The Start of Something Different

Back to School

Chapter 1
I stepped out into the cold air and shivered. It should not be this cold its only October I thought as I look at the frost on the ground.
I turned on my Ipod and listened to Teenagers, my favorite song ever.
Walking into the school I hear all the preps laughing at what I'm wearing and how I look all the usual things. I spot Julia reading The Umbrella Academe so I decide to scare her for the fun of it.
I creep up behind her and yell “Attack" and to my satisfaction she screams at the top of her lungs.
“What the hell was that for?” she yelled in my ear. “I wanted to see your reaction.” I replied with a look of evil upon my face. “Oh great what now?” she asked looking worried. “We should go scare Ellen and Alida.” I said now all excited.
We snuck up behind Ellen and Alida I looked over, and counted to three and we both jumped on top of them making them fall to the ground.
“WHAT THE HELL” Ellen and Alida yelled looking at us. Julia just pointed to me and I got the evils from both of them.
"What?" I replied looking all innocent. “Nice top by the way Ellen.”
She had on a black corset with pink laces and her hair was down so it looked really good.
“Thanks.” She said forgetting she was mad at me.
(Bell Rings)
We all groan and head off to class. I get my books at my locker, that’s covered with pictures of MCR and my friends, and go to my first class English.
I take my seat at the back of the class and take out my notebook and sketchbook. “Ok today we’re going to go over the homework.” my teacher Mr. Manning told the class.
After finishing my drawing the bell rings; I close my book and go to my next classes.
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