Sequel: White Lilies

Black Roses

Part Three

Taylor didn’t even think about resurfacing from her room until way past noon. Sunday’s were her days off.
“Tay! Ella’s here!” Her mom shouted, knocking on Taylor’s bedroom door.
“Ugh. Tell her to come up here,” Taylor replied, her voice muffled as she had her face buried in her pillow.
“Er…Bob’s with her…”
Taylor sat up. “Just send them both up here,” She sighed, rubbing sleep from her dull, tired hazel eyes.
As she pulled a pair of skinny blue jeans over her legs and one of her many Black Flag tour t-shirts over her head; she heard two pairs of feet climbing the stairs.
She was running a brush through her hair when the door handle turned and Bob pushed Ella into the room. Who landed on Taylor’s bedroom floor, her hands outstretched to try and cushion her fall. She stood and brushed herself down.
“Don’t’cha just love him,” She said rolling her eyes.
Taylor laughed as she finished off outlining her eyes with black liner, mascara and her usual bright green eye shadow.
“BOB!” She exclaimed dropping her make up to dramatically run and jump on Bob to hug him.
“Yea…I missed you too!” He laughed.

He stepped out of the house, rubbing sleep out of his eyes and also blocking the way too bright sun.
He checked his watch; 1:01pm exactly. He was 1 minute late but knew (or hoped) the guys wouldn’t mind.
Yawning widely he pushed the door of the music store (which seemed heavier then usual…he knew he shouldn’t have tried to jump off those amps last night…), situated around the corner from his house, open.
He spotted who he was looking for almost immediately.
He walked up and placed a hand on the guys with long messed up black hair staring at the Iron Maiden C.D.’s shoulder.
“Oh.My.God! Gerard’s out in daylight!!”
Brushing his hair off his face Gerard rolled his eyes. “Yea, nice to see you too Frank.”

“Yea, so, I just wanna get the Guns ‘n’ Roses album then we can leave!” Taylor explained as she put her hand on the door to the music store and pushed it open.
“But I’m already late!” Bob whined.
“What’re you late for?” Ella questioned narrowing her eyes at her brother.
“And I should tell you why?” Bob replied hands on hips.
As she laughed at her two friends Taylor didn’t see the guy walking past. Well until she stepped back, knocking what he was carrying out of her hands.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed kneeling down to pick his stuff up.
“Er…Taylor isn’t it?” he asked scratching the back of his neck nervously.
She frowned and lifted her head quickly. Her heart almost stopped. Standing infront of her was Frank Iero.