The Kill


There was a surprise that night, alright, but it wasn't a surprise for her. The surprise was that she wasn't at work, it seemed she had brought work home with her instead. The moment I'd entered the house, I thought I'd heard some noises coming from upstairs where her room was, but I figured it was just my nerves getting the best of me; to my dismay, I was wrong. I opened her door to see her and one of her co-workers in bed together, her head was tilted back, mouth open, eyes closed; she didn't even know I was there.

I took the small black velvet box out of my pocket, flicking it open and giving the ring one last quickly glance before shutting the box and tossing it onto the bed beside her. This is when she finally noticed that they weren't alone; her head popped up as she instantly tried to push the other man away; like that was somehow going to change everything.

"Forget it." He mumbled softly as I heard her mumbling something like an 'I'm sorry' in my direction, her hands scrambling to grab the sheet off her bed and wrap it around her small frame. I quickly slipped out the door, closing it behind myself before walking down the stairs, nearly tripping over my own feet as I tried to wrap my mind around what I had just seen.

I could hear her at the top of the stairs, though I couldn't make out what the words were that were spilling from her all too perfect mouth. Everything had become a blur to me, I never knew that somebody could mean that much to me, but it was almost as if she was laughing as she pulled everything out from under me, watching me fall into some dark place that nobody else had been in before.

My mind was a blur of midnight blue, swirling itself around every small crevice it could reach until everything was like the night sky on a cloudy night, no stars or moon to be seen.

My hands reached out for the doorknob, twisting and turning it until the door finally flung open. I didn't even turn to shut it as I made my way to my car, opening the door and slipping inside before slamming the door behind myself. There was a mixture of anger, hate, love, and loss tugging at the strings of my heart; I wanted to hate her for what she did, and in some way or another, I did, but there was still that special love for her that I couldn't push away.
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Please leave me comments on this! These aren't necessarily chapters, but I know that people here want to read more of this story, so whenever I write a few more paragraphs I stick them up here so there's more for you guys to read.

If there are any spelling errors or anything like that, please point it out in a comment so I can go back and fix it. And, if there's anything that you'd love to see in this story, post it in a comment and I may just put it in there and put my own little twist on it.