Day Dreams and Rainy Nights

Chapter 2- Music to my Ears

I didn't even bother turning his way because I knew it was him. I could feel his eyes studying me, staring at me.

I had to fight the urge to look back at him.

Class ended and I walked out the door and down the hall to my locker. I struggled with my lock. I could never get it to save my life. I attempted to get it five more times, but to no avail.

I banged my fist on the locker along with my forehead. I continued this for a good three minutes, speaking random curses at it.

Someone tapped my sholder and I jumped out of my skin.

"Uh, need some help?"

"No! Leave me- oh, hey. Sorry..."My body relaxed knowing it was my friend Brendon.

"What's up with you?" He asked, while he managed to get my locker open, succeding the first try.

As if right on cue, Aiden waltzed by. I covered my face and turned away. When he passed, I looked down the hall and stared at him until he turned the corner.

"Is that...?" Brendon said trailing off, staring in the same direction as me in disbelielf.

"Yeah." I said, walking away.


By the end of the day, I was absolutely miserable. He turned out to be in 5 of my 7 classes, including lunch, making that technically 6 classes for you fat asses who consider lunch a class.

Don't take anything personal. First off, I'm not in a good mood. And two, I include myself in the fatass catagory. So like I said, nothing personal.

The bus ride home, cheered me up. Panic At The Disco was blaring thoguh my ears, and my voice was doing the same throughout the bus.

The same annoyed faces looked back at me, which made me want to sing louder. So I did.

My bus driver just laughs at the matter. He says his it's his entertainment for the day. I don't mind. At least I make someone's day worthwhile.

As soon as I got home and screamed into my pillow, quickly remembering the days events.

Aiden had tried talking to me once, and that was when I was walking out the door of 8th period.

I truly wasn't tring to ignore him... Okay, so that was a lie, but I was really just in a hurry to get ot my bus, since I was in the second row in the bus loop.

I really hoped he hadn't remembered where I lived. We were preschool buddies, and were over eachothers house everyday, considering he lived right down the street.

I decided to take a walk to the park about a block away.

Passing his old house, I stared at it, remembering what great time had happened there as we were growing up.

He moved in 10th grade, and I to never saw him again, until today.

Noticing some old guy with his dog coming my way,I stopped staring and walked towards my destination. Wiping the idiotic smirk off my face as I did so.

I saw something move in the corner of my eye as I walked away. I convinced myself it was a bug (though I had another idea in my head...) , and continued on my way.

I reached the park as it began to drizzle cold droplets of rain hit the top of my PANIC hoodie. Underneath my hoodie I was wearing my rainbow hearted tank top, and my black jeans. My black converse, with kiddie drawing on them accenting my atire quite nicely.

Stepping onto the molch that littered the ground, I made my way to the swings. I sat there for five mintutes, getting wetter by the second. But I stayed there, phased by all the memories that were also made here.

I pulled my iPod out, keeping it covered inside the pocket of my hoodie, and turned it on. "Do you know what I'm seeing" came on, and completed the mood.

The clouds were definitely singing a song. The song of old times, memories, long kept wishes and promises...

I didn't mind the rain. I guess you could say it and I had our similarities.

It was quiet and calm, unless you set it off, where it would have a temper tantrum of thunder and lightning. It hold it all in until it can't take anymore.

I put the song on repeat, and just sat there, letting my tears blend with the rain hitting my face.

Something triggered me back to reality as I heard a faint voice.

"What's a pretty face like your's doing out here in this type of weather?" I looked up into face with emerald eyes and a dazzeling smile.