Sequel: White Lilies

Black Roses

Part One

She sat behind the counter of ‘The Coffee House’ reading a story on Iron Maiden in the latest Kerrang magazine. Her black nail varnish decorated fingers drumming a random tune on the counter top.
She checked the time; just 10 more minutes until she could leave.
“Er excuse me?” This was her cue; she raised her head and slid the magazine onto the hidden shelf behind the counter.
Standing before her was a guy. But not just any guy. The guy.
The guy whose voice she listened to almost every day; the front man of her favourite local band Pencey Prep; Frank Iero.
She forced her lips into forming a smile. “How may I help you?” She asked, wishing she didn’t look so dorky with the green ‘Coffee House’ apron covering her Black Flag t-shirt and the equally as green cap sheltering her hazel eyes and hiding her long black hair from view.
“Could I have one of those please?” He replied pointing to a chocolate ringed donut.
She wished she could say something witty to at least start up a conversation…but instead she found herself lamely quoting the price to him.
He looked up and smiled; his eyes lingering on her nametag.
“Well,” he grinned “Thanks Taylor!” he added a wink before leaving.
She thought she was gunna melt.

“Taylor! You’re late!” A voice came from the sofa when Taylor entered the place she called home.
“Sorry mom!” She replied trying to sound as cheerful as possible. “So what’re we watching tonight?” She added; Friday nights were movie night, they always had been. She and her mom were really close; she’d never known her father and was an only child.
Her mom smiled “Don’t seem too disappointed hon but…” Taylor rolled her eyes “I got Nightmare Before Christmas out at the rental store!”
Taylor grinned; her bad mood disappearing: Nightmare Before Christmas was her favourite film.

“She’s a bad influence on me!” Taylor laughed to her best friend; Ella.
Ella rolled her eyes. “So it’s your mom’s fault that you stayed up till two in the morning and watched Nightmare Before Christmas 3 times even though she went to bed after the 1st?”
Taylor narrowed her eyes. “Why’re you sticking up for her?” she questioned jokingly only to get a laugh off Ella as an answer.
To look at both girls you’d think they were totally different; Ella with bright blonde hair and sparkly hazel eyes, only separating herself from the preppys with the band t-shirts and tight jeans she wore…oh and the music you’d hear if you ever flicked through her C.D. collection.
Taylor leant her head on the counter; she’d started work at 10, Ella had come to annoy her at half past.
“Ahh what’s this?” Ella smirked pulling the Kerrang magazine from the hidden shelf under the counter. “Oooh! Iron Maiden!”
Taylor rolled her eyes and leant back in her chair.
“You coming to the Pencey Prep gig tonight?” Ella asked from behind the magazine.
“Duh!” Taylor laughed “They’re like my favourite band at the minute!”
“Cool, you can pay for my ticket,” Ella answered absent mindedly.
She lowered the magazine “Please Tay! I’m broke!”
Taylor sighed jokingly “Ok then,” She smiled.