Scribe The Words Happy Meal Right Across Your Head


My alarm went off and I shook my tiredness from me. I rolled off the couch onto the ground and hit my head on the table.

"Fuck," I mumbled as I simultaneously stood up and rubbed the back of my head. I walked to the bathroom and did all my bathroom needs. I stepped out and saw Jake still sleeping on the couch. My heart sank slightly seeing him there.

They didn’t come home.

I vacuumed a bowl of cereal and Jake and I half jogged our way to the corner to catch the 7:00 bus to school. It was a narrow escape but the doors swung open and both Jake and I hopped onto the crowded yellow school bus.

There were a couple of sneers and some comments but we found two empty seats across from each other. I sat down next to a girl who I recognized from my English class. She has straight blonde hair that was cut into layers and bangs that went to her nose.

I smiled at her and sat down, turning my body to face my friend. The ride felt like we were crossing the Pacific Ocean. All because somewhere after the first 5 minutes it started to down pour. Of course, it did not stop when the bus doors opened. Actually, it rained even harder. A big, gray blanket covered the normally clear California sky. As usual, Jake and I were the last to emerge from the transportation. I flipped my hood on and shuffled down the walkway to the school. Just to my luck, the door was locked, and there was no one on the other side that planned to let us in. I moaned and hit my head against the metal and glass door.

The sky boomed and cracked above us he knocked on the door. Not even a teacher would look at us. Finally the same blonde from the bus came up shyly and pushed it open.

She stared up at us with large, mooneyes as the rain and wind blew her hair around her face. We said or thanks and rushed to lockers before the bell…


"Fuck," I mumbled as I bid my friend good-bye. I slunk over to my locker and quickly rotated the lock with my thumb to the appropriate numbers. Filling my bag with my books and slammed it shut, talking care to make sure the lock still worked.

Homeroom was always a bit lonely. Not that I minded though, it was always a time where I could sit and think. If people watching were accepted as a sport, I would be drafted to the Olympics. I could read the lips of my colleagues and read every emotion that they could make up.

Ben Allan, a tall, dark hair boy was in a cloud of furry. His eyes were enraged as he glared at Tom Benedict from across the room. Tom looked confident by the way he held himself while talking to Jessica Card. By the look on this scene, Ben and Tom, who were good friends, were having a feud over Jessica, a pretty burnet with short choppy hair. She wore a radiant smile on her flushed lips as Tom talked. Clearly, this was making Ben jealous and uncomfortable. He was fidgeting in his seat, playing with his pen while shooting glares at his friend's back.

I smirked to myself as Mr. Chapman took attendance about two minutes before the bell for first period rang. Another tardy dodged. I thought as the defining sound filled the room and all the students stood up.

"Pst," Jake hissed from his seat behind me. I turned my head slightly to the right and he proceeded to talk.

"Dude that chick over there is giving you the sex eye," He hissed.

I directed my bright green eyes to connect with the blonde haired girl. As soon as she noticed, her blues dropped to the ground and she bit her lip. I smirked slightly and went back to the outlines of my essay.

"So," Jake sidled up to me on the way to lunch.

"So what?"

"When's your dad going to tour again?"

I glared at him, "shut up ok?"

"Ok, ok," he backed off with his arms in the air. We didn’t talk about me being the son of a rock star. I don’t think anyone at school knew, and I prefer to keep it that way. No one wants extra attention just because his father is famous.

Jake and I found our usual seat at the back of the cafeteria near the wall. I took a seat across from him, slipping next to Alice.

"Hey boys," she called with her radiant smile. Her dark brown eyes glowed.

"Sup Alice," Jake nodded taking a bite of his sandwich.

"So," she smirked, "you guys have no idea who I ran into yesterday…"


The last bell rang and the was clear of all clouds. I packed my bag and ran to catch up with Jake and Alice.

"Slow poke," Alice teased as she playfully shoved me.

I smiled and tossed her black and blonde bangs across her face with a flick of my wrist.

"My place?" I asked casually as our trio swaggered down the busy street to the local convenient store.

"Where else," Jake answered as the ding of the door signaled that customers had arrived. Jake swooped to the fridge in the back of the store and came back with two Monsters. He tossed me a bottle and I flicked it open to take a gulp, only to have it stolen from me by the woman of the group.

"Too slow,"

I rolled my eyes as she took a long gulp and handed the energy drink back to me.

"Ok got the good stuff," Jake announced as he placed an armful of junk food on the counter. The lonely kid behind the register gave us a dead look and rang it all up.

"You got money?" Jake nodded towards me as he played with his center lip stud.

"Me?" I pointed to myself with my thumb.

"Yeah, you're like loaded."

I scoffed, "I work for my money you lazy ass, and I get hardly anything from the parents."

Out the corner of my green eye, I saw Alice roll her eyes, "will you two shut up?" she pushed my out of the way and placed the appropriate amount on the counter for the cashier to scoop up and hide away in the register.

"Come on," she huffed and left the food for us to pick up.


I shoved my house key into the shiny brass lock and pushed the door open. The only noise in the house was the hum of the refrigerator. I sighed, no one was ever home to greet me when I arrived home. I do not remember anyone home since I graduated from the 5th grade.

"To the room" Jake announced and he lead the way up the stairs.

I took another swig of my monster and set it on the ground next to me. Than placed, my hardened fingers onto the skinny six strings of my guitar. The hum of my amp brought a smile to my lips as I strummed my baby.

Alice laid down a beat on the drum set she bought when we were in the eighth grade. Her black hair swirled around her face as she bobbed her head. Jake followed her lead with an old bass that my uncle gave us. It was one of his old basses that he used to play in shows with when he was 18.

I rocked out with my guitar next to my best friend. My uncle and father taught me to play when I was 7 years old, I have been in love with it ever since. My fingers guided up and down the sleek black finish of the neck and played seamlessly next to each of the silver frets.

We played for a good hour and a half straight. I paused and switched off my amp, "I'll be right back."

I hopped down to hallway with the sudden urge to use the restroom. On my way I ran into my father.

"Hey dad," I mumbled as I swerved around him to the bathroom.

"Justin," he called.

I swiveled around to face a pair of identical green eyes.

"I got back from the hospital, you're moms going to be fine," he grinned.

I smiled; the thought of my mother's fate had been lingering in the back of my thoughts. My father has put it to sleep. "What happened?"

"Well," the started, playing with his jacket, "her bloodstream is unsteady and it was somehow disrupting her lungs. She will be under care for a couple more days but I azure you that she is fine, all she has to do is take her medicine."

I smiled, "what caused it?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his own black hair, "it's something we should talk about later, ok? Don’t want to keep your band waiting, they might strike a mutiny."

I laughed and ran off to the restroom.
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I just got back from Ohio =) i went to go see family and to see the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame!! it was so cool. you guys shouls seriously go cause it will knock your god damn socks off haha.

anywho, coments are great cause that way i'll update more often. lets fill the stars up!

love you guys √