. All in all we had an amazing time despite the fairly awkward conversation between Jon, Ryan and I. Seems like we all knew each other, without knowing we actually knew each other. Seriously who knew that people from Las Vegas and Chicago would all reunite in Los Angeles.

I guess this little story telling has gone on long enough. You might have enjoyed the story or you might think that this was a long and pointless letter and the whole night was one of those ‘you had to be there’ nights. Either way, you read it all now. HA suckerr!
But I must bid you ado because my English teacher has a stick up his ass (get your mind out of the gutter!) and decided to give us a major test tomorrow.

Goodnight, farewell, to you my friend.
P.S. : Check out the song reckless abandonment by The Spill Canvas. It’s kind of amazing.
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So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really liked writing it.
I'm so sorry updates have been like, dead, lately. I promise to try my best to get atleast one up a week if not more!

Comments are very much appreciated :D