Day Dreams and Rainy Nights

Chapter 3- Kiss and Make up

I stared at him with a blank expression, tears still streaming down my face. Man had I missed that voice

"I saw you stop by my house, and I figured you were on your way here. You always did like this park, didn't you?" He said, as if we had been carrying on a conversation for hours.

I continued to stare; my expression unchanged since he first spoke. How can he talk to me like that... knowing what he did to me... pretty much ripping my heart out and stomping on it with metal cleats. And you think I'm exaggerating... I stopped crying, and was stood up in front of him.

"Sooo... umm... what's been up with you? How've you been?" he asked, sounding a bit uncomfortable now.

"Uh, good I guess..."besides all the wonderful horrible memories coming back to me at once, yea, I'm absolutely perfect. I looked down at my iPod, changing the song to "Behind The Sea"

"Well, you were crying, so that can't be all true."

"Why would you care anyway? "There was no way I was going to tell him that he was the reason for it all. It'd just give him the power of hurting me again, and God knows I don't want that to happen.

He stood there, attempting to answer. His mouth hung open but he couldn't find the words, so he shut it. There was an awkward silence, so I thought about what he had previously said, trying to make some kind of conversation.

"Your old house? Are you living there again?" I asked. Wait, why am I talking to him? Wasn't it just earlier that I had avoided him?

"Yup. Kinda weird how we end up in the same house that we moved out of."

I fired another question right after his answer, "Why'd you move back?" I tried to sound a bit rude, in hopes he would take it offensively.

"Oh, for a number of reasons, I guess. We hated the rainy, gloomy weather in Boston. We as in my parents; I would've been fine, of course. Taxes began to rise a lot too, I think. And we all missed our friends and family that lived here."

He hadn't taken the hint...

"We were here the 2nd to last week of summer, buying the house, and visiting my cousins. I was gonna stop by... "

"And why didn't you?", I interrupted, sounding discourteous.

"Well we were so busy. I promise I would've "

"What made you think you were welcome?" I retorted.

"I.. "

"Well you're not." I hurriedly stomped by him, forcing my shoulder into his, almost knocking him over.

I couldn't help but notice the hurt in his eyes as he was forced backwards. Not the kind of physical pain, but the pain of heartbreak. He had hoped to make things up right then.
He'd hoped to 'kiss and make up'. Possibly in the actual sense of the words. not that I would've objected.

I tried my hardest not to look back as I, as well as the sky, stormed away. As I looked back, it began to pour.

Surprisingly, he hadnt followed me. As I walked, I thought about the conversation we were having, before I had to ruin it.

I had forgotten, that he too, loved the rainy weather. He was so excited when he learned that he was moving to Boston, City of the never ending rain.

I had acted happy for him, trying to make his day a bit brighter knowing his best friend was behind him in the final decision. I hate that about myself; doing whatever I can to make everyone else happy, when all it really does is make me miserable.

I reached my house and as I ran inside, I realized I was lacking the music in my ears...

Crap I thought.

♠ ♠ ♠
It was like music to my ears, then I realized I had my headphones in...