Where Would We Be If We Couldn't Dream

Goodnight and Goodbye

After the bowling alley,Demi and the rest of the Camp Rock gang left to go home. Sammy,Emmy and the boys decided to walk home instead of drive,since it was a beauitful night.

"Ok,I offically love the cast even more! They were so nice to us." Sammy said.

Joe chuckled. "Yeah,they are nice girls,not to mention good-looking."

"Here we go again....." Nick replied.

"Nicholas,don't be jealous that girls love me more than you." Joe stated proudly.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh,Joseph." Nick replied.

"I speak the truth,kid." Joe said.

"Just because you're 19,doesn't mean you can call me 'kid.' Last time I checked,I was way more mature than you." Nick replied.

"Oh you know what-" Joe stated.

"Guys,guys. Save the drama for yo mama." Sammy said,cutting Joe off.

Kevin and Emmy bursted out laughing.

"Fine...." Joe said.

"Sorry." Nick added.

"I'm beginning to enjoy these little fights these two have." Kevin said to Emmy.

Emmy giggled. "Me too. They're so.....funny."

"And pointless might I add." Kevin said.

"Yeah,that's totally true." Emmy replied.

Everyone walked in a comfortable silence,looking up into the sky. It was a clear night,with so many stars.

"Can you believe how beautiful this is?" Emmy asked.

"I know....it's so......magical." Joe added.

"It never gets old,looking up at the sky on a clear night." Kevin said.

Sammy continued to look up at the stars. Suddenly,she felt arms wrap around her waist.

"Did I scare you?" Nick said,smirk on his face.

"Not even close,Jonas." Sammy replied.

It was then,that Sammy realized her face was inches away from Nick's. They slowly moved in more towards eachother.

"We're home!" Joe said,putting his face between Sammy's and Nick's.

"You dork,I can see that." Nick replied.

"Well,it didn't seem like it from this view." Joe said.

Everyone walked to the hotel entrance.

"Today was totally fun." Emmy said to Kevin.

"Yeah,it was. Espically with you here,you just make the experience so much more better." Kevin replied sincerely.

"Awww Kevin,that is so sweet." Emmy replied.

Kevin slowly moved closer to Emmy,causing her body to stiffen up a little.

"I guess this is goodbye." Kevin said,his breath going onto her face,giving her goosebumps.

"Onl-Only for tonight." Emmy replied nervously.

Then,Kevin moved slowly towards Emmy's face,and before she knew it,his lips were touching hers in a light kiss that made her breathless.

"Goodnight dear." Kevin stated.

Emmy couldn't speak. "Goo-Goodnight."

"Ooooooh snap! Kevin kissed Emmy. You go,tiger!" Joe stated,patting Kevin on the back.

"You're lucky I'm speechless and can't move. Otherwise,you'd be on the floor,begging for mercy." Emmy replied.

"In your dreams." Joe replied,sticking his tongue out.

Emmy flashed him a look,then looked back over at Kevin.

"Well,before we were interupted,I don't believe you were quite finished." Emmy stated with a wink.

Kevin knew what she meant,and he placed another kiss onto her lips.

Meanwhile,over by Sammy and Nick,things were heating up as well.

"Thank you,for an awesome day." Sammy stated,smiling.

Nick chuckled. "The pleasure was mine."

"So....I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Sammy replied.

"Yeah,see you tomorrow." Nick said,looking at his feet.

Sammy looked in both directions,then back at Nick.

"Better do this quickly before Joe sees." Sammy stated.

"What do yo-" Nick said.

Before he could finish his sentence,he was cut off by Sammy kissing his lips,placing her arms around his neck. Nick was shocked at first,but then he started kissing back,as he wrapped his arms around her waist. When Sammy released,she looked at Nick,biting her lip nervously.

"Whoa." Nick said,thinking of the only word that would come out of his mouth.

"Too much?" Sammy asked,still biting her lip.

Nick shook his head. "No. Not enough." He winked.

Nick moved in and placed his lips against Sammy's once more. She smiled into the kiss,and kissed back. Once he released she smiled.

"Later Jonas." Sammy said,walking away.

"See you tomorrow." Nick replied.

Sammy and Emmy said their goodbyes,and linked arms as they walked up the stairs.
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