Scribe The Words Happy Meal Right Across Your Head


My arms were tucked neatly behind my head as the screams of Killswitch Engage engulfed me completely. I allowed a smile to etch across my face as 'Rose Of Sharyn' boomed. All was peaceful on this somewhat chilly afternoon in Huntington Beach California. The sun was dipping behind the violent ocean and the winds were whipping the January air around like crazy.

There was a loud crack of knuckles against wood on the other side of the door, which didn’t bother me the slightest. I only turned up my stereo louder.

"Justin," a voice boomed and I opened one eye and slightly cocked my head forward to see who was calling my name.

I made eye contact with my father and rested my head back on my pillow.

"Finish you're homework?" He asked.

"Eh, I will later,"

"Well mom's got dinner ready so hurry up and turn down the music, we can hear it from the kitchen." In one fluid motion, he was able to switch my radio off and grab my complete attention.

"Uncle Jimmy is here also with aunt Leana." With that, we was gone and down the stairs.

I sighed, swung my legs over the side of my single bed, and rubbed my 16-year-old face, wincing when I touched my irritated lip ring. It was fresh, just put in this weekend.

"Hey big guy," my Uncle called rubbing my black messy hair.

"Hey," I mumbled and gave a hug to my aunt Leana.

"Wow look at that," she gushed at mp lip, taking it in her index finger and thumb. She released it and I rubbed my mouth, the thing was still sore.

"Let's eat," My mother announced, placing a steaming casserole dish on a potholder.

"Looks delicious Lea," my aunt exclaimed as my mom placed a serving spoon next to her masterpiece.

"Yeah real good," I piped up from behind my long dark bangs.

My mother gave me a look and sat herself down near my father. We all started to dig in, all except for my mother; she had this ghastly look on her face.

"Mom you ok?" I said somewhat shakily, it was not normal for her to be like this. She just starred straight over my head out the window behind me. I slowly turned my head to reveal nothing out of the ordinary. Than I heard a 'thunk' and I whipped around, starring dumb stricken at an empty chair.

The next few scenes went by so quickly that my head spun. First was an ambulance taking my mother away. The second was everyone pilling into a car (minus my father who took the ambulance) and driving away. The third was I sitting at an empty kitchen table playing with my food.

I signed and got up, running a hand though my disgruntled black hair, making my bangs part right than left. I was nervous about my mother, don’t get me wrong, but I seriously cant take emergency rooms. They just freak me out completely. I have had a couple of horrible experience in the ER to last me a lifetime.

I paced back and forth and than sprinted to the phone. My thumbs went rapidly to the keys and it rang.


"Hey dude its me,"

"What you want? Its like 10 and we got school tomorrow…"

"Can you just get over here?"

There was a pause, "Fine, be there in 5."

I clicked the phone off and sat on the couch twiddling my thumbs. The sheer sense of someone I loved in that horrid place made me antsy.

The door opened and I swear I jumped 30 feet. He was a slender boy with dark coppery hair. He called himself Jake, my closest friend who has put up with so much shit these past 10 years that we have known each other.

"What's up man? You look white as a ghost,"

I shrugged, "Mom's gone."

He gave me what's-the-big-deal look, "you are by yourself all the time."

"She collapsed today Jake, like not a black out, but an actual stop of breathing and all that…" I trailed off; I was not very close with my mother. Maybe it was because we didn’t have too much in common or that she just tried too hard.

"Fuck," Jake said under his breath, "dude I'm sorry."

I shrugged my shoulders and stayed silent. We both sat on the couch not making eye contact.

Than finally, "Do you want me to stay the night if your parents don't get back?"

I nodded, that was the last thing I wanted, to be left home by my self. Do not get me wrong, I am very and completely self-sufficient, I stay home when my dad goes on tour and when my mom goes sometimes.
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First instalment, i know its a little lame, but i promise it gets better.
Comments will make me post the next chapter quicker.

Love you guys♥