Sequel: White Lilies

Black Roses

Part Fourteen

“TAYLOR!!” Came a shout. Taylor looked up to see Ella running into The Coffee House, staff and customers giving her strange looks.
“Hey El,” Taylor smiled replacing her green Coffee House apron with her Guns ‘n’ Roses hoodie and taking off her dorky hat so her long hair could flow freely down her back.
They made the fifteen minute drive to the club the guys were scheduled to play at.
Taylor’s eyes widened at the queue of people lined up waiting to go inside. She knew Newark liked to hear new bands but this was exceptional.
“Wow,” she muttered. The last time she had seen a line like this was the Pencey Prep gig. Her thoughts wandered to Frank and she wondered if he’d be at this gig; she was yet to hear of PP’s split…
“I know! Lucky we have these passes!” Ella smirked holding some Access All Area passes up. “Jeez just look what a kickass band name will give ya…”
Taylor frowned “What is their band name?”
“My Chemical Romance.”
“Damn that is good,” Taylor whispered as Ella parked the car.
With some other pass Ella pulled out of her jeans pocket, the two girls skipped the long queue and went straight backstage.
Gerard ditched the eyeliner he was applying as soon as he saw the two. He made his way over and pulled Ella into a hug.
“Why hello Taylor,” he smirked.
“Hey Gerard, what’s up?” she replied as though they hadn’t discussed that ‘deal’ “I’ll leave you two alone,” she smirked, winking.
She made her way over to where Charlotte was sat. “Hey girl,” she grinned.
“Oh hey Taylor!” Charlotte grinned back “Want a skittle?”

Half an hour of Taylor, Ella and Charlotte messing about on the couch while the guys stayed hidden and got ready passed and it was time for the show to start.
The three girls congregated next to the stage.
A strange dark haired lad clutching drumsticks was 1st to venture on the stage.
“Who was that?” Taylor mouthed to Ella and Charlotte, a confused look on her face.
“Oh that’s Matt. When we 1st saw the guys play Bob was only filling in, he’s acting as sound guy tonight. Matt’s My Chem’s actual drummer,” Ella explained.
Mikey was next to don the stage. “Wish me luck,” he said smiling nervously.
Taylor hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. “I know you’ll do awesome Mikey boy,” she grinned ruffling his hair.
Up next was Ray. He blew a kiss to each of the girls before running onstage.
“Do I get the same treatment as Mikey?” Came a voice. Taylor turned around to see Frank pouting at her.
“Er…yea okay,” Taylor stuttered, awkwardly hugging him and pecking him on the cheek. “G…good luck.”
Gerard smirked at her as he passed giving her the urge to show him a certain two finger gesture. She decided against it as he made his way over to Ella and kissed her sweetly on the lips.
“How’re you guys all doing out there??” Gerard shouted into the microphone. The cheer of 150 people was his answer. “To start I’m going to introduce you to the members that make up My Chem. To start we have Matt Pelissier on drums!” Another cheer went up as Matt played a mind blowing 30 second solo. “Ray Toro on lead guitar!” Ray launched into a solo worthy of Slash or Brian May “Mikey Way on bass!” Mikey smiled nervously and waved “Frank Iero on rhythm guitar!” Frank’s solo was a lot more punk rock and upbeat.
Once his solo had finished he let go of the neck of his guitar to point in Gerard’s direction “And our awesome front man Gerard Way!”
Gerard carried on “This song is called Our Lady of Sorrows…”

“Told you you’d rock!” Taylor exclaimed when Mikey ran offstage and hugged her.
“That was awesome guys!” Charlotte grinned holding Bob’s hand.
Ella and Gerard were too busy making out to say anything.
“Can I talk to you?” Frank asked grabbing Taylor’s hand and dragging her to where they could talk in private.
“What’s up?” she questioned.
“I want us to put all the awkward-ness to one side,” Frank said, noticing Taylor’s confused expression he carried on. “I am sorry I was a bitch to you when we 1st met Tay. I just want us to be mates.”
She smiled and hugged him “Me too.”
“Hey how’re you at playing pranks?”
She grinned “I am the Queen of prank pulling!”
“Yes!” he laughed and hi-fived her. “Now, a few days ago Gerard hid Pansy, my Les Paul, from me. Might not seem much to you but that thing’s my baby! You got any ideas on revenge?”