Day Dreams and Rainy Nights

Chapter 1- Him

Aiden Hallows. Ever heard of him? Yeah, didnt think so. He's no one special... To you anyway. To me, he was a friend; sometimes more. A shoulder to lean on; my support system... Too bad times change...
Change. Such a weird feeling that word delivers when verbalized. For me that is. Losing a friend. Just like that. As if the friendship was never a reality. Just some hopeless dream thought up by some fantasist. Well, Hi. My name is Crystal Reiden, and I am that fantasist...


August 18th, 2008

"Excited about the first day of school, hun?"

"Ummm... no? Why would I be? It's just marking the first day of yet another year of hell." I walked out of the house, ignoring every statement of encouragement made by my mother.

To tell you the truth, school wouldn't be that bad if...ugh... Who am I kidding? School is the soul definition of hell.The best part is having lunch with my friends, seeing as I have yet to have a class with them the two years I've attended the place some actually call a high school.

End of this year, I'm gone.

The bus ride is pretty entertaining. I'm the only senior that I know of who rides the bus, seeing as I have yet to get a car. The only thing keeping me occupied is my iPod.

As much as the people I sit around would hate to admit, I bet they know every word to every song I listen to.

1. The kid next to me always asks me how I havent gone deaf yet. I always reply
with, "Listening to this music without blowing an eardrum would be insulting it." Eh, it
shuts him up.
2. I sing along as loud as I can. Oh the faces and remarks I get. Do I mind? Of course not.
3. I listen to the same band every single day. What band deserves such an honor? Panic
At The Disco. Who else?

Finally reachinghell school, I spotted my friends. We went over our schedules and, like always, the only thing that was the least bit similar was our lunch times. We talked over how our summer went.

My story wasn't as eventful as the rest of them. Never was. Well, it was a few years ago... But I'm not about to get into that... Maybe later. ;]

Maria was lucky enough to go to the Bahamas and meet some guy. Turned out, he was taken, and his girlfriend caught them having lunch together in some restaurant . She was chased down the street where the girlfriend, who was pretty round, fell on her face during the pursuit.

Thankfully Maria got away. None of my friends, Ryan, Faith, Brendon, or my story could stand next to that, so we dropped the subject.

About an hour later, I was sitting in my chemistry honors class, day dreaming. About what? This time, who knows. They were always about something impossible or extremely out of place. My day dreams normally ranged from vampires seducing their next victim, to a run-off from a Disney movie to...

"Aiden Hallows?" my teacher interrupted.

Does she complete people's thoughts on a daily basis? I thought.

Aiden Hallows. What more to say about Aiden Hallows... Absolutely nothing... for now at least.

Squeals filled the room as Aiden entered just as his name was called. The girl to my left stared at him with her jaw hanging to the floor, eyes glued to his body as he approached the teacher handing her his pass.

"Is he new?" some girl whispered, obviously too loud because he turned around and searched for whoever was mentioning him with hisbeautiful emerald eyes toward her direction. He quickly gave up on the search, and gave his attention to the teacher who was introducing him to the class.

And then our eyes met.

My stomach did flips a gymnast couldnt even land without breaking a bone or tearing some kind of muscle. I kept a straight face and resumed my staring out the window, as I normally did while day dreaming.

I soon got lost in penguins doing summersaults in the snow... in Florida... Can't say I didnt tell you so...

That was soon interrupted by someone sitting next to me... Guess who...