Lips Lie, Talk Is Cheap

Warning sign

Days at school went faster than usual. They only seemed to take one eternity instead of two. Dad came home from his business trip, so the week passed without Alex´s so infamous nightly visits. Anyway, it was already lunch time. I paced slowly, not wanting to reach the loud table. Cigarette in hand, a bad habit of mine to replace food.

“T-time! T-time!” Jack screamed dodging a fry and then I saw the lanky figure walking arms open towards me. I couldn’t but smile back to his over excited voice “Allison!”

“Jacko!” This kid always makes me feel better, as some say, it’s his gift. I bounced in front of him a couple of times clapping my hands.

“Ok that’s enough” he snapped. “That’s bad for your health.” Without taking his eyes from mine he pushed the cancer stick out of my mouth crashing it against the floor.

“You’re no fun Mr. Grownup Pants.” I stuck out my lower lip crossing my arms.

“Yes I am, and you love me.” He chuckled putting an arm around me and dragging me to the table. I took my usual seat without taking my eyes from the pavement, I placed my hands on my lap waiting for his rough hands to take mine like always, but when that didn’t happen I looked up “Where the hell is Alex?” I wondered out loud.

“He’s making out with Holly, who knows maybe more.” Rian grinned. My heart sank. She is his girlfriend even if he doesn’t respect their relationship. Why do I have to feel this?

“Think fast girl” before I knew what was going on, a grape bounced off my face. Everyone madly cracked up. The banter continued and in a couple of minutes, Jack’s order of fries were scattered around the table along with some pieces of fruit. How did I end up being friends with these kids?

Zack was doodling stick figures with ketchup “You suck Zack” I laughed and took some tomato sauce from the stick figures that according to him were making out. “Hey you ruined my piece of art.” He pouted; he looks adorable pouting might I add.

I shrugged and covered Jacks face. He looked surprised for a moment and then he smiled like a five year old who just got a new bicycle. “What?” I asked curiously.

“You’ll have to pay for what you just did”

“And how is that?”

“Well” He slyly smirked “you have to go out with me.”

I laughed until realizing that he was being serious. “What if I don’t want to?”

“You’ll have to sooner or later I’ll insist until you accept, I won’t give up” He whispered with his hot breathe trickling my ear.

With his hands he took some ketchup and smeared it on my face. “I hate you Jack.”

“No you don’t, you love me.” He smiled and stood on the messy table “Yeah that’s right people ALLISON LOVES JACK!” his screaming made the heads snap to us, I waved back to them.

“Attention whore” I stuck out my tongue at him and smacked his leg.

“Hey there’s Chelsea” Jack said casually pointing to her. The glimpse of her face replaced Zack's bored expression with the widest smile as he walk to the pretty blonde. They greeted by touching noses and Zack proceeded to kiss her forehead making her take a light shade of pink. Could they get anymore cornier?

“Aw, aren’t they cute?”

“No, they are just sickening.”

“Aw, Allison im sure you’ll find a guy stupid enough to be your boyfriend.” Rian is officially on my list.

Jack got off the table and climbed to my lap “Jack move your bonny ass away from me!” he shook his head reluctantly wrapping his arms around my neck.

“Hey! My butt resents that and you’re not one to speak” Jack scoffed. “My bonny ass and I won’t move until promise you’ll go out with me.”

“Since when are you two going out?” Chelsea asked scornfully taking her seat next to her lover boy.

“They are not, they are just freaky.” Rian smirked. Jack gave him the friendly finger.

The bell rang. My lovely friends dispersed in different ways. I searched in my pocket, for what? My precious cigarettes. I found my last one, crushed by Jack’s weight. I light it. “Are you coming?” I dragged deeply into my lungs before nodding.

Jack gave me a weak smile and walked away “it’s okay, I’ll see you later.”
I walked up to my locker. Empty halls. I took my stuff and checked my clock. Eight minutes late. I sighed and trailed off. “Hey doll face!” I turned quickly to the sound of Alex’s voice, I smiled to myself waiting for him.

“Hey Alex, we missed you at lunch.” I said clinging to his neck.

“I’m sure you did.” I let go of him and waved before walking away, I heard his footsteps behind me. “Where are you going?”

“Calculus class, where else?”

“Skip with me, I’ve missed you” Alex whined taking my hand. He laced our fingers, but they didn’t fit perfectly like in those cliché romantic movies, a sign maybe?

“I can’t.”

“Why? Are you ditching me for Ms. Norbury? Is this humble sinner not worth your time?” He grinned closing the space between us, I shut my eyes. His lips landed on mine moving slowly, tenderly kissing, his arms tightened around my waist. I got lost in the moment and placed my arms around his neck.

“What the hell?!”

Alex pushed me away and tried to act cool “Zack, what’s up man? And what are you doing here?” A smirk played with the edge of my lips as I saw Alex licking his lips.

“So rumors were true. You two have something.” Cue the movie scene where the cheater, aka Alex, comes up with the most stupid excuse saying that it’s not what it looks like.

“Do you honestly think I’m stupid enough to buy that?” I bit my lip to hold back my laughter “I didn’t see anything. But I need to talk with you Alex.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took forever to update, but I really liked this one
this one is for Renae <3
Comments make me so happy ^_^