Scribe The Words Happy Meal Right Across Your Head


"She's doing it again," Jake huffed as he scribbled another sentence on his rough draft.

I gave him a sideways smile and glanced at her slender, pale figure.

"You should really go talk to her," Jake continued, "I mean its been like a week, something's up."

I laughed quietly as to not draw Mrs. Robert's attention. I wiggled my lip ring as I stole another glace at her.

"She's pretty," I complimented to Jake, not talking my eyes away from my paper.

"Yeah man,"

The bell for lunch rang and I gathered up my books and slipped them into my backpack.

"Now," Jake hissed as he slipped by me into the hall.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the blonde girl whom I did not know the name. I took a deep breath and forced a smile. She looked up at me and smiled sweetly back. I could feel my palms become damp as she neared the door where I was standing.

"Hi," I said, but it sounded more like a squeak.

She stopped in front of me and looked down at the ground slightly, "hi."

"Umm, I'm Justin," I awkwardly stuck my hand out to shake her fragile one.

She laughed and shyly took mine, "I'm Katie."

"Are you new here?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, I just moved here with my mom from Michigan."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "than why did you come here?"

She glanced at the clock quickly, "we should to go to lunch before the bell rings…" she trailed off.

"Why, it's not like they are going to give us a detention for being late to lunch," I smirked.

"Your friends will be looking for you."

"And yours?"

She starred at the ground than slowly looked up at me.

"Oh…" I paused, "than… would you like to sit with me, err, us?" I was stuttering like an idiot.

She smiled shyly again and nodded.

I smiled back at her, "Alice would love a female companion to talk to." I mentally kicked myself for calling her a 'female companion'.

"Oh, ok."

She followed me to the cafeteria where I glanced around to see our table in the usual back corner.

"Hey Justie," Alice chirped as I slid in across from her, pushing Jake down the bench.

"Hey Justie," Jake mocked, earning him a swift kick to the shin under the table.

I smiled, "hey guys, this is Katie, she's new and going to sit with us, so be nice." I smirked as Katie shyly stood next to me.

"Hi Katie!" Alice's loud and friendly voice greeted. "I'm Alice," she pointed to herself, "and that’s Jake over there next to Justin." She gestured to Jake who gave a warm smile and a wave.

"You can sit here next to me." Alice continued moving down the plastic bench so Katie was sitting across from me.

"So Katie," Jake said slowly, "Where yeah from?"

"Michigan." She whispered, barley audible.

"Uh huh, so you like to play music."

A smile started to grace her lips.

"I'll take that as a yes," Jake smirked and looked at me.

I gave him a lopsided grin and took a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich.

"I play the drums," Alice offered, "and Jake is learning bass cause Justin over here is an ah-mazing guitarist. He…"

I glared at her to stop right where she was. I did not need my secret being shared until I thought Katie was ready.

Jake snickered at the death look I gave Alice. "Hey Katie, do you like the band, Avenged Sevenfold?"

I wanted to pull out his septum and shove it down his throat. Why must he torture me so?

"They are ok," she said a little more clearly now, "kind of old though. I like my music fresh and young."

I laughed, "I couldn't agree more."

"But," she continued, "there are some really good 'old' bands" she made sure to make air quotes around old.

"Like," Jake started her.

"Like I don’t know, maybe System Of A Down, those guys can really make you head bang, or Killswitch Engage.

"Justie here loves Killswitch Engage." Jake prompted.

"Yeah," I stuttered slightly.

"What you doing after school today Katie?" Alice took a sip from her Capri Sun pouch.

"I don’t think anything,"

"Oh than do you want to come hang out with us than? We have band practice and stuff."

Katie's face lit up, "sure, sounds better than slumming around the house doing homework."

"Than it’s a date," Alice concluded, "in front of the school after last bell…"


Right before last bell rang I cornered my best friend in the corner.

"why'd you invite her over?" I muttered.

"Cause she's cool and we should hang out more," Alice responded.

"But remember that I have a secret to keep hidden. I don’t really want her to know that I'm…" I looked around the soon to be filled hallway, "well you know."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh please, you know that your dad isn’t going to be home until like 8pm. Just send her home at like 5."

I heaved, "Fine, but you are responsible for explanations and damage control."

She smiled, "Ok," as the final bell echoed though the corridors. She pecked me on the cheek and skipped off to her locker.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my beat up history book into my backpack of the same shape. Than kicked my dented, metal locker into place. My black and white Masterlock made a clicking sound as I placed it through the whole and pressed it together.

I found Alice, Jake and Katie waiting outside where they said they would be. Alice and Katie looked like they were enjoying music on Alice's Ipod.

"Sup," Jake pounded my fist and Alice smiled and made a motion to shut off her music device.

"What you listening to?"

"Um, Never Let Me Go by Family Force 5," She answered.

I laughed, "you're such a dweeb."

Katie cleared her throat, "where are we going to go again?"

"Well," Jake started, looking at me and her, "we are going to go crash at Justin's sweet ass pad. But first we have to go pick up fuel for the music and the mini mart"

We laughed and started the short walk to the local store.
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sorry its been so long. school starting and i went to maine =)

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