One Last Chance

Did you forget, what we were feeling inside?


I tapped my foot nervously, glancing at my watch every minute or so. I must have looked so stupid in everyone else's eyes. Of course he wasn't going to show up! I was crazy to believe it for a second. Ever since his band took off, he became a different person. Not that he wasn't down-to-earth, no it was nothing like that. He just, well his values had changed. I wasn't his number one priority anymore, that was his music, and the well-being of his career. Totally understandable. But really, would it have killed him to take a minute out of his day to call me? Even if it was to cancel our date, the least I deserved was a call.

"Look sweetheart," Caroline said sweetly, sitting down across from me. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but Mr. Jonas is over an hour and half late, and well if you're not going to order, I'm going to have to give your reservation up to someone else."

I nodded in understanding, "Yeah, I was just going."

She looked at me sympathetically, "I'm really sorry about this."

I smiled weakly, "No really, it's fine. If I can't enjoy this place, someone else definitely should."

I picked up my clutch bag and headed for the door, keeping my head held high, even though I felt so absoloutely worthless. "Good evening," the door man said politely, bowing his head.

"You as well," I responded.

I looked around, puzzled. I didn't really think about needing a ride home, since Kevin had already offered. In the past, I'd put myself in the same dilemma, never bothering to ask family or friends, knowing they'd tell me Kevin was so wrong for me.

I fumbled in my clutch for my cellphone; Zero Missed Calls. Hardly a surprise. Right then and there, I decided I'd had enough. Kevin could be a rockstar, but nobody had the right to treat me this way. It hurt to know that I was in love with Kevin, but not who he was slowly becoming.

I searched through my phonebook until I spotted his name. I let my finger run over the 'talk' button, unsure of whether this was what I really wanted. He left you out on the street, on a Saturday night, with no way home! I mentally cursed myself.

I pressed the talk button, breathing deeply as my stomach tied up into knots. "Hello," a male voice said on the other end.

"K-Kevin?" I said skeptically.

"That's me," he replied quickly. "Who's this?"

I arched my eyebrows, half surprised, half annoyed. "No one important, obviously."

"Em?" he asked in confusion.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, I couldn't bring myself to answer him. Here I was, standing alone, downtown, on a Saturday night, because the man I'm in love with stood me up.

"Emma, is that you?" he repeated.

"Yeah," I breathed. "I'm standing right in front of La Perla."

"Isn't that downtown? It's a little late for you to be there. What are you doing?"

I gasped as the sob I'd been holding in escaped my lips. "Waiting for you," I choked.

"Baby, calm down, what are you- Oh no, did we have plans tonight? Em, I am so sorry, I completely forgot. We were working in the studio, and I didn't want to call you and bother you when I couldn't stay on the phone."

"I can't do this anymore Kevin," I said shrilly, "You always do this to me."

"Baby, listen to me okay. I'm sorry for doing this, I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean to forget. I'll make this up to you."

I shook my head, though he couldn't see me. "You say this over and over again," I sobbed, "I don't believe what you tell me anymore. This isn't working, things aren't how they used to be. I know it's not your fault, but it isn't working either."

"Em no," he said sternly. "I am absoloutely crazy about you. I have a lot on my plate right now, but you know that no matter what happens you're always the first thing on my mind. You inspire me to work hard, to push for what I want. I love you, I promise."

"I'm sorry," I went on regaining my composure. "Kevin we both know things have been going downhill."

"I'm a little busy lately, I know, but I swear your always on my mind. Give me on more chance baby, please." He sounded so sincere, so sorry. I couldn't help it, I wanted him to be there, to be in his arms.

I sat down on a bench nearby, my eyes slightly drier now. "I want to give you that last chance," I sighed. "Kevin, I don't want to lose you."

"You won't Em, I promise. Nothing has changed, you're still the only one for me. I promise, just give me another chance, please baby."

My heart burst into a tiny million little pieces, filling every inch of my body with butterflies. "I love you Kevin."

I could hear a smile in his voice as he went on, "I love you too Emma, so much. Hey, where are you right now?"

I shrugged, "I'm sitting at the bus stop."

"Stay where you are."

"Kevin I want to go home, I don't have time to play these games."

"You look beautiful," he went on, "I love that dress, it makes you look even more beautiful than you already are."

I looked around in confusion, "How do you know what dress I'm wearing?" I asked.

The phone line went dead and I felt scared suddenly. I tried to redial his number, to get him back on the line, the loneliness really creeped me out. My phone rang, Thank God!! I thought in a panic.

"Kevin!" I exclaimed, answering the phone quickly.

"Don't be scared," he laughed, "turn around."

I looked over my shoulder cautiously, scared something was about to jump out. I spotted Kevin, sitting in his car, smiling widely from across the street.

I screamed, it was the first time I'd seen him in four months. I hung up the phone and ran across the street, lunging myself into his open arms. I didn't let him say a word, and he gave me no time to speak mine. In a second I pressed my lips against his, kissing him hungrily. All those emotions I had bottled up in four months, poured out into one kiss.

"I missed you so much," I mumbled into the crook of his neck, "you can't even begin to understand."

"I've missed you too baby," he replied, "it's great to be back home."

I laughed, "Home?"

He smiled beautifully, pushing a strand of hair away from my eyes. "You know as long as I'm with you, I'm home baby."