Letters From The Outskirts Of Normality

Letter #9

Oct 5th 2008
Dear your Holiness,

What a night! If nothing romantic ever happens between Ryan and I, I strongly believe we could become best friends. We, or I did and I'm pretty sure he did too, had an amazing time last night. Nothing was awkward and it was all laughs and enjoying each other's company. First, I met him at his apartment so we could just carpool ever to the coffee shop. He insisted we take his car because hes the 'more experienced driver'. HA! The guy ran about 3 stop signs and strongly believes that yellow means floor it, not slow down. I mean I'm the same way it's just a bit hypocritical don't you think?

So we get to Burned Paper and he insists on paying for me again. I reluctantly agreed after he promised I could buy him a cookie later. We watched the poets and musicians up until maybe 10PM before leaving. We didn't really want to go home yet and waste the rest of a Friday night so we decided to go walk downtown by the strip since it was only about 5 blocks away. We eventually came across the huge gameworks in the middle and I practically begged Ryan to go in there with me. He laughed and agreed. The whole place was crowded with teenagers and tourists but that made it even more fun. Some people thinks that crowds are annoying but I like them because it makes everything seem more alive and well. The first thing we went to was the air hockey table.
"You sure you want to do this?" Ryan asked with a smirk. I nodded eagerly and swiped my card to activate the game.
"You know it."
"Okay, but no crying afterwords." He smiled as the first puck shot out on his side. He quickly flicked his wrist to send the puck flying my way and into my 'net'. I just looked at him with a shocked expression and he grinned. Lets just say I spent the rest of our points trying to beat him. The outcome? I'm to ashamed to answer. I'm just going to say it involves a one, and a double digit number.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT FRIEND!!!!!! Okay so as I was writing the first of this letter, my mom came in and told me that I needed to get downstairs for a family meeting. I reluctantly drug my sleepy body down the stairs and slumped on the couch next to my father. Jack was on the other side of my dad and my mother was standing before us with Jasey beside her. Jasey looked nervous and she kept shooting me apologetic looks. I perked up at this and sat up straight.
"Your sister and daughter here," My mom started looking rather pissed off, "Has been keeping something from us. Care to share Jasey?"
Jasey looked as if she was about to pass out.
"This better be good," Came a voice from the phone that was lying on the table. I then realized that they must have called my other 3 siblings and had them on speaker phone. This was serious shit.
"It's big guys. I am so, so, so sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just want you to accept this and try to look on the bright side of things."
"Just spit it out. I have to get back to work." Someone who sounded like my sister Karen said from the phone.
"Guys," Jasey cleared her throat, "we're getting another family member. I'm pregnant."
No one spoke for what seemed like forever and I was the first one to recover. "Oh my gosh Jase! That's fabulous! I'm going to be an uncle!" I jumped from my seat on the couch and hugged my big sister.
"Brendon!" My mom had scolded me, "She has committed a major sin! This is not a happy thing!"
"Good job dumbass, now you've brought shame on all of us." someone said from the phone and hung up followed by another click.
"I'm sorry." Karen stated before hanging up as well. I looked around the room to see My father shaking his head in disbelief and Jack just sitting there looking extremely angry.
"How could you! I've worked so hard to get this family in god's good thoughts and you just put that all down the drain! How could you?!" He yelled standing up and walking towards my sister. She started crying, he shoulders shaking and he eyes wide with fear. He raised his hand to slap her but I stepped forward, taking the blow.
"Come on Jase." I whispered, clutching my cheek and leading her upstairs. "Pack a bag, we've got to get you out of here." She just nodded, still sobbing.
I'm taking her to Ryan's. I know he'll understand and I can't let her stay here when Jack's still in town. He'll hurt her, I know it. I'm just waiting for her to pack some things before we leave.

I knew she was hiding something and was very emotional lately but I didn't think it would be like this. Despite it all though, I'm thrilled to have a baby niece or nephew.
I'll fill you in with what happens later.
your loyal servant,
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there, how are you?
I hope you liked this chapter, I tried to make it a bit dramatic.
You should totally tell me your thoughts about it in a comment ya know? : )

Next update = Monday