Atomic Heart Beat

Chapter Six

It was growing cold outside as I sat on the balcony off Sebastian's bedroom. It overlooked the front of the building, and had an incredible view of the city. I tried to ignore the fact that the balcony I was sitting on had been given no attention. There were unwatered hibiscous flowers on either side of the red brick balcony, and the chairs that sat out there were plastic lawn chairs in an icky shade of green. I didn't care though, the real beauty was the lights that shown different colors in the night of the city. I smiled and breathed in the warm night air, but immidiatly coughed, inhaling a bad smell of smoke and gasoline. I had forgotten that the city never smelled that nice. It really wasn't anything like back at home. But it was an interesting change. I would have to get used to this everyday when I started attending college close by. Sure I wouldn't be in the same city but it was close enough to Sebastian's place that I could visit often. The only thoughts running through my mind now were those of the events today.
Damon's words ran through my mind like a skipping tape, repeating the same line over and over, "you caught my attention. I don't know why..." I shuddered, remembering his velvet voice and warm laugh. For a smoker, he had the most beautiful voice.
"Bye, Sam. I had a great time." I heard a faint, soft voice. That of a man, though.
I stiffened and leaned over the balcony, listening closer. The voice was familiar. I could see two figures standing outside of a nice Bentley parked along the street curb by the apartment complex. They were both males, that was obvious. But I could see only their silouhettes. I squinted my eyes to try to make out the faces from up on the fifth floor. I was surprised I could even hear them. The city was quieter at night than I had expected.
"Me too, Sebastian. I hope we can do it again sometime." I heard another male voice, a bit lower than the other.
Sebastian!? I almost yelled my thoughts, but threw a hand across my mouth and listened in on the conversation.
"See you at work." I heard the smile in my brother's voice.
Soon the two dark shapes became one in an embrace, appearing like a giant smudge of blackness and then seperating after several seconds. I then saw their shadowed faces touch. A kiss? Already?...Whoa.
I soon heard a car door slame when the taller figure headed to the driver side of the nice vehicle. My brother didn't move until the car was out of view. My mouth dropped. My brother had never been the type to be so, so happy in a relationship. I could hear the excitement and the care in his voice as he spoke to this guy. But if I knew anything about relationships, it was that there was a honeymoon phase that dissinigrated quickly as time progressed. I just hoped that if this guy ended up with my brother for good, that he'd be good to him. Sebastian deserved it.

I woke up early that morning, forgetting to close my blinds the night before, so the sunlight flooded in my room at six a.m, waking me. I yawned and stretched my arms and cracked my knuckles. Gross, I know. But it was a habit.
I stood up and grabbed the outfit I laid across my floor before I went to sleep lastnight. I always planned ahead, not really wanting to waste up to ten minutes in the morning trying to pick something out.
I walked into my bathroom and rubbed my eyes. I had some dark cirlces under my eyes that made me groan. I had only gotten about six hours of sleep. I went to bed at ten at night but the images and voice of Damon flooded my mind for two more sleepless hours before I dozed off.
There was nothing about Damon that wasn't flawless. His skin, perfect, slightly tanned but natural, not the usual California tan though. His eyes, gorgeous. I have never once laid my eyes on something that amazing. I didn't even feel worthy to look at them. His hair, sleek and ink black. Everything about him was perfect. I know this would be a form of idealization. But god doesn't make a lot of gorgeous people just like him. I felt lucky that of all people, he would waste his time talking to me. What about me could possibly catch his eye? I wasn't pretty. I had been told I was, but I had yet to believe it. I was short. Only about five foot four inches. I wasn't a super model. I didn't have an amazing figure, though I wasn't at all fat. People always told me I was too thin, weighing in at one hundred and ten pounds. I wasn't anorexic, or even on that road. Infact, I ate like a teenage male. Scarfing down beef jerky and potato chips this way and that. Fat just never seemed to stick to me.
I know it was stupid to think that physical attraction was all that reeled guys in. I was wrong. But for this case in particular, I caught the attention of a guy before speaking to him. He didn't even know me, but I still caught his attention.
I shook my head fiercly, blurring my vision from staring straight into the mirror for so long. I sighed and got into the shower.
I headed out the door at seven a.m. No one was up, not even Yuki, who was sprawled across the floor in the living room with Dea who was on the pull out matress. I questioned for a moment about why Yuki was five feet away from the bed on the floor. I shook my head with a slight smile and headed quietly out the door.