Lips Lie, Talk Is Cheap


I leaned against the wall, in the corner of Zack’s garage playing with my lighter. The place filled up with a strange scent of smoke and grease. I ran my index over the flame. Band practice finished twenty minutes ago. Alex and Zack were cuddling up to their lovers. I didn’t fit in with the boy’s girlfriends, to put it simple I’m not known as a good girl.

“So what do you think of the song Holly?” Alex asked.

“I absolutely loved it.” She replied with her sweet sugary voice. Holly jumped to hug her boyfriend, wrapping her hands around his neck. I rolled my eyes. Seeing them together makes me so sick. Every time I see them cuddling up the jealousy rises in me.

Alexander William Gaskarth, my alluring friend. He has been my best friend since we were five year olds. He: the lyricist and the manwhore. Holly has been his two year girlfriend. The perfect girl for any boy: blond hair, blue eyes, class president, head cheerleader, bubbly sometimes rather annoying.

“Are you ok?” Jack shook me by the arm. “Allison?” When I heard my name, I lifted my head to face him.

I stared at him blankly for a moment and nodded “Yeah, I’m fine Jacko” I smiled broadly before hugging him. He rested his head on my shoulder “Ew! Jack you smell! And you’re all sweaty.” I said pushing him away.

“But you find it appealing, don’t you sugar lips?” He said with a crooked smile holding his hands out for me.

I playfully smacked his arm “I told you not to call me that.”

He took me by the chin and pulled me closer to his face, merely inches apart of my own “Aw but your lips are so sweet Alliebear.”

I stepped away in disbelief “Don’t you dare to do that again.”

“Why not sugar lips? You don’t have a boyfriend.” Jack said pointedly.

“I’m not the type of girl for you Jack.”

“Why not?”

“Because… I… “ I couldn’t tell him the truth, I stared up to the ceiling hoping for a quick answer “ You deserve someone better than me.”

“I want you Allison, why can’t you understand that? I don’t care what everyone else thinks.” He took my hand and stared at me deeply in the eyes.

“Why me?”

“Because everyone gets in your pa-“ Rian tried to reply.

“Hey Allison come over here!” Zack interrupted flashing one of his killer smiles, “Alex why don’t you tell them?”

I jumped on Zack’s back “So you have something important to tell us dear Alex?”

Alex winked at me and grinned “Yes dollface…” He played with the cup in his hands and a smirk tugging his lips he said “We got signed and we’re doing warped this summer!”

“Sweet!” Before I could even get off Zack, Jack pulled me down to embrace me in a bear hug.

“Jack, I can’t breathe.” I muffled pressed against his chest.

“Yeah I know” he chuckled slightly.

“Jack you’re squishing me”

“I can’t hear you” He sang out.

“Jack you’re squishing my baby!”

“What?!” Alex asked at the same time that Jack let me go, he looked pale.

“Fooled you.” I grinned.

“I thought you were serious.” Jack said with a frown.

“Well Jackie, as you said so, I don’t have a boyfriend, so how could I possibly get pregnant?” I smothered a grin to Alex while I hugged Rian and Zack, not with the same affection that I have for Jack.

“Alliebear, don’t you have a hug for me?” Alex pleaded with puppy eyes.

I walked up to his open arms. “That wasn’t funny Alliebear” he whispered. My response was a kiss on his cheek.

“Allison, do you want me to drive you home?” Alex asked taking his bag from the table.

“But Alex, I thought you said we would go out.” Holly lilted tracing her fingers on his chest.

Alex shrugged and sent me an apologetic look “It’s ok Alex, I can take a cab.”

“No you’re not, I’m taking you home.” Jack said hugging me with a smile.

“Thanks Jack.”

“It’ll be my pleasure”

“See you tomorrow guys” I waved back at them and tugged arms with Jack as lead me to his car. He dropped me home and not even 20 minutes later my phone started ringing.

“How’s my favorite whore?”

“What do you want now Alex?”

“Can I go over?”

“No, you’re supposed to be with your little girlfriend.”

“Aw, you are jealous” Alex cooed.

“Am not!”

“Ok, so I’ll be there.”

“But-“ He hung up on me. I smiled smugly applying carefully some makeup as fast as I could, having enough time to fix my hair. Knock. I smiled to myself. Knock. I took my time to walk down the stairs. Knock again. I stood behind the door laughing for a moment.

“Coming” I said before opening the door.

“You bet I am” Alex smirked walking in. “Did you miss me sweetheart?” He shut the door behind him before pinning me against the wall, crashing his lips against mine.

“You’ve got no idea” I mumbled with heavy breathing upon his mouth before kissing him. “I want you so bad.”

“You can’t resist me could you?” Alex asked in a seductive whisper. “I need you Allison. Now, can we make it to your room?”

“Follow me Mr. Gaskarth.” I pulled on his hand with a mischievous grin and lead him upstairs.
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New story ^_^
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