Speed Dialing

Plane Antics


“All right, so we’re all here?” I questioned. It hadn’t taken me more than a second to confirm that the rest were here, along with Marilyn.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re all here, let’s go all ready!” Frank complained, obviously over excited about this whole trip. Frank took this chance to lead the rest of us to the flight attendant who was taking our tickets one by one. By this time, my hand was at Marilyn’s hip, bringing her closer to me as we walked. Marilyn‘s head leaned against my upper arm as she seemed so content. Around her neck was my very own red and black scarf. The scarf hung around her neck loosely and met at her lower abdomen. I leaned in and brushed my lips against her soft cheek just before giving the flight attendant my ticket.
Marilyn’s hand lifted to give her own ticket to the same woman, thus letting us both get on the plane.
“You’re so quiet.” I finally told her as we were now sitting in our seats. Next to me was Mikey, who was talking to Ray, who was on the opposite side of the string of seats.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m just thinking.” Marilyn said, her eyes scanning the whole plane before finally landing on my own eyes. “About what?” I questioned, playfully resting my head on her exposed shoulders.
“I just feel like something bad is going to happen.” She confessed, looking down and messing around with her fingers. “Bad?” I rose a brow, “Well, don’t think about that, because it might happened.” I teased, shifting the way my head rested on hers so I could playfully bite her skin.
Marilyn squeaked, causing the people in front of us to turn around and give us a look. I snickered, “Sorry.” I apologized, kissing the skin that I had just bitten. Marilyn made a face, “That wasn’t nice.” She commented. “Well, I tend to not be nice at times.” I told Marilyn, chuckling. I then heard my name being called my Ray, causing me to lift my head and turn around.
“Yeah?” I looked at Ray, who then spoke, “Remember Bob? He’s coming too.” I grinned lightly, “That’s awesome.” Bob really was a cool guy, in general. He knew when to mess around and when to be serious, which was a quality hardly found now a days.
“Yeah, right?” Ray replied, “He’ll be helping us with sound since The Used are off tour for now.” Ray added, then turning around to end the conversation. I grinned and then turned back to Marilyn, who looked highly confused.
“Oh, Bob? He’s an awesome guy, don’t worry.” I just gave her a short summary. Besides, she could find out who he was soon anyway, right?
“Gee, that’s descriptive!” Marilyn remarked with sarcasm. I laughed and leaned in to bite her earlobe. Marilyn stayed quiet this time and I rose a brow at this, but then ignored it in the end. I pulled away and poked her side, sighing heavily. “That’s the one thing I hate about being on a plane,” I stated, “There’s nothing to do!”
Marilyn just simply laughed, “It’ll all be worth it in the end. I mean, we’re going to Japan! This is also going to my first tour with you guys!” She was really excited and the constant smile on her lips proved that. I nodded and then leaned in to softly press my lips against hers, capturing them as I let my hand rest on her neck. Marilyn happily agreed to this, her lips moving along with mine as my tongue slithered in. It wasn’t long before Marilyn pulled away with another smile.
“I am in love with your smile.” I commented before lightly kissing her lips once more, pulling away, only not quite. My lips still rested behind hers and I then whispered;
“Without you, I’d disappear.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly think this sucked. I need my writing skills back! ;o;
Okay, so this story is going to end quite soon.
Sequel or not?