The Candy Necklace

The Candy Necklace

The Candy Necklace

Hien sat stretching the elastic on the necklace he wore.

He was waiting for Shigi to come home so they could go out like they'd planned, but Shigi had to work overtime so things had been delayed quite a bit.

Sinking further into the cushions Hien bit into the sweet candy that was laced around his neck.

Yawning he layed back on the couch and pulled the blanket that was laying on the back of the couch down and spread it on himself.

Hien jumped slightly when he heard the door slam shut.

"Shigi?" he sat up throwing the blanket off of him.

"Who else would it be?" Shigi's voice trailed from the kitchen. He sounded utterly beat.

"Are you alright?" Hien asked getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen.

Shigi was grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Rough day at work?" Hien asked leaning on the door of the fridge.

"What do you think?" Shigi opened the can and brought it to his lips taking a huge guzzle.

"I was only asking." Hien pouted biting on the side of his thumbnail nervously.

"Don't do that." Shigi looked at Hien for the first time.

Shigi's gaze was drawn to the light colored candies that clung tightly around Hien's neck.

His tongue grazed over his lips lightly.

"What?" Hien squeaked when he noticed the look on Shigi's face. He looked as if he was about to swallow him whole.

"Come here." Shigi said his voice becomeing husky.

Closing the fridge Hien eyed Shigi suspiciously moving slowly. "Why? Are you plotting something?"

Shigi shook his head making blond bangs fall into blue eyes.

Hien laced his arms around Shigi's narrow waist. "Good cuz your supposed to be taking me out, remember?"

"Yeah." the blond had placed his head on Hien's shoulder and was blowing on Hien's neck.

"Quit that." Hien said sliding his hands up to Shigi's shoulders. "Your not getting out of it."

"I know." he breathed flicking his tongue out to taste one of the various candies that Hien still wore. "I just wanted a bit of sugar to cheer me up."

Hien gaped. "Stop that. You'll get me all sticky."

Smirking against Hien's neck he bit into one of the small pink pieces purposefully dropping some on his exposed shoulder. He began slowly licking at the candy which unavoidably made him lick Hien too.

Hien shuddered against Shigi.

Shigi began grinning. "You trying to get out of going?" He looked at Hien in the eyes. "Cuz I know what it means when you start shivering like that."

"Shut up and leave me alone." Hien said trying not to smile. "You'll make my cloths get crinkled."

"Oh sorry. Maybe you should change then?" Shigi's lips stuck out in a mock pout.

Hien snorted. "I don't think so. We don't have the time." Hien pointed to the clock on the wall above the sink.

Shigi crossed his arms over his chest a stubborn look on his face. "I refuse to go out to a nice place we made reservations for with a person who looks like they just got mauled in the bathroom stall at the nearest gas station."

Hien's jaw dropped. "You're the one who made me look like this in the first place!" He nearly screetched.

"I don't care." Shigi laughed not changing his pose.

"FINE!!!" This time he did screetch. "I'LL CHANGE!!! Will THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY??!?!?!"

"Very much so." Shigi smirked.

Hien stompped into the bedroom yanking of his cloths agitatedly. He was grumbling non-intelliagable things to himself and tearing at his cloths meniacally.

Shigi stared lovingly at the monster he'd created. The only thing he could do now was calm him down. And there were very few things that could be done about that.

Slowly he started to take off his cloths too. 'Such fun.' he grinned to himself.


Shigi stretched languidly and layed back against the pillows.

"Wow." Hien yawned fingering the empty string of elastic that was still around his neck.

"Oh my God!" Shigi said suddenly jolting up in bed.

"What? What is it?" Hien asked sitting up too, a conserned look on his face.

"We missed our reservation." the blond motioned to the clock on the bedside table that glowed the time 8:00.

"You dick!" Hien hit Shigi playfully in the chest. "You did that on purpose."

Shigi shrugged grinning from ear to ear.

"Was any of that real? Was it all in your plan to get you out of dinner and me into bed?"

"I forget." Shigi laughed looking at Hien sweetly.

"Dick." Hien muttered and turned. He kissed Shigi softly where his jaw met his ear.

"And yet you still love me." Shigi smirked wrapping his arms around Hien and pulling him atop of himself.

"How could I not?" Hien asked tilting his head to the side. "Your so sweet."

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Hardy har har. *laughs* Such a dumb story. People should bug me more to post things. lolz So then I can actually be motivated to post without asking. *snort* Any ways. Comments are love.