Letters From The Outskirts Of Normality

Letter #17

November 23rd
Hey you!
So, how’ve you been lately? Good I hope. I know I’ve been good. Life seems to be calming down thank god. However there is the whole, Thanksgiving with the whole family, drama but I don’t think I really want to talk about that. I guess all you really need to understand is my mom is giving me hell about not wanted to spend the holiday with them in Utah at my Aunt Becky’s house. Can you really blame me though? I not on good terms with ANYONE in that house and now they want me to spend a full 3 days with them. Okay, I need to stop before I get to into this and start a 5 page rant.

It’s Sunday! Day of the lord! Did you go to church? I didn’t ha-ha. Another fact my mom has been chewing my ass out about. Jeeze, I really need to stay off the family topics.

Hey! I made a friend! (Don’t be so shocked, ye’ of so little faith! wow). No actually her name is Jupiter. Awesome name right? Anyways, she and I got paired up In English for a project on Romeo and Juliet. We got paired on Thursday and already I can tell we’re going to be good friends even beyond this project. She’s got an awesome personality. We like all the same bands and she’s really quite beautiful with shoulder length brown hair and blue streaks. And the most amazing green eyes. Although they’re nothing compared to Ryan’s eyes. If I didn’t have Ryan, I would seriously consider dating Jupiter.

So yesterday we got together to start work on our scene we have to perform out of the play. We just so happened to get one of the ending scenes, the one after Romeo kills Paris and then himself. The one where Juliet wakes up and kisses Romeo then kills herself. To say the least it’s going to be awkward to act out in front of Ryan but hey, not my fault Shakespeare wrote that into the play! I’ll talk to him about it too, make sure he knows that it of course, means nothing. I’m gay after all!

So back to Jupiter coming over, She pretty much spent the whole day here just hanging out which was fun. It was different, but nice, to hang out with someone my own age for a change. And if nothing else, it got my mom in a better mood seeing me a) home, b) with a girl and c)actually doing school work. Other than rehearsing, the two of us laid around my room and listened to music and watched one of our favorite movies Little Miss Sunshine. To say the least it was an amazingly fun day. And we got a lot of work done for the skit!

Well darling, I should go. I still have homework to finish and it’s getting late. I’ll write again soon. I have a feeling I’ll have some news to tell about my new friend. I think you’d like her.

Much love,
♠ ♠ ♠