If Looks Could Kill

Dead Dog Blues...

The sound of my boots crunching on asphalt was supremely delicious, it reminded me of all those summer days spent over Jackie's house. I sighed into the falling dusk, why did he have to do this?
I felt my pulse rise, the weight of the Louisville Slugger over my shoulders was noticeable. I pushed all the agony out of my mind, finding the messages on his phone, pleading with him to just tell me he was cheating, crying for three straight nights. Waiting, only waiting.
I began to hum a happy little tune, strapped down my dagger, shotgun and bat in the flatbed of my 2004 cherry red Chevy Avalanche. I had the truck lifted and had lime green and black interior, Fox racing gear in the floorboards. I blew a kiss to my license plate


I sighed again loudly and turned my CD player to the new slipknot CD, Psychosocial. I began slamming my head to the base as the truck roared to life. "Time to go catch my self a dirty little liar." I said in a singsong voice, backing out of my driveway.
I called Jackie's' cell...



ring.... "Hello?" his soft easy voice was like a healer to my soul, I missed him.

"I'll be there in twenty..." I said letting the smile leak out into my voice.

"Shit, Lauren, no-"

I had already closed the phone and pushed the speed up to eighty.

I reached my destination in less than the time it would take a normal person, but I was a pissed off werewolf and no one was going to get in my way.

I parked the car right outside of Maryland [Franklin] manor, walking the mile distance. Smells were all around, damp concrete from the light mist I had cast in the air, woodsy musk, a cottony smell, then a bright cheery seductive smell, somewhere between a doctors waiting room and a boyfriend stealer. Trixie. I lurched forward, I knew it was her, all the times I had smelt it on him, ugh. I spat on the ground. Walked a little more and kneeled. I put my palm to the warm asphalt, it was comforting, the smell of rain in the distance, the support of the one lane road...
I looked straight up the lane at the little white house, no one home. I smiled sharply and opted for the woods, she'd be at the pier.

I jumped lightly, landing on all fours and tore off for the patch of forests to my right. The ground was mossy, the typical Maryland shrubbery, it was damp and cold to the touch, like my heart. I knew I was going to do something, it was stupid, but after three years and she just steals my mate? That was punishable with execution in my kind. I pushed my shoulders back and forth in a rowing motion, keeping my hips going side to side, it makes you go faster on all fours as human. I paid attention to all of my surroundings, the light ruffling of leaves in front of me, the smell of a bonfire in the distance.
I kept my breathing even, back forth back forth, left right, left right. I skidded to a halt, there she was. A
tall girl with light brown hair tousled over her shoulders stood before me a couple of miles. Nothing but the ocean keeping her protected from me. I snorted, good. I’d have time.
I needed a plan.
I circled and took off back where I came from, arriving shortly in front of her back porch. I looked up, a single window with purple curtains, ha. Bulls eye.
A dog barked, startling me, I swerved and began to pursue it, time to put my plan into action. I chased it effortlessly, I lounged myself upon it’s fragile flanks, crushing it’s bones beneath me. Crack….as my knees smashed it’s butt. Crack…as my chest landed the back of it’s ribs. Crack….as my hands pushed down it’s head. Broke it’s spine in three places. I smiled as I hauled it over my shoulders, carrying it to the porch. I looked out into the road, no one. I began mapping out my agenda for the night as I scaled the side of the porch. I hoisted myself onto it’s roof and dropped the corpse. I went over to the window, prepared on wrenching it open, it was unlocked. Oh of course! Never know when your already taken boyfriend may drop in. I held back the vomit. Ugh. I pulled on some latex gloves from my pocket and kicked off my boots. Couldn’t leave any evidence now could I?, I thought climbing into the window.

Her room was a light sky blue, white fluffy carpet, big four poster bed, walls covered with art. It was like a femme fatale.
I pranced happily around her room.

What shall I destroy first, hmmm?

I walked over to her uncased CD collection that was stacked up on her stand with a boom box.
Egh she had horrible taste. I swiped them to the floor with my index finger. Stepping on them as I crossed the room. I went over to her dresser. A heart locket? With a wolf on the front? Oh no no no.
I strung it on the bed post and hit it with my fist until the heart bent in on itself. I laid it back on it’s place on the dresser. I turned and went for her closet.
I bet she likes her black clothes doesn’t she?

I smiled to myself while looking at all her gothic gear. Can chains be ripped apart?
I think they can, I thought morbidly.

I grabbed armfuls, dropping them to the floor, ripping them apart, shred after tiny shred. Not a while later every single one was ripped to shreds, though she was so skanky that she’d wear them as they are probably. I rolled my eyes. I looked up, whoops I missed one, a bright pink mini dress. I think I’ll leave that one there. Hahaha.
Next I went to her pictures that were sprawled out on her nightstand, Jackie and her at the pier, Jackie alone, Jackie with a hat on sideways. I grabbed them and ripped them with my teeth. I turned glancing around. Oh, she had swords on display. I took them and stabbed the as far as they would go into the bed. Little puffs of white shot out as the mattress was mutilated. Feather blood.
I laughed darkly.

I jumped on the bed and began to shred the pillows, they made shrieking sounds much to my pleasure.


Ooooh there goes a stuffed sheep hahahaaha.


Oops there goes the satin quilt.


I jumped off the bed, landing on the downy nest I’d just created. I looked around to the easel, it looked about heavy enough to kill something had it fall on them. AHA! I had a brilliant idea. I went over to her expensive looking paint set and with one of her knives, clawed into them. Streams of blue, violet, and orange flowed over on the carpet as crimson and sunshine yellow squirted out in clusters of oozing brightness. I went over to the window, wiped off the knife on the carpet and threw it behind her dresser.
I climbed out the window and picked up the dead dog. Standing it up as if it were alive, I walked through the paint, leaving it’s prints into the carpet, I rammed it into the dresser, then into the bed with it’s front paws. Then back to the easel, I laid it under the easel, laid the swords on to where they were before, and kicked it’s legs out from under it. It’d look like it had run into it. I looked around the room and leered into the mirror over her dresser. I saw a pale girl with short dark hair wearing black chain pants, a dark green tank top, and a light camo jacket with the sleeves rolled up. I was sick. I was so sick.


Suddenly in my victory, there was a door slamming from the first floor. Panicking, I went over and climbed out the window, slid into my boots, shut the Payne and did a Spider Man down the siding of the porch. I took off galloping across the couple of yards to the woods. I dashed behind a wood pile and crouched. I peeked over it a little enough to see her appear in the room. I ducked down. The a loud blood churning scream went out.

Ah sweet success.

I waited a good ten minutes before hearing a voice talking quickly coming from the front yard. I looked up, Trixie was on her cell phone.

“I don’t know what to do Jackie, it’s awful!” she cried, “Ok I’ll be over soon.” she said nodding, hung up and disappeared from sight.

So she was going to meet him? Then I’ll just have to meet her there. I thought darkly.
I slinked off into the shadows of the setting sun, it was almost dark. I picked up pace and began loping to Jackie’s father’s house....
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this probably won;t be complete before tomorrow, there's more coming.