A Sweet Disaster

Music Should Always Be Fun. Always.

You know...being the ignorant fool that I am...I started working at this music store because I thought it would be enjoyable.

I was wrong.

This is quite possibly one of the most boring jobs on the planet.

One: it's in a bad location. Two: no customers. Three: my boss is a prick.

There are more reasons for hating my job, but those are the main three.

Luckily...I'm used to dealing with pricks and I'm not a people person. Also...I don't work at a bank like Kyle does.

I would probably get fired my first day.

So...here I am during yet another routine day at work when guess who shows up.


I swallowed hard and focused on the hideous countertop.

"Shane? I didn't know you worked here." he said, standing in front of me, CD in hand.

"Hey Masen. Yeah...I do. Why...would you know that I work here?" I asked in confusion as I scanned his purchase.

"I come here all them time." he answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

Well that certainly makes my life easier.

Note the sarcasm.

"Oh. I've never seen you in here before..." I said warily.

Maybe I have...a few times. It's hard to remember.

"Me either...well...I haven't seen you, but still."

"I got what you meant." I said with a small laugh. "Ugh. My head hurts."

"Shane! Look alive. Customers!" my boss yelled as I set my head on the counter.

I flinched at his loud voice and heard Masen laugh.

"What is so funny, mister?" I asked.

"He's a dick." he replied.

"Thanks for the newsflash. You'd better go before he yells at me for...something." I said, waving my hand vaguely.

"Nah. It's fine. He won't yell at you for talking to me. I'm his favorite." he said laughing.

I rolled my eyes.

"So...when do you get off?"

I raised an eyebrown at him.


"Well...I was thinkin...maybe we could hang out again. There's still so much more we need to learn about each other!" he replied.

"Ah. I get off at three. So in...five hours." I groaned.

I hate working, if you haven't noticed.

But it's nice to have the money.

"Alright. I'll be back at three and then we can go...to the park...or something." he said, starting towards the door.

"OK. Bye, Masen." I said, waving.

"Bye, Shane." he replied, waving back and walking out the door.

I shook my head and laid my head back on the counter.

"SHANE!" my boss yelled

"RIGHT! Customers. Got it."
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haha i like this chapter.
ily ^_^ <3