Scribe The Words Happy Meal Right Across Your Head

The one person that can...

"But Jake, you need me," she whined.

I grew angry and left my room. I think I am going crazy. The doors seemed to wave as I stalked by, the stairs wobbly, and the living room un-inviting. I threw on a sweatshirt and opened the door. I needed fresh air to clear my mind. It was pouring outside. Everyday felt like this ever since my favorite uncle passed away. I have not returned to school, I do not think I ever will. My voicemail is full of the voices of worried friends and compassionate family. I've stopped listening to them. they only make me feel more empty.

I took myself around the black and I was back in front of my door. The wood seemed menacing. As if, it was going to swallow me whole. I scowled at the danger and walked to the backyard. There sat my mother, she had a hat on her head and was hunched over one of her vegetable beds. The rain was just a slight sprinkle. Not wet enough to keep my mother from tending to her plants. She loved them as if they were my siblings. And every year, we would enjoy a feast of wonderfully plump tomatoes, carrots, squash, and anything else that could sprout from a seed. The thought of the late summer harvest brought a rain cloud to my mind.

My uncle loved the harvest, more than anyone else…

I shook my head and told myself not to think those thoughts anymore. I made a noise and my mother swiveled around and smiled up at me.

"What's up Jake?" she had a casual way to her voice. It was sometimes as if I was talking to a teenager than to my mother. Than again, she was only 19 years older than I was.

"Just thinking, you know."

She forced a smile on her lips and sighed. She stood up to look at me.

"Jake sweetie," she cooed, "do you think you are up for school tomorrow? It's been a couple days, you are going to be so far behind…" she trailed off.

"I will," I mumbled and looked down at the mud near her feet.

"Good boy," she bent back down to pick up her tools and I followed her inside. The house was cool and smelled like cut flowers.

I wandered up the wooden stairs to my bedroom. I fiddled with the brass knob and it popped open.

"Cheer up emo kid!" was what greeted me when I emerged to my haven.

I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me.

"Nice to see you too," the voice said again.

I wandered to my bed, ignoring my best friend and laid down, creating pictures and shapes on my ceiling.

A duck

A horse

A giraffe

And… Alice.

"I'm not going to let you mope around anymore." She announced as she took my shoulders in her hands and lifted me so I was sitting strait up.

"I know, I know." I smiled weakly. "To be honest it's nice to see someone who isn’t all, 'how are you feeling?' and, 'it's going to be ok.'" I smiled softly to myself.

"Well," she smirked, "I'm going to be totally and completely un-compassionate, and force you to come to town and screw around with us. It has been lonely without or Justikins," she kissed my cheek. "Katie misses you."

I looked up; I seemed to capture my immediate attention.

She broke out laughing, "I love guys," she said between giggles.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "like what she say? Does she wanna," I paused and smirked, making a rowing hand motion, wiggling my eyebrows."

Alice continued to giggle, "I fucking love you Justin Baker!" She collected herself and leaned her back against the wall my bed was pressed up against. "And I don’t know."

I tossed a pillow at her, "bitch, you so know, spill it."

Alice threw her chin in the air and held in a smile, "No."

I raised an eyebrow, "Don't make me…" I trailed off; Alice knew exactly what I was planning.

"Try me."

I sighed, "But you left me no choice." With that, a squirming Alice was beneath me as I ran my tongue across her face. Alice was extremely ticklish. The soft touch of my tongue left her in fits of giggles.

"Ok, ok, you win. Just get your slimy tongue away from me."

I smiled triumphantly as I let the smaller being go.

"Does she or not."

"Well she might, just might, think that you are nice, adorable, and have amazing eyes. But you didn’t hear that from me." Alice was counting the traits on her fingers, looking up at the ceiling, begging them to come to her.

I pouted, "Adorable? Whatever happened to Hot, Or to unbelievable sex god?"

She waved a hand at me, as if to shoo me, "I'm sure you are all of those dear."

I leaned in closer, she leaned back, "are my 'amazing eyes' intimidating you?"

She let out a loud "Ha," and placed a hand to my chest, thrusting me backward onto my back, dangerously close to the end of the single bed.

"Well what are you waiting for?" I rolled off the end of the bed, landing on my feet. "We have mayhem and hot sex to tend to." I smiled broadly, flipping my hood back onto my head. Alice mirrored my actions, flipping her Skellanimals hoodie on, kitty ears protruding from her head.

I made a cat claw and flicked at her kitty ears.

"meeeow," she fake hissed as she pushed me out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
this scene with alex and justin was inspired by a very simular one between my best friend dave and I
just thought like telling you guys that haha

sorry that it took me so long again, and yes i have another excuse.
the new microsoft word was downloaded onto the computer so now its not working right =(
so i dont know if i can type, this and another 2 chapters i have saved and pulling from the old one.
so 2 more chapters until i can work the new word ok

sorry =(

comments anyway though
lets make 30!