Anything But This...


"Miss Wood? Are you still there?"
I remained silent. What had happened to Max?
"Yes, sorry... What happened?"
He seemed to have been waiting for that question.
"The crash happened at an intersection. A Landrover ran a red light and hit Mr Eros."
I scambled for the right words, "Is he ok?"
"He's alive...." he replied grimly.
"What hospital is he in?"
I hung up. I didn't need to know any more information from a middle-aged police officer who obviously drew the short stick to ring the 'girlfriend'. I hated pity.

I ran to Linton Street Station and caught the next train to Greenwood Memorial. Luckily I already knew where it was. All the times I had visited Eps in hospital after she had endured yet another epileptic fit caused me to know the route off-by-heart. Igot off the train and ran into the hospital reception.
"Excuse me, could you please tell me where Max Eros is?"
The nurse typed on the keyboard.
"He only just came in and is..." she paused.
"... currently in surgery."
I looked around impatiently.
"How long for?"
She looked at the computer, yet she was not to find any answers there.
"I'm not sure. We don't even know the extent of his injuries. I'm sorry I can't tell you anything else."
I blew a clump of hair out of my face and stomped towards a bench on which to sit on. After ten minutes, I decided to put my feet at one end and lean against the wall. How long would I have to wait to see him? I desparately wanted to know if he was ok, and waiting combined with my impatient nature was making me rather mad.

Before I knew it, I was laying down, with me head resting on my bag. I was still in my uniform, so I was a bit cold. I grabbed my coat out of my bag and used it as a blanket.
Time? 4:23pm.
I had been waiting for a bit over half an hour. i rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes. How long was I going to have to wait? How long would the surgery take? What was happening to him as he lies on the surgery table? Where the doctors and nurses taking care of him? Of course! Don't be silly, Vee. I told myself. I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes. The ceiling paint had cracked long ago and whole sections of paint had begun to peel off. Great to know that the hospitals are being taken care of.

I closed my eyes again and waited for about another ten minutes before falling asleep.


Noises. Increasing. Loud. Very loud.

My eyes began to twitch and I opened my eyes. A blanket had been placed on my cold frame. I looked around and saw the reception was much fuller than it had been before, not to mention that outside had become much darker. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at the clock on the wall.
I had slept for a bit over five hours. Wow. Then I remembered why I was here in the first place. I practically flew off the bench to the front desk.
"Do you have any more information on Max Eros?"
The receptionist typed in her keyboard. He eyes darted over the screen and she pursed her lips. She turned her head to me.
"And?" I asked as impatient as ever.
She took a breath. Was it that hard to tell me?
"What happened for crying out loud?" I raised my voice a little louder than necessary.
"He's stable-"
I sighed deeply.
"-but in a coma."
"Is he going to be ok?"
"At this stage? We can't make any guesses," She answered her own question.
"Is it possible for me to visit him? I know visiting hours are well over, but I just need to give him something," I pleaded.
The receptionist turned away from me and scratched her chin.
"You do realise that I'm not allowed to let any visitors in after six?"
"Yes..." I said and my head dropped down.
"But I might be able to make an excuse for you... Intensive Care, Room 41. Here's a spare set of keys."
She handed me a single key.
I took it and walked very fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOO!! This is a pretty average cliff hanger, but MEH... i still have ppl reading this so yeah... Please comment and I shall be a happy child!