Lips Lie, Talk Is Cheap

We've got more than we know

“Allison, wake up! Damnit you’re going to be late for school!” As an automatic response to my sister’s annoying voice my body started stirring under the warm sheets. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy face. Then I saw Alex’s tousled hair over my pillow and his bare back, with a sigh I started to shake him. “Alex you need to get your ass out of here.” No response “Alex, wake up!”
After two completely unsuccessful minutes, I gave up knowing that Alex is a very heavy sleeper. I took a towel and trudged to my bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes and entered the shower. Feeling the hot water fall on my body was so relaxing. When I was washing my hair, I heard the glass door slide open. Alex had stepped in. “Gaskarth what do you think you’re doing?”

“What does it look like? I’m taking a shower with you.” He said nonchalantly pouring shampoo on his hand, he rubbed his palms before proceeding to wash his hair.

“Alex I’m naked! Get out!”

“Someone is quite modest; I’ve seen you naked before, what’s the big deal? “ I laughed at his cynicism. “And it’s also a fun way to save water.” He added while a smirk was tugging the sides of his lips “You know you want my sexy body.” Before Alex could get any closer with his raging hormones, I grabbed my towel and walked out of the small prism.

I walked to my closet and pulled on boy shorts and a bra. I was trying to find a shirt when I felt Alex’s hands snake around my waist. He picked me up with a smirk gracing his lips, I giggled as he pushed me against the bed. Alex placed kisses on my stomach and I giggled more “You’re not supposed to be laughing, this should turn you on.”

“But it tickles”

“Oh, does it?” He smirked and moved to my neck, nibbling and sucking. His mouth sent pleasure through my body. I moaned softly tugging his freshly washed apple scented hair.

“Alex don’t, if you keep doing that we’ll never get out.”

“That’s exactly what I want. Spend the whole day in your bed.” He mumbled breathlessly against my skin.

“Holly wouldn’t like that.” As if her name was an enchantment or something alike, Alex’s hands and mouth stopped. “Speaking of her, I thought you would spend the night with her, what happened?”

“Do we have to talk about her right now?”

“Well she’s your girlfriend.” I said bitterly.

“You’re jealous?”

“Of her? Oh please, she’s all petty, I am so much better than her.”

“And I thought I was the cocky one.” Alex smiled smugly “If you think you’re better than her, you’ll have to prove that.”

I got on top of him and pressed myself against him, I made my way back to his mouth and playfully bit his bottom lip to later trace with my lips his jaw line, a moan escaped Alex’s mouth, “You’re welcome.” I smirked pleased and stood up. His confused face was so amusing. “Sorry kid, I need to get dressed.”

I could see through the mirror how he stared at me, sitting on the edge of my bed. I applied my usual eyeliner and mascara, something simple, his eyes still over me. I took a glance at the mirror and freaked “You idiot, you gave me a hickey!”

“It’s a love mark.”

“But you don’t love me Alex.”

“Who said I don’t?”

“You never said you did. Now would you please stop staring at me?” I asked with a rough tone while drying my hair.

He kept his eyes on my body as he slipped on his dirty jeans and pulled his head through his shirt, he took the hair dryer from my hand and turned it off. I glared him venomously, he walked closer and took my hand between his “Allison I know you hate the subject but, are you ok?”

“Of course I’m fine.”

“I mean, you look… skinnier.”

“And your legs are hairy but I don’t complain.” I seethed. He fought back the smile that was curling his lips, dramatically he narrowed his eyes.

“Dollface seriously, are you ok?”

“I said yes.” I retorted.

“Allison you know I’ll always be here for you.” Alex’s rough hands took my face “You are just perfect the way you are.”

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I was sick of getting that shit from everyone around me. “I am not. You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, I am aware that I am so fat I’m disgusting.”

“Dollface, you are beautiful, I like you the way you are.”

“Oh please Alex.” I laughed harshly “You don’t, I’m just your fuck buddy. You don’t have to pretend you care.”

“I’m not faking anything, I mean it. You should know that, you’re my best friend since ever, you’ve always been there for me...” He sighed “I’m sorry for making you feel bad.” He stroked my hair gingerly. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

“Just don’t touch the subject ok?” he stared stiffly, and finally nodded “one last thing, kiss me.”

“You are a little demanding.” He chuckled and pressed his lips upon mine gently. “I have to go.” He walked away and as he opened the door, he stopped on his tracks “I forgot one thing.” He walked up to me and kissed me once again.

The door swung open “Hey Allie, I’m sorry but I can’t take you to school because I have to-"

“Holly shit! What the fuck is this?” She quaked covering her eyes.

“This is Alex.”

“I already know that, I mean what is he doing here? And why are you only in underwear?”

“Well Sam seeing that you are quite naïve, I’ll explain simply, Alex came over last night and we were bored so we thought, ‘hey why don’t we sex up’? So here he is.”

Alex laughed madly “What’s so funny? You know my father is going to kill you when he gets back.” Alex tightened his grip around me and kissed my nose.

“You guys are so gross!” She exclaimed throwing her arms to the air.

Alex smiled as Samantha shut the door behind her. “Nice seeing you.”

“Ok, I better get going, I’m sure my parents are already up, good thing I live next door. I’ll just have breakfast and I’ll be here to drive you to school. I also have to change.” He continued rambling on with stuff as he walked out. I held back a smile and got dressed, my usual skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt, to my simple outfit I added a black vest and a scarf, stupid Alex.

“Since when are you and that kid going out?” My sister immediately questioned me as I pranced downstairs with my tote bag. Since mom died, when I was four, my sister Samantha, being three years older took the mother role in the house. She would always help me with my homework, make sure I was ok, I honestly felt bad for her because she wasted all her spare time trying to teach me how to be a good girl.

“We’re not; I’m just his good buddy.”

“Are you out of your mind? You can’t just sleep with him.”

“He’s not any guy, he’s been my best friend. He wanted it and so did I. You know things just happen.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She crooned leaning against the wall.

“Oh please, not you too. Listen, I have enough people telling me what I should do, I don’t need anyone else, I do what I want, stop acting like my mother and get a life.” I exited the house running on the perfect lawn to get next door, I knocked hastily the door.

“Good morning Mrs. Gaskarth.”

“Oh, good morning Allison, Alex is having breakfast would you like to come in?”

It felt so awkward to be around Alex's mother “Sure.”

I followed her to the dinning room “Alex your friend is here.”

“Morning dollface.”

“Dollface? Is that what you call your friend?” She blurted.

“Yes Mrs. Gaskarth, as you know Alex and I are really close friends.”

She crossed her arms looking unconvinced until Alex beckoned for her to leave. “Want to have breakfast with me?”

I shook my head without looking at him or whatever he was eating “Can we just go?”

“Yeah sure.” He swallowed his juice and got up. “Ok, I’m ready.” He took his bag from the floor and wrapped an arm around my shoulder walking me to the car. “I’m going to miss you dollface.”

“We still have time before summer.” I consoled as the still wintry wind ruffled our hair. All the way to high school or hell however you prefer to call it, we sang along to Blink 182’s “First Date”, “Rock Show” and “What’s my age again.”

We both got out of the car, I rolled my eyes when I heard a pair of clinging heels catch up with us “Alex baby, I missed you so much.” Dear Holly decided to show up and ruin my day.
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Also Renae
has a story