The Red Eyes

The Girl

I may be confused at times and maybe a little weird, but I was NOT mistaken when I saw something out of this world. You see, there's a rule at my school, Crisnap Jr. High, that none of the students could talk to the kids from Blackburnt. They were known to be goths except, they had powers, wings, but not always mean.Some were the evil ones, while others just disliked us good creatures. Personally, I had never seen one myself until one chilly September morning while rushing to school. That's when I saw HER. She was a girl with black wings that hung from her back, a blood red dress, and streaks in her hair. I got so surprised that I ran right past her hoping I would never see her again. When I got to school I told Rena everything. "Do you think I'll see her again?" I asked. "Alda, no offense but you act like you want to see her". Okay so maybe I did, but this was like nothing I had ever seen, and I wanted to know more about her. "See who?" asked my other friend Alyssa. "This girl from Blackburnt school, Alda said she had black wings, blood red dress and black hair with streaks" Rena said. Alyssa's eyes widened and she walked away without saying a word. "Is she okay?" Rena asked. "Maybe, yea she's okay." But to be honest I had wasn't sure.
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This is the first chapter of "The Red Eyes" and my first book and yes I know the chapters are short but whatever. Enjoy! Check out chapter 2 after.