Smiles Of Pure Sunshine

Cry Me A River

When Frank had finished jis Skittles, I asked Ray if he wanted to go shop with me. Me and Ray were like brother and sister, we went everywhere together, shared clothes, and hung out all the time. When I got no reply from him, (he was playing on the Wii with Mikey) I went over to the t.v. and turned it off. They stared wide-eyed at me. Ray got up and said "What the heck?! We were playing that, Miranda." I smirked and walked off the bus shouting, "HEY! A HOT TOPIC!"

Ray and Mikey flew out the door, shouting, "HOT TOPIC! HOT TOPIC!" As you can tell, Hot Topic was their favorite store.

We walkied into the Hot Topic and the service clerk smiled and welcomed us. We walked over to the KoRn shirts and Mikey picked one out. He payed while me and Ray were looking at The Misfits shirts. We decided on one and ran out of the store, after paying of course.

Gee looked at us funny, as if we had forgotten something important. I raised an eyebrow, "Yes, Gee. Can I help yah?" He shook his head and and yelled, "Of course, silly, you forgot me coffee!" I laughed and replied, "You can hold, Gee."