Sequel: White Lilies

Black Roses

Part Ten

“I miss Bob,” Ella pouted dropping the latest Kerrang on the counter top in front of Taylor.
“He’s only gunna be gone a few days!” Taylor exclaimed picking the, already battered, magazine up. “What have you been doing with this?”
Ella thought about joking that there was a super hot picture of Mike Dirnt that she had needed ‘alone time’ with…but instead mumbled “I met Gerard, Ray, Mikey and Frank on the way over here, they wanted to read it.”
Taylor frowned “What’s up? I expected you to try and gross me out by saying there was a hot picture of Billie J-”
She knows me to well
“Actually it was Mike Dirnt,” Ella sighed, moving a chair to next to the counter. “And you know what’s wrong!”
“He’ll be back the day after tomorrow!” Taylor said as she read the K! letters sent in by readers.
Bob had boarded a plane back to Chicago in the early hours of the morning. He’d gone back for more of his stuff after deciding to stay in New Jersey for a little while longer.
He’d also promised to bring back a surprise…and it had been bugging Taylor ever since he left. She wasn’t good with surprises…

Taylor pulled her long, dripping wet hair into a ponytail and began applying her makeup.
“Looking hawt girl-friend!!” Gerard exclaimed when she’s finished in the bathroom and entered her bedroom.
Gerard and Frank had turned up on her doorstep at 6pm. They had decided (along with Mikey and Ray) to attempt to cheer Ella up.
“As do you,” Taylor replied ruffling his hair. He was lying on his stomach on top of her lime green bed covers.
Frank was seated across the room at her desk, his feet up resting them on some un-identifiable papers.
“So what’re we doing ton-” her eyes widened when she noticed that Frank had her sketch book open on his lap. She surged forward to take it off him; it was like her diary. He was too quick for her and stood up; holding the book above his head. “Frank you fucker! Give. It. Me. Back!”
Frank smirked and shook his head; he climbed onto the chair so the book was even further away from her grasp.
She groaned in frustration and also climbed onto the chair.
She grabbed the front of his t-shirt and pulled him so close to her that their noses were touching. She smiled sweetly “Can I have my book back please?”
He shook his head again. “No. I like it.”
She sighed and let go of him. A worried look crossed his face as he wobbled on the chair.
“Don’t you dare,” she whispered.
“Sorry,” he mouthed, giving in and falling on top of her. Both of them landing on her bedroom floor with a loud bang.
Gerard looked up from the magazine he’d been reading and rolled his eyes. “Will you two please get a room?”